My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 571 Great Counterattack 8

In addition, there is an arsenal in the Xinguang gathering place that can produce firearms and various weapons and ammunition on its own. The weapons produced every day will be transported to the logistics department for registration and storage. Read М

Then when these weapons and ammunition are needed, according to the needs of the battle, the logistics department will take out the weapons and ammunition and hand them over to the troops after Cai Wenjie signs and confirms.

A few hours later

About a quarter of the buildings in the south of the city have been checked. At this rate, the entire south of YJ City can be checked as soon as tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

And tomorrow is the second month after the disaster, the first day of February, and it is also the day when the system task system is updated.

To be honest, for Cai Wenjie and his troops now, the rewards for tasks such as D and C levels can't enhance or help him at all, unless the system has a major update to improve the current task mode to a higher level, such as increasing the difficulty and task rewards of each level, or directly canceling the number of tasks and changing it to three tasks per day.

Cai Wenjie's idea was interrupted by the system prompt as soon as it appeared.

"It is detected that the current task accessories cannot meet the needs of the leader. It is automatically upgraded now. Please wait...

The task accessories have been upgraded successfully! Do you want to explain?"

Cai Wenjie looked at the task system floating in front of him with some surprise, and then nodded.

"Agree to explain"

"The order has been accepted! Start explaining the updated task accessories

Change 1: Cancel the limit of three fixed tasks per month, change to one fixed task per day, and unlimited random tasks.

Change 2: Cancel the original ABCD task difficulty display, change to four levels of difficulty prompts: simple, general, difficult, and extremely difficult, and enhance the difficulty judgment of each task, and display the difficulty level according to the leader's strength.

Change 3: Cancel the fixed task reward, and change it to choose the corresponding reward as the task difficulty changes!

Change 4: After the task fails, there will be no side effects and consequences, and the failed task can be completed again under certain circumstances

The above is the update of this task plug-in, thank you for reading!"

For this change, Cai Wenjie can only say that the system is really his intimate little cotton jacket. Compared with those things in other novels that wipe out the host or eliminate the host's little brother at any time, it is simply an angel.

"Do you want to check today's tasks?"


Task difficulty: General

Task requirements: Kill 100 ordinary zombies

Task rewards: 08-type rocket launchers * 10, anti-personnel mines * 10, anti-tank mines * 10, 1 kg C4 explosives * 10, single-soldier air defense missiles * 10, choose one.

Looking at the brand new tasks, Cai Wenjie nodded. The current system task display is not only clean and tidy, but also without so many unnecessary introductions. The most important thing is that the task rewards are here, you can freely choose what you need, which is very good.

Before Cai Wenjie was ready to go where to hunt zombies, the tasks in the system tasks were displayed as completed.

Task difficulty: General

Task requirements: Kill 100 ordinary zombies (completed)

Task rewards: 08-type rocket launchers * 10, anti-personnel mines * 10, anti-tank mines * 10, 1 kg C4 explosives * 10, single-soldier air defense missiles * 10, choose one (to be collected).

Cai Wenjie knew without thinking that this should be the masterpiece of the North City Bridge. It has not been a minute, and the task of killing 100 zombies has been completed. It can be seen that the clones exchanged by Cai Wenjie can also help Cai Wenjie complete the task.

While Cai Wenjie was still studying the system task, a major event happened in another city only 200 kilometers away from YJ City.

This city, like YJ City, has several official gathering places. These official gathering places have also received orders for a major counterattack and have indeed taken action.

However, the armed forces of these gathering places are not as good as Cai Wenjie's troops. Although there is assistance from the war zone, the soldiers who can fight are only one battalion at most.

And although each of these soldiers has a rifle and a relatively sufficient amount of bullets, there is one thing, that is, there are too few heavy weapons.

There are not many heavy machine guns, grenade launchers, rocket launchers, mortars, etc., and even the armored vehicles are only a few military off-road vehicles and troop transport trucks, not to mention tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and the like.

The most important thing is that although their city is smaller than YJ City and has a much smaller population than YJ City, the problem is that YJ City was cleaned up several times by Cai Wenjie before the counterattack, so there are not many zombies in the city when they take back the city now, and they only need to do a good job of cleaning up each building and residential building.

On the other hand, their city has not sent troops to clean up the zombies in the city since the outbreak of the mode, and has left the zombies in the city alone, which has led to a large number of zombies in the city now, and the number of mutant zombies and mutant creatures has increased several times in this month.

Even if Cai Wenjie came here, he would have to think for a long time.

The managers of several official gathering places have already gathered together for many meetings. This time is no exception. Before the troops are dispatched, each gathering place must divide its own area before launching a counterattack.

"Everyone, we all know that this counterattack is tantamount to sending ourselves to die, but the order from above has been issued, so even if we know that this is doomed to fail, we must try our best. I believe that as long as we try our best, even if we fail in the end, the people above will not blame us, so there is no need for everyone to do their best to act"

"Alas, this is the only way to go. Fortunately, the weapons and ammunition supported by the war zone are sufficient, which should be able to meet the combat requirements for a week. We will talk about it later."

"Since the decision has been made, let's divide the attack route. I have the most resources, so I will be responsible for the east side of the city with the most zombies, so and the city center, you guys take care of other places."

"Mayor Qiu Gaoyi, in that case, I will take care of the south of the city. Although there are not as many zombies here as in the east, it is also the second largest place. I will take care of this side."

"Is the old man so powerful? Then I will take care of the north to avoid being scolded."

"Then the remaining west is the area I am responsible for, right? Okay."

There are four official gathering places in this city. The gathering place led by the mayor of this city, Qiu Tian, ​​is the largest, followed by the old man Li, the actual boss of the largest local family business, and the second largest, followed by Captain Gao, who is responsible for the security of this city, and finally the gathering place composed of the police of this city.

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