My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 535 Action Begins

Because there was an important combat mission at night, Cai Wenjie could only return to his room and start a forced rest. Just when Cai Wenjie returned to the room and was about to close the door, a small hand suddenly blocked the action of closing the door. Read М

And the owner of this small hand was Xiang Xue.

"What's wrong? Xiaoxue"

Xiang Xue didn't say much, but flashed into Cai Wenjie's room, then carefully closed the door, and then turned to Cai Wenjie playfully.

"Of course I came to warm the bed, don't worry, I won't do anything"

After saying that, without waiting for Cai Wenjie's response, Xiang Xue jumped on the bed in one step, and then opened the quilt to invite Cai Wenjie.

"You little girl, I'll take care of you"


Time passed quickly, and soon it was nine o'clock in the evening. Cai Wenjie was ready for battle and stood on the playground in the military camp. In front of him stood thirty elite soldiers who were also ready for battle, as well as the soldiers from the original stadium gathering place who were summoned during the day.

After Cai Wenjie leads the team to complete the decapitation mission, these soldiers will cooperate with other soldiers to attack the outer defense of the stadium, and work together with the elite troops inside to completely take down the stadium gathering place.

In addition to wearing exoskeleton armor, each of these elites who are going to carry out the decapitation operation tonight is equipped with a lot of tactical equipment, such as night vision goggles, life detectors, etc.

After all, their mission is to sneak in and assassinate the enemy leader on the opposite side. For the sake of safety and the success rate of the mission, these equipment should be equipped.

"You should know clearly what mission we are going to perform tonight. The main purpose of our dispatch is to rescue the civilians in the stadium gathering area, and those who oppress these civilians are our targets. The appearance of the target person and other information are in your communication equipment. You must remember their appearance well and never miss it! Do you understand?"


"Okay! Everyone get on the car! Let's go!"


Although the mission this time is a decapitation operation, there are many units to cooperate with the operation, so four infantry fighting vehicles and two troop transport trucks were directly dispatched this time. Cai Wenjie and the elite soldiers who performed the decapitation mission will move in infantry fighting vehicles, while the soldiers responsible for follow-up will move in troop transport trucks.

In particular, each troop transport truck can transfer a platoon of soldiers at a time, and two trucks means two platoons, that is, sixty soldiers. After the decapitation mission is successful, these soldiers can cooperate with the firepower of four infantry fighting vehicles to quickly disintegrate the external defense force of the stadium, quickly occupy a favorable position, and suppress the stadium.

Not only these ground forces, Cai Wenjie also specifically ordered the armed helicopters to stand by. After the decapitation operation was completed, the armed helicopters would take off quickly from the Xinguang gathering place, fully armed and rush to the stadium gathering place to carry out ground combat missions, and cooperate with the ground forces to quickly take over the entire stadium gathering place.

The convoy formed by four infantry fighting vehicles and two troop transport trucks slowly left the Xinguang gathering place and began to set off in the direction of YJ City. Because they had to pass through the entire YJ City to reach the stadium, there was no way. Fortunately, the zombies in the entire YJ City were dead and injured, and the number was completely unable to pose a threat to Cai Wenjie's troops, even in the case of night. As long as they did not encounter any zombie tides, the convoy could completely crash through without firing a shot.

Cai Wenjie, who was sitting on the infantry fighting vehicle, was not idle either. He first ordered Cai Liang, who was controlling the drone, to conduct reconnaissance a few hundred meters above the stadium, and update the photos taken every minute to everyone's communication equipment for everyone's reference.

Then he also used the system satellite to observe one by one to avoid any accidents.

In this way, after driving for more than an hour, the convoy stopped three kilometers away from the stadium. In order to prevent people in the stadium from finding out, Cai Wenjie had to lead the troops and walk to the stadium.

After everyone got off the infantry fighting vehicle, Cai Wenjie simply told the other soldiers to prepare for the attack and wait for the signal, and then immediately led 30 people to run towards the stadium. Because of the exoskeleton, even if everyone carried a lot of weapons and equipment, it would not affect their running speed at all. In less than five minutes, Cai Wenjie led people to the parking lot of the stadium.

Because there are many vehicles parked here, it also provides Cai Wenjie with a very secret hiding place.

After arriving at the parking lot, Cai Wenjie raised his right hand and signaled the troops to stop. After everyone stopped, Cai Wenjie carefully checked the stadium's sentry posts with an infrared night vision goggles. Unlike the stadiums where regular soldiers were on guard, the stadiums were now manned by some thugs who took over the gate sentries or other places that should be guarded.

These thugs had not received formal training, so it was no surprise that they did not take their guard duty seriously. Even the largest entrance and exit gate of the stadium was only guarded by two thugs. Moreover, these two thugs were obviously slacking off. Not only did they not take their guard duty seriously, but they gathered together to drink beer and eat peanuts.

"Alas, I really don't know what bad luck I have. I have to stand guard here for two consecutive days. I really envy those guys inside. They can not only slack off at will, but also go to Hongfang to play with women from time to time. Don't you think so?"

"That's right. It's not only freezing here, but you have to stay up all night to guard the gate. And you only get two bottles of beer. I really want to beat up the bastard who is on duty. If he wasn't a relative of the team leader, I would have beaten him to death long ago."

Obviously, the two thugs who were sitting and drinking were very dissatisfied with their experiences, but they had no choice but to drink to pass the time.

Cai Wenjie immediately deduced from the conversation between the two that these people were on guard without a shift change. After learning this information, Cai Wenjie immediately used his own gestures to let the two elite soldiers approach the gate of the stadium, one on the left and one on the right.

When the two soldiers appeared behind the two thugs on guard like shadows, the two men still did not react until a pair of hard arms strangled their necks. They reacted, but it was too late. In less than a moment, two strangled bodies appeared on the ground.

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