My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 47 Video Conference

After eating and drinking, the three of them came to the map again. read

The three of them then began to formulate a plan.

"If we can't go to the gathering place, we can only choose another shelter, and this shelter can be self-sufficient."

Then, Jin Peng pointed to a place on the map and said to the two of them.

"Look here, there are mountains on three sides, and there is only one entrance and exit. Looking at the map, it is still a rural area, so self-sufficiency should not be a problem. It is simply an ideal refuge."

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝘁𝘄𝗸𝗮𝗻.𝗰𝗼𝗺]

An Guojun and Sun Jinbao looked at the map pointed by Jin Peng and found that it was indeed a treasure.

"I think it's okay, and it's not too far from here."

"And there seems to be no one around, so I agree."

An Guojun and Sun Jinbao each nodded, agreeing with Jin Peng's idea.

"If you all agree, let's use this place as a survival refuge."

The three people were referring to Xinguang Village, Cai Wenjie's unofficial base.

I really don't know if they are lucky or unlucky.

After setting a rough goal, the three decided to take a night's rest to conserve their energy and make preparations first.

On the other side, Xu Tao and the others had returned to the airport gathering place. Xu Tao went to the headquarters to report the mission, while the others dispersed on the spot.

Xu Tao came to an open-air combat conference room, first stood at attention and shouted a report.

A middle-aged man in police uniform said

"Come in"

Xu Tao then walked into the conference room, came to the middle-aged man, and saluted.

"Report, the rescue team has returned, please give instructions!"

This middle-aged man is the previously mentioned director of the Public Security Bureau, Li Jianjun, who is now the manager of the airport gathering place.

He was also the one who ordered the rescue mission.

Li Jianjun turned around and saw that it was Xu Tao, and showed a tired smile. Li Jianjun was almost exhausted, and now he had to take part in all the problems in the entire gathering place.

"It's good to come back. Has he been rescued? Where is Professor Dong now? Take me to see him."

"Report, we failed to complete the task, this is our action report, please review"

After speaking, Xu Tao took out the report typed on the helicopter and handed it to Li Jianjun.

Li Jianjun took the report from Xu Tao and began to read it. As the report turned page by page, Li Jianjun's expression became more and more serious, and by the end he was full of seriousness.

"I don't remember that I sent a request for a rescue mission to other gathering places. I'm going to confirm whether it is a rescue operation sent by other gathering places. Xu Tao, no matter what, thank you for your hard work. Go down and rest first. I'm looking for you if something happens."

Li Jianjun pressed his swollen temples and asked Xu Tao to go down and rest first.

Xu Tao just said


After that, he left the combat conference room.

After Li Jianjun saw Xu Tao leaving, he immediately came to the virtual big screen in the conference room and said

"Xiao Lin, help me pick up the command posts of the other two gathering areas."

Xiao Lin, the correspondent’s full name is Lin Zhen, immediately replied

"Yes! We will connect you to other gathering places immediately"

After speaking, Communications Corpsman Lin Zhen quickly typed on the keyboard in front of the computer. The large virtual screen in the conference room lit up, and a rectangular screen split in half from the middle.

The one connected to the left is the military camp, and the right is connected to the gathering place over the stadium. The managers of the other two gathering places also appear on the screen at the same time.

The manager of the military camp is Zhang Fuguo, Li Jianjun's old squad leader. The manager of the stadium is Zhou Weiguo, who is also Li Jianjun's old squad leader. Before the end of the world, it was the manager of justice.

"Old squad leaders, I know you are very busy, so I will briefly explain the purpose of my visit this time. Old squad leaders, did you send any rescue troops after the evacuation operation was over?"

Zhang Fuguo, who managed the military camp, shook his head and said

"No, we have been killing the zombies near the military camp, and we don't have time to send out a rescue team."

Li Jianjun nodded and looked at another manager, Zhou Weiguo.

But Zhou Weiguo also shook his head like Li Jianjun and said

"Neither do we. We have spent all our armed forces just on self-protection, and we don't have the energy and strength to rescue survivors."

Among the three gathering places, Zhou Weiguo's gathering place has the weakest armed force, with less than a hundred armed forces, and most of them only have pistols, rifles, grenades and other projectiles, and not a single military vehicle such as armored vehicles, tanks or helicopters. .

That's why Zhou Weiguo said that just to protect himself was already very reluctant.

"Jianjun, what happened?"

"That is to say, what do you mean by just asking me about the rescue force?"

Zhang Fuguo and Zhou Weiguo were both confused. They didn't know what medicine Li Jianjun was selling in his gourd, and they were waiting for Li Jianjun to give them an explanation.

Li Jianjun looked at the expressions of the old squad leaders, sighed and started to speak helplessly.

"It's a long story. Old monitors, do you know that Professor Dong from YJ University?"

"You are talking about that national treasure-level old gentleman, Professor Dong, right?"

"Yes, that's the national treasure professor, the one who specializes in virology."

Li Jianjun looked at the two old squad leaders and began to tell the news written in the action report that unknown armed men rescued Professor Dong and went to the gathering place.

"In other words, an unknown armed group has rescued Professor Dong and other survivors, and is sending them to a gathering place among us?"

"Yes, that's what happened, so I want to confirm whether this rescue team was sent from other gathering places. It seems that the answer is obviously no."

Li Jianjun sighed in a very helpless voice, feeling that things were a bit troublesome.

"How do I want to handle this matter now? Do the old monitors have any suggestions?"

Zhang Fuguo felt that Li Jianjun's thinking was somewhat solidified, so he persuaded him.

"It's the end of the world now, so you can do whatever you want. Although they have firearms, it's already the end of the world. The zombies have come out. It's no problem to have firearms to protect themselves. Besides, this group of people rescued Professor Dong and They are being sent to a gathering place, which means that this group of people has no tendency to commit crimes yet."

Zhou Weiguo also started talking

"Rich countries are right. Since they have not done anything extreme, we should accept their good intentions, and they may also become a force for us."

"Does that mean recruiting them to become a part of us? Yes, indeed, as long as they are not a heinous gang, recruiting them is indeed a good choice."

Li Jianjun listened to the words of the two old squad leaders and nodded. It was indeed the end of the world. Although the officialdom was still there, it was impossible to cover up the sky with one hand, and chaos would inevitably break out sooner or later.

Rather than watching chaos arise, it is better to recruit a group of people before chaos occurs and gain control of the general direction to avoid unpredictable consequences.

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