My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 560 Final Check

As mentioned earlier, these small creatures can drill into places like ventilation ducts or sewers. It is not realistic to force them out. They can only be tracked and killed bit by bit, and they have to bear a huge psychological shadow during this period.

Therefore, Cai Wenjie would rather face zombies that are dozens of times larger than himself than face a group of mutant rats with the same number as his army.

There is also the huge disinfection work after the war. Although the virus is transmitted by liquid, the problem is that even if the liquid carrying the virus evaporates, the virus will not disappear, but will enter a dormant state.

For example, the virus blood of zombies, after being pasted on a wall, as time goes by, the blood pasted on the wall gradually loses moisture and dries up, but the virus in the blood will not die because of the drying of the blood, but will enter a dormant state, and then wait for the unlucky guy to accidentally touch the wall, and if the unlucky guy happens to have a wound on his hand, then the virus will enter the body of the unlucky guy through the wound, and then there will be no more. The dormant virus wakes up again and continues to infect the cells in the body, and eventually turns the unlucky guy into a monster that only knows how to eat.

So in order to avoid this situation, a large-scale disinfection must be carried out in the entire city, and it must last for several days before people can live in the city again. Otherwise, even if the city is conquered, it will not help Cai Wenjie at all. ♦♦  ♪♦

In addition to disinfection, we must always pay attention to the counterattack of zombies. With Cai Wenjie's current manpower, he can't take care of the security tasks of the entire city.

So in Cai Wenjie's plan, after he conquers the entire city, he will abandon half of the city, and then use limited troops to fully protect half of the city first, and then occupy the other half of the city when there are more people in the future.

Of course, this does not mean that the other half of the city will be completely abandoned. He plans to send a patrol team every day to patrol the other half of the city. If zombies or other mutant zombies are found, they will be executed on the spot. If they are unable to beat them, they will directly call for artillery support or air support to attack.

As for which part of the city to be occupied? Is there any need to think about it? Of course, it is the south half of the city with the railway station.

After all, the strategic significance of the railway station is too great to abandon it, and he will have to rely on him to transfer supplies from other places in the future.

Back to business, after Cai Wenjie looked through all the lists, he had a preliminary understanding of his own strength. This counterattack was not difficult. Although it is estimated that taking the city will consume half or more of the supplies, it is worth it.

It is not because the city is so good or important, or for any other reason, but just because it is an order from above, it must be completed firmly.

In this way, Cai Wenjie can get more advanced weapons and equipment and more support.

Through the material mobilization and support before this counterattack, Cai Wenjie successfully realized how rich the country is and how many powerful weapons and equipment are hidden.

No wonder among the countries in the world, only here has a complete command system, which can organize a counterattack while protecting the safety of the capital.

It's a pity that he is not an arrogant guy, otherwise, if it were someone else, after getting the system, 90% of them would betray the country and become kings.

In the minds of these people, it is estimated that as long as they get the system, they will be the protagonist and can do whatever they want without taking the country into consideration.

Instead of being cautious and cautious like Cai Wenjie, and appropriately holding on to the country's thigh, the facts prove that Cai Wenjie is doing the right thing. The large amount of weapons and equipment received so far and the latest developed Tianbing mecha are the biggest proof.

And the most rare thing is that so far, the country has not sent an instructor to its troops, but has completely allowed him to develop on his own, from a small platoon leader, then to a company commander, and then to a battalion commander. The speed of promotion and appointment is amazing.

All kinds of behaviors also made Cai Wenjie completely put down his little vigilance against the country, so Cai Wenjie did not refute after receiving the order of the counterattack, but chose to obey the command directly.

After having a rough index in his mind, Cai Wenjie began to simulate the situation and difficulties that would be encountered in tomorrow's counterattack in his mind, and then solve the problems one by one.

At this time, the country of Asan bordering the border of Country Z.

India is the country with the largest population besides Z. Now that the virus is rampant, a large population also means a large number of zombies, and there are countless mutant zombies.

Especially the Ganges, which was severely polluted before the end of the world, is now the culprit for the more serious mutation of the virus. Any virus will mutate after arriving here.

If you are talking about zombies in other places, just be careful not to be caught by zombies. However, the zombies here must not be within three meters of the surrounding area, otherwise the droplets brought by the zombies' intense breathing can make people unknowingly infected with the virus.

Yes, the zombie virus here has mutated into the ability to spread through droplets, but the relative outbreak time of the virus has been delayed to five hours, which means that even if you are scratched and infected by zombies, you have to wait until five hours before the virus breaks out in your body and infects you into a zombie.

This also led to a large number of people who were scratched by zombies. After waiting for a minute, they found that they did not turn into zombies. They thought that they had antibodies and became arrogant and even began to provoke zombies.

Or some believers thought that this was a blessing from their mother river Ganges, so they knelt down more devoutly to the Ganges. Even most people ran to the Ganges immediately after being infected by zombies to clean their wounds with the Ganges, which they believed to be sacred.

Little did they know that a large number of secondary, tertiary and even quadruple mutated viruses had been bred in the Ganges, which flowed through the wounds to various parts of the body and then lurked.

When the virus began to break out a few hours later, people infected with so many viruses, even the lowest degree of mutation, would become mutant zombies. Even because of the infection of the tertiary or quadruple mutated virus, they would directly become a half-human, half-ghost appearance. It is estimated that other zombies would be surprised to see it, after all, the appearance of this thing is really too weird.

The Indian army's combat effectiveness was not very good to begin with, and now it has encountered the most complicated zombies in the world. It is impossible to organize a decent resistance. Except for those military camps or military bases with isolation walls, all other places have fallen.

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