My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 523 The Escaped Team

"In other words, not only did you fail to recruit them, but you also made their hatred of us worse?"

"Yes, yes, Chief!"

Jackal picked up the vase next to him and patted Niu Daxin on the head. ♦♦  ♦♦

With a crisp sound, another cut appeared on Niu Daxin's head, but this time Niu Daxin didn't make any sound. It's not that he got beaten more, but that the blow just hit Niu Daxin's temple. , the blow just now knocked him unconscious to the ground, and there was no way he could make a sound.


Jackal who knocked out Niu Daxin didn't feel any guilt at all. Instead, he felt that Niu Daxin was really a waste, and he fell to the ground just because of this little injury.

"Since they can't be used by me, they have no reason to live. Come on!"

After the jackal called out loudly, someone immediately pushed the door open and came in. Then he half-knelt in front of the jackal respectfully and lowered his head and called out.


"Take a few people and go to the iron prison and kill all the police who don't listen to me!"


The man who was half-kneeling on the ground agreed to the Jackal's request without hesitation, and then turned around and left, apparently to carry out the Jackal's order.

At the same time, the soldiers who left the stadium gathering place were about to reach their long-cherished destination, the train station.

If Cai Wenjie were here, he would have recognized that the leading soldiers who left the stadium gathering place were none other than the officer who was standing guard when Cai Wenjie and others had not yet developed.

"Everyone, hold on for a while. We are about to pass through the city. Don't let down your guard!"


Because this area is not within the scope of the train station, Song Yi and others stationed at the train station did not clean up the zombies in this area, so there may be zombies or mutated creatures hidden everywhere here.

Their team had lost an important comrade because they were too relaxed before, so even if they didn't say anything this time, they would instinctively start to be more vigilant about the nearby environment to avoid another tragedy.

Sure enough, just as the team was passing through a pedestrian street, a power-type mutant zombie suddenly rushed out from the buildings on both sides of the pedestrian street. The power-type mutant zombie broke through the glass door of the store and grabbed the motorcycle on the side. , and threw it towards the team.


Fortunately, this kind of random throwing without accuracy did not hit anyone. Otherwise, if he was hit, he would probably be turned into a meat pie and there would be no need to save him.

"It's a power mutant zombie, hurry up!"

After the soldiers saw the type of mutant zombies, they immediately decided to run away. The strength-type mutant zombies were not only powerful, but also their flesh and blood became extremely hard. Ordinary light weapons were ineffective against them. Unless it is an anti-equipment weapon or a heavy weapon such as a heavy machine gun, it can harm this power-type mutant zombie.

And now they don't even have any serious weapons, let alone heavy weapons. They have no way to kill this power mutant zombie, so they can only use their own agility and speed advantages to throw away the power mutant zombie behind them. Just fine.

"Don't get together! Run separately!"

In order to get rid of the power mutant zombies faster, everyone chose a direction and ran desperately. However, as the captain of this team, he did not continue running, but chose to stay and break up the rear.

Although he didn't have anti-personnel grenades, he still had a few flash bombs or smoke bombs.

He took out a few smoke bombs and threw them in the direction where others were fleeing. Smoke bombs in reality are not like in games. As long as they explode, they will immediately form a cloud of smoke. Instead, they will take a certain amount of time to generate enough smoke. smoke.

So in order to buy time, he couldn't leave just like that, he could only buy time here.

"Come! Big guy! Look here! Come and eat me!"

The powerful mutated zombies, who were originally chasing the power-type mutant zombies because people were scattered, didn't know which direction to pursue. When they saw a guy not far away actually provoking themselves, their attention was immediately attracted and they headed in his direction without hesitation. Rushed over.

After seeing that the mutated zombie on the opposite side took the bait, he no longer provoked the mutated zombie with words, but started to play King Qin running around the pillar with the powerful mutated zombie around the surrounding obstacles.

Although the power-type mutant zombies have extraordinary strength and physical strength, their speed and agility are not even as good as an ordinary person. Therefore, no matter how hard they try, they cannot catch up with those who are close at hand. The captain in between could only start to rage and roar incompetently.

At this time, the smoke bomb he just threw had begun to hide the surrounding environment with smoke. Seeing this, the captain was no longer willing to deal with this power mutant zombie. He took out a flash bomb and pulled away After taking out the insurance, he threw it at the head of the mutated zombie with all his strength.

"Big guy! Talk about eggplant!"

The captain who made the final provocation turned around and covered his ears and eyes before the flash bomb exploded. The power-type mutant zombie was distracted by the captain and did not notice the flash bomb thrown at him.

With a dull explosion, a dazzling flash of light blinded the eyes of the power-type mutant zombies. The mutant zombies with poor eyesight lost their vision.

And this flash bomb was a flash bomb, which means that this time, not only did the power-type mutant zombies become blind, but also deaf.

After losing their eyesight and hearing, the power-type mutant zombies began to wantonly destroy the surrounding environment like crazy gorillas to vent their anger.

And the people who caused all this have already run away without a trace.

Just as the power-type mutant zombies were destroying everything nearby like crazy, three speed-type mutant zombies followed the sound and came to the vicinity.

These speed-type mutant zombies are not lone rangers like other mutant zombies. Instead, they united together and became a small group of mutant zombies, so there were several mutant zombies here at the same time.

And the speed-type mutant zombies who came here following the sound only saw a crazy power-type mutant zombie and were disappointed and ready to leave.

But God played a joke on them. A small motorcycle suddenly hit the three speed-type mutant zombies. The three speed-type mutant zombies were unable to dodge and were directly hit by the motorcycle hybrid. One of the mutant zombies even died instantly.

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