My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 45 Yellow Hair

The first leading vehicle was covered with armor, and it was not an ordinary vehicle.

There was a man on the roof of the bus behind them, aiming at them with a gun, which petrified the three young men who were dancing with their hands and feet.

Ma Fangbin's face darkened, and he could only pull out his right hand holding the pistol and raise his hands like the three people.

Cai Wenjie saw all this clearly, and even saw that among the three young men in front, a part of the gun was exposed from the waist of the yellow-haired gangster. Judging from the shape and size, it was probably a pistol, but he didn't know what model it was.

But what is certain is that they are definitely not law enforcement officers. They either picked it up or stole it.

Even if they picked it up, it is impossible for everyone to pick up a handful, so it must be stolen. Cai Wenjie, who was sure of this, took out the VSS and aimed at them without hesitation. As long as they move, Cai Wenjie will shoot without hesitation.

"Song Yi stopped the car in front of the four people and controlled them. I have confirmed that they have at least 2 pistols. Disarm and control them without affecting their own safety."

"Yes! Make sure to complete the task."

After speaking, Cai Wenjie also said to Zhang Fei

"Zhang Fei! Go down and help Song Yi control them later. Be careful!"

"Got it, big brother. Leave it to me."

After thinking for a while, Cai Wenjie shouted to the bottom

"Everyone squat down. After a while, when the car stops, don't let your head show. Do you understand?"


When everyone heard Cai Wenjie's order, no one dared to ask why. They squatted in the middle of the seats obediently, not letting their heads show out of the car window. The teachers quickly notified the students in the front row who did not hear Cai Wenjie's instructions, and then they found a place to squat down.

Soon the car stopped in front of the four people. Song Yi and Zhang Fei quickly got out of the car, pointed their guns at Ma Fangbin and the other four, and turned the gun safety to automatic, ready to shoot at any time.

"Everyone! Listen to my command, turn around and lie down with your hands on your head!"

Ma Fangbin and the other four were already scared when Song Yi and Zhang Fei got off the bus, because the equipment Song Yi and Zhang Fei were wearing reminded them of special police, and the guns in their hands were not easy to mess with. They quickly followed the order and began to turn around and lie down with their heads in their hands.

As the four people lay down, Zhang Fei, who was standing behind them, quickly came behind them and began to search for pistols. Soon, all the belongings of the four people were taken out by Zhang Fei.

Cai Wenjie then got off the bus, came behind the four people, took out the ropes and handcuffs that had been prepared long ago, and handed them to Zhang Fei, and Zhang Fei also handed all the pistols and bullets to Cai Wenjie.

"Tie them all up, tie them up tighter"

Zhang Fei took the rope and handcuffs and responded, then walked towards Ma Fangbin, who was obviously the leader. He pressed his knee against Ma Fangbin's neck to make him unable to move, then handcuffed his hands, then tied his legs together, and tied a knot. The other three were also trapped in the same way.

After Zhang Fei tied them all up, Cai Wenjie signaled Song Yi and Zhang Fei with his eyes to pull them up and face him.

After seeing Cai Wenjie's eye signal, Song Yi and Zhang Fei first pulled them up one by one, then turned to the direction where Cai Wenjie was, kicked them hard in the leg joints and forced them to kneel in front of Cai Wenjie. Looking at the four people in front of him, Cai Wenjie spoke lightly.

"Do you want me to torture you or do you want to tell the truth? I don't have much patience. If you don't speak in the next minute, then what awaits you is..."

Cai Wenjie picked up the captured Type 92 and began to stroke it slowly, speaking in a careless tone. In the eyes of Ma Fangbin and the other four, Cai Wenjie meant that if you don't speak, you will die.

"That military lord, we are just a group of ordinary survivors. These guns were picked up on the road. We didn't fire a single shot."

Ma Fangbin still wanted to defend himself. The other three brothers were so scared that they couldn't speak and could only tremble.

"Didn't fire a single shot?"

Cai Wenjie didn't say much. He directly ejected the magazine, then pulled the chamber to ensure that there was no bullet loaded, and then held the Type 92 upside down in his hand and waved it at Ma Fangbin's face.

There was a sound of bang.

The handle of the Type 92 came into close contact with Ma Fangbin's nose, and Ma Fangbin's nose bled immediately. Ma Fangbin also wailed because of the close contact, and tears flowed unconsciously.

Cai Wenjie did not stop but waved three more times, and only stopped after Ma Fangbin fell down in pain.

Then he wiped his hands and said in an emotionless voice,

"I'm sorry, I see your nose is blocked and you can't even smell the gunpowder, so I helped you clear your nose."

Yes, Cai Wenjie had smelled the gunpowder in the 92-type pistol a long time ago, which means that this gun has been used, but firing in the place where zombies are will definitely cause a zombie tide, so it is certain that this gun is not used to fight zombies.

So what else is there besides zombies? Only humans, Ma Fangbin has fired at humans, and more than once, because there are only 5 bullets left in the magazine, and what does it mean to have only 5 bullets left out of 15 rounds in a full magazine.

Cai Wenjie knew what happened without thinking about it.

So Cai Wenjie used violence for the first time, and he would not be soft-hearted towards scumbags.

Ignoring Ma Fangbin who fell to the ground and twitched, Cai Wenjie looked at the yellow-haired man next to him.

"Say it or not?"

The yellow-haired man was so scared that he peed his pants and said in a terrified voice

"I say, I say, it was all the boss's fault, no, it was all Ma Fangbin's fault, I was just forced, don't kill me, don't kill me. Woo woo"

The yellow-haired man said in a panic, and finally burst into tears.

Cai Wenjie frowned when he heard the yellow-haired man's words, put the magazine back into the pistol, pulled the slide to load it, put the gun against the yellow-haired man's forehead and said something.

"Tell me everything you did in detail, or your head will explode like a watermelon in the next second, understand?"

When the pistol was pressed against the yellow-haired man's forehead, his hair stood up and he shouted quickly

"I say, I say! Don't shoot. We came here under the threat of Ma Fangbin to rob passing vehicles or survivors. We killed the men, and raped the pretty women first and then raped them. If they were not pretty, we killed them directly. These were all done by Ma Fangbin, and I had nothing to do with them."

In order to survive, the yellow-haired man pushed all the things he had done onto Ma Fangbin, and even said as if he had just thought of it

"By the way, Ma Fangbin thought a baby was noisy, so he snatched the baby from a young woman and strangled her to death, and then raped and killed the young woman. The body was in a bush not far from us."

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