My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 546 Solution

Although the troops at the Xinguang gathering area were notified and dared to come to support immediately, they still had to wait for half an hour. During this period, they had to carry it out on their own. (っ◔◡◔)っ

"I originally didn't want to use the points, but it seems I have no choice. The system will help me redeem 100 clones! And 100 sets of exoskeletons!"

Cai Wenjie had no choice but to use the accumulated points, and spent 1 million to exchange for 100 clone soldiers, and then spent another 10 million to buy a set of 100,000 castrated exoskeletons. He had no use for the 10 million set. rise! Coupled with supporting weapons, equipment, ammunition, etc., he directly spent 12 million points in this moment.

However, he had no time to feel bad. The zombies outside were about to arrive, and he had to set up a defensive line before the zombies arrived.

Soon, 100 clone soldiers appeared in front of Cai Wenjie, but each clone came out naked without any clothes, but Cai Wenjie didn't have any other reaction, after all, he was used to this.

"Everyone put on their equipment immediately! Get their weapons!"

Three minutes later, 100 soldiers wearing exoskeletons appeared on the scene.

Cai Wenjie looked at the neatly arranged soldiers and nodded, and immediately issued an order to deploy defensive positions.

"From now on, you will become the fourth company warriors in our new light gathering place! Now everyone is stationed at the platoon level in three directions of the stadium. Don't let the zombies break through your defenses!"


Under Cai Wenjie's order, the team of 100 people was immediately divided into three teams and went to assist in three directions. The remaining ten people were left by Cai Wenjie as a reserve team, ready to go wherever there was a shortage of people. Make it up there.

Because he didn't know how many monsters and monsters he would attract, Cai Wenjie did not exchange for any heavy weapons this time. Heavy machine guns, grenade launchers, rocket launchers, mortars and the like were the most basic ones. Cai Wenjie even exchanged two weapons just in case. The 10mm Gatling heavy cannon, if it can't withstand it, use this Gatling to completely clear the screen.

Sure enough, within a few minutes, a large number of zombies and various mutated zombies appeared in Cai Wenjie's sight. After the first zombie appeared, the second one followed, and then the third one. Until dense crowds of zombies appeared at the main entrance of the stadium.

A rough calculation shows that the number of zombies now almost exceeds five digits. If mutant zombies are included, it is estimated that the number will reach five digits.

"Warning! A large number of corpses appear on the defense line at twelve o'clock! Get ready for battle!"

Cai Wenjie, who saw the zombies, immediately used the communication device to notify all soldiers to prepare for battle. Looking at the zombies getting closer and closer, Cai Wenjie immediately notified the mortar team around him to fire.

"Target zombie! Distance is 400 meters! Rapidly fire five rounds! Release!"

Everything, everything!

With the sound of mortar firing, the group of corpses that were approaching the stadium quickly were immediately turned upside down by the bombs. Each mortar bomb could blow zombies with a radius of twenty meters into pieces, and one shot could often kill more than a dozen people. A zombie bids farewell to this world completely.

However, although the mortar could resist the approaching zombies, it could not last long. Soon zombies broke through the explosion range of the mortar and began to quickly approach the stadium, especially the mutant zombies, which were faster than those ordinary zombies. , as more and more zombies broke through the explosion range, the soldiers' heavy machine guns and light machine guns began to fire.

In addition to heavy machine guns, grenade launchers and rocket launchers also began to play their role.

Amidst the explosions and the roar of bullets, more and more zombies died in the bullet storm and explosions, but one lucky mutant zombie broke through the fire defense line one after another and came nearby, and was about to jump into the soldiers' line. among.

Cai Wenjie also noticed this. He immediately picked up the Type 10 anti-material sniper rifle he had just exchanged and pulled the trigger on the mutated zombies that were about to break through the defense line.

The palm-sized bullet directly hit the mutated zombie's chest, breaking his entire body in half. Before it was over, Cai Wenjie fired another shot until the mutated zombie's head was broken into pieces and he was confirmed to be dead. , and then he put down his weapon.

"When conditions permit, give priority to killing mutant zombies and don't let them break through your fire defense line."


Because he was a soldier who had just been redeemed, he did not have enough combat experience in dealing with zombies. It was normal for him to accidentally miss a mutated zombie like this, so Cai Wenjie didn't say anything.

As the battle became more and more intense, the corpses around the stadium were almost piled up into a small mound, but even so, the tide of corpses on the opposite side was not over yet, and there were at least about 5,000 zombies left.

At this time, rumbles began to appear in the sky. It was not rain, but the arrival of armed helicopters from the Xinguang gathering place.

"Report! The No. 01 armed helicopter has arrived!"

"Report! Armed helicopter No. 02 has arrived!"

"Bomb the corpses below immediately!"


The machine guns and rockets on the two armed helicopters can directly plow the ground below completely. They did the same. Each armed helicopter had 36 rocket launchers under its wings, which means that each armed helicopter carried 72 rockets, and two helicopters carried 144 rockets.

A full 144 rockets were dropped, directly destroying one-third of the zombies. The zombies that originally had 5,000 zombies were now less than 2,000. That’s not all. The armed helicopters not only had rockets, but also carried four small-yield white phosphorus bombs, which were also dropped.

Under the multiple attacks of rockets and white phosphorus bombs, the more than 2,000 zombies above and below were cut in half again, leaving less than 1,000. This number no longer needed the support of armed helicopters. The infantry below could grind the 1,000 zombies to death.

The battle came and went quickly. More than 10,000 zombies were completely wiped out in less than an hour of fighting, leaving no one alive. At the same time, the group of zombies inside the stadium were also wiped out along with the zombies outside.

It can be seen that as long as there is enough ammunition and firepower, ordinary zombies will seek death when they encounter the army. Of course, this only applies to the army of Cai Wenjie, who can provide unlimited ammunition and mobile ammunition depots at all times.

You must know that just to eliminate these zombies, Cai Wenjie spent tens of millions of points in these few hours, and the ammunition he exchanged was countless. If other troops were in Cai Wenjie's situation, let alone saving people, it would be good if they were not completely wiped out.

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