My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 548 Marriage Plan

After arranging the officers, Cai Wenjie said a few words and then disbanded the troops.

He still had to make detailed plans for a comprehensive counterattack three days later.

After leaving half of the infantry fighting vehicles and several armored personnel carriers as normal mobile vehicles, Cai Wenjie followed the convoy back to the Xinguang gathering place.

The first time he returned to the Xinguang gathering place, Cai Wenjie returned home, ready to report to his family that they were safe.

But unexpectedly, on the way back home, Cai Wenjie saw Xiang Xue playing with Po Jun, and Nangong Yao was beside him, smiling at Xiang Xue and Po Jun playing.

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When Cai Wenjie saw them, Po Jun, who was playing with Xiang Xue, sniffed subconsciously and then turned to look in Cai Wenjie's direction.

After confirming that his master had returned, Po Jun took Xiang Xue and ran straight to Cai Wenjie's side. Then he braked suddenly and threw Xiang Xue onto Cai Wenjie. He subconsciously caught Xiang Xue like a princess and was thrown over. Xiang Xue.

Xiang Xue, who was thrown away by Po Jun, originally wanted to stabilize his body by himself, but when he saw that Cai Wenjie had opened his arms to catch him, he immediately gave up his idea, and instead was hugged by Cai Wenjie with great cooperation. own.

"How's it going? Are you okay?"

Xiang Xue looked at Cai Wenjie with a smile and shook her head, then grabbed his face and kissed him hard.

This set of operations really made Nangong Yao, who was not far away, envious. Fortunately, Xiang Xue did not last long. He just touched his lips lightly and let go of Cai Wenjie, then whispered in his ear. arrive.

"Sister Yao misses you too, go and comfort her."

After saying that, Xiang Xue jumped off Cai Wenjie with a smile, then grabbed Po Jun, who looked reluctant, and walked aside to continue playing, leaving space for Cai Wenjie, Nangong Yao and the others.

After a while, Cai Wenjie brought Xiang Xue and Nangong Yao back home. It could be seen from the fact that the two girls kept holding Cai Wenjie's arms that they were very satisfied.

"My son is back, hurry up! Go and wash your hands, dinner will be served soon, Xiaoxue and Xiaoyao, you guys too"

"I'll go right away"

Cai Wenjie listened to his mother's words and could only wash his hands obediently. Xiang Xue and Nangong Yao also followed Cai Wenjie to the bathroom to wash up.

Mother Cai looked at the three people leaving and smiled happily. The more she looked at it, the more satisfied she became. Although she had one more daughter-in-law, she didn't care at all. Instead, she hoped that these three people would get married as soon as possible and live happily. A life of raising grandchildren.

At this time, Cai's father, who was cutting vegetables in the kitchen, poked his head out of the kitchen. Before he could say anything, Cai's mother looked at him and forced him back.

"What are you looking at? Hurry up and cut the vegetables."

"Right away, right away!"

A few minutes later, everyone in the Cai family was sitting at the dining table. Since Xiang Xue arrived, every time they prepared a meal, Cai's mother and Cai's father cooked for ten people. In this apocalypse, Among them, no one except them could afford Xiang Xue's food. Neither Cai's mother nor Cai's father had any complaints about this. They firmly believed in the old saying that only the daughter-in-law who eats more will give birth to a child. The stronger they are, so the two elders not only don’t feel any burden on Xiang Xue, a big eater, but they also like Xiang Xue even more.

"Xiaoxue, eat more. If you don't have enough, there will be more for you later, so that you can give birth to a big fat boy in the future."

"Don't worry, Mom, I will do it!"

Compared with Xiang Xue, Cai Wenjie and Nangong Yao's eating style is more in line with ordinary people, especially Nangong Yao. She chews slowly when eating, and is as elegant as a rich lady.

Looking at the two girls with completely different styles, Cai's father and Cai's mother became more and more satisfied. Then they looked at each other as if they had made up their minds and nodded.

"Wenjie, there is something I want to discuss with you."

Cai Wenjie, who was engrossed in eating, looked up at his parents when he heard this, then swallowed the food in his mouth and asked.

"Things? You said"

"Wenjie, you see you are quite old now. How are you thinking about Xiaoxue and Xiaoyao? When will you get married and have children? To be honest, you and I can't wait any longer."

Hearing this, Cai Wenjie blushed for a rare moment, and Nangong Yao's face turned red even more. She couldn't eat anymore. She secretly looked at Cai Wenjie's face, and then shyly wanted to bury her head in her chest. Xiang Xue also stopped eating, wiped his mouth with a tissue gracefully, and waited for Cai Wenjie's answer.

It's not that Cai Wenjie hasn't thought about getting married, but he's been too busy with things recently and can't spare the time to arrange the wedding. In addition, in three days there will be a full-scale counterattack.

Cai Wenjie, who was thinking about it, was ready to listen to Xiang Xue and Nangong Yao's opinions.

But before he could speak, Nangong Yao spoke in advance.

"I don't have any opinions, I just listen to you."

Xiang Xue also followed up with his statement

"Me too!"

Listening to the two daughters' answers, Cai Wenjie set his sights on Father Cai and Mother Cai again.

"Actually, your dad and I have discussed this matter with Xiaoyao's parents. We both think it is more appropriate to get married during the Spring Festival this year. Firstly, to welcome the new year and new atmosphere, and secondly, we think that everyone can do this. Remember your wedding, what do you think?"

"New Year? I remember today's New Year is February 15th, right? Well, I think it's okay. My plan should be successful by then. I just have time, so let's do it! I will officially marry Xiaoyao and Xiaoxue on February 15th."

After seeing Cai Wenjie made up his mind, everyone at the table was very happy. Nangong Yao was smiling, Xiang Xue was relieved and started eating again, and Cai's father and mother were also smiling, constantly picking up dishes for the three of them.

Although it was a bit strange to marry two brides at once, no one in the Xinguang gathering place came out to sing a different tune.

"That's great. If it's in time, I can see my first grandson or granddaughter this year. That's great!"

"Old man, don't get excited. The children are here. Don't feel ashamed."

"I'm happy. The future of my Cai family is promising. As long as the incense is continuous, there will be infinite possibilities. I'm happy."

In this world, only one in ten people survive. Many people's incense is cut off, but their Cai family can still survive and is about to expand. Father Cai has nothing to worry about.

"Okay, Mom and Dad, let's eat quickly. I will arrange the wedding myself. Don't worry, Xiang Xue. Before the wedding, I will send someone to invite your family to witness your wedding."

The first half of the sentence was said by Cai Wenjie to Cai's father and mother, and the second half was a promise to Xiang Xue. After all, marriage is a once-in-a-lifetime event, and he didn't want Xiang Xue to bear it alone.

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