My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 576 Great Counterattack 13

So far, half of the buildings in the south of YJ City have been carefully inspected. This is much faster than expected. As for why it is so fast? Mainly because the use of weapons of mass destruction in the city several times before has caused many buildings to collapse, or have been damaged and turned into dangerous buildings that cannot be inhabited. Such buildings have lost the meaning of exploration. In the future, special personnel will blast them. If you grow a building, you will naturally not check it.

The progress on the south side of the city is rapid, and the zombies on the north side of the city have also subsided a lot. After a few hours of fierce fighting, the number of zombies can be seen to be reduced a lot. It is estimated that there are only more than 3,000 surviving zombies now. , and this number is still decreasing.

The three companies stationed on the bridge no longer used heavy weapons due to the greatly reduced pressure. They took the rifles in their hands and began to practice marksmanship. The targets of the practice were naturally these three thousand zombies.

After the number of zombies dropped sharply to 3,000, they could basically be seen to the side at a glance, and their intimidation power dropped by a whole level. Although they still looked densely packed, that was all.

A few hours later, the sun in the sky gradually disappeared into the distance, and endless darkness enveloped the entire earth. The neon lights and street lights in the city automatically turned on. If it weren't for the dead silence in the city without any sign of anyone, it would have seemed like we were back. The end of the world is like before it happens.

Soldiers are also human beings and cannot keep working. So after seeing the sun set, Cai Wenjie gathered the troops together, then found a hotel that had been inspected and took the people to stay.

As one of the few large hotels in the city, the rooms here are enough for all the soldiers in the army to live in a room alone. However, for the sake of safety, Cai Wenjie arranged for at least two people to live in a room, or three or four people.

And there should be no shortage of guard posts. Cai Wenjie also arranged several groups of sniper teams on the roof of the hotel and in the remaining empty rooms. Their mission was also very simple, that is, to keep vigil at all times while others were sleeping. Avoid any surprises.

Of course, snipers also need to rest, otherwise no one will be able to bear it, so there are four people in a sniper team, two of them are responsible for the first half of the night, and the other two are responsible for the security in the second half of the night.

Cai Wenjie himself checked into the only presidential suite in this hotel. At first, he did not want to live in this presidential suite. After all, he came to fight and regain the city, not to enjoy it. But when Cai Wenjie moved into the presidential suite After getting into the suite, it seemed... not as good as an ordinary room.

How should I put it? The main reason is that there has been no cleaning in the past month, resulting in a thick layer of dust on everything in the presidential suite.

Although there was no mold, a general cleaning was required before it could be occupied. Originally, Cai Wenjie wanted to go back and find another room, but his guard team had already picked up the tools and started cleaning quickly. In a short time, the suite was gone. It's habitable.

Looking at the sweaty guards, Cai Wenjie couldn't refuse their kindness, so he could only nodded and said to them

"Thank you for your hard work"

"This is what we should do! Chief please!"

In fact, the members of the guard did this not only to make their leader's stay more comfortable, but also to facilitate the safety of Cai Wenjie. After all, the place is so big that it can accommodate all of them to rest here.

In this way, you can not only protect the safety of the chief at close range, but also experience the feeling of staying in the presidential suite. It is simply killing two birds with one stone.

The presidential suite is very large, with more than one bedroom, enough for everyone in the guard to rest comfortably on the bed or on a high-end sofa.

Looking at the nearly five-meter-wide bed in front of him, Cai Wenjie felt a little regretful. If Xiang Xue and Nangong Yao were here... Cai Wenjie shook his head and threw this ridiculous and beautiful thought out of his mind. The war is still the main thing now. You shouldn't think about other things.

After forcing his head to calm down, Cai Wenjie walked out of the bedroom, went to the desk in the presidential suite, pulled out the chair and sat on it, then took out a detailed map of YJ City from the system space and placed it on the desk. , started staring at the map and thinking.

A small half of the area on the map is circled by a blue pen. This blue area is the area that the soldiers have inspected today, which is the safe area. Above the blue area is the yellow area, which represents the area that has not yet been investigated. In the warning zone, these two places are Cai Wenjie's current southern area, while the northern part of the city is the entire red area, which is the danger zone.

"According to this advancement speed, it is estimated that the entire south of the city will be inspected tomorrow night. However, the uncertainty is too strong at night. For the sake of safety, it is better not to send people out to investigate at night. There is no rush anyway. At this time, there is no need to take risks.”

Chengnan's advancement plan was slowed down by Cai Wenjie to the day after tomorrow for safety reasons. Anyway, no one will supervise Cai Wenjie's progress, and there is no need to be too anxious. Rather than advancing quickly, Cai Wenjie hopes to proceed step by step. Only in this way will it be possible Ensuring quality means safety.

"Is the north of the city the only one left?"

To be honest, the zombies and other mutant creatures in the entire YJ city, except for the infected fish in the river that cannot be cleared, have basically been eliminated. The remaining ones are disabled zombies that cannot move, or zombies trapped in the house. These zombies must be dealt with by Cai Wenjie's troops in person, unlike those healthy and free zombies that are directly attracted by gunshots and other things and collectively cleaned up.

It can be said that as long as Cai Wenjie is willing and pays a certain price, he can occupy the entire YJ city in just a few hours, but the problem is that Cai Wenjie is not willing to pay these prices. He wants to take the city while ensuring the safety of his troops as much as possible, and he is willing to spend more time and materials.

Why should you pay a painful price for a temporary "glory" when you can pass the copy without injury?

Cai Wenjie does not understand this behavior. It can be said that he is a firm and conservative person. He usually considers the consequences clearly when doing things and avoids losses as much as possible. The losses here refer to human lives, not materials.

At this time when supplies were difficult to obtain, Cai Wenjie still chose people. If supplies were gone, he could find a way to get some more, but if people were gone, they were really gone. People could not be brought back to life, and Cai Wenjie was very clear about this.

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