My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 578 Great Counterattack 15

This alien fighting beast Obern was the one that Captain Gao and his men wanted to kill at the cost of their own lives.

However, Captain Gao and his men were unable to completely kill him in the end, because there were too many zombies blocking the road. Even if they used explosives to clear the way, they only allowed the soldiers to advance a few dozen meters. To completely kill Obern, they had to advance at least a hundred meters, but they couldn't do it. They could only throw the explosives with all their strength at the last moment of their lives.

The thrown explosives exploded sixty meters away from Obern. Although Obern was further injured, it could not be killed.

Captain Gao and his men were surrounded by the swarming zombies and all died heroically without exception.

Six hours after Captain Gao and his men died, the alien fighting beast Obern was able to move simply. The first thing it did when it moved was to grab the zombies surrounding it, put them in its mouth and bite them hard, and then swallow them directly into its stomach to devour the virus in the zombies.

Every time Obern ate a zombie, the virus in his body was a little more than before. When Obern devoured all the zombies that were still active around him, his horrible wound was almost healed.

In this way, the alien fighting beast Obern ate zombies while recovering from his injuries. After his injuries were completely recovered, Obern gave up eating zombies and began to specifically pick mutant zombies.

Obern knew that eating ordinary zombies alone would no longer have any effect on him. Only by eating mutant creatures could he become stronger.

So, Obern began to look for mutant zombies everywhere. As long as he saw them, no mutant zombie would survive.

Of course, it was mentioned earlier that mutant zombies have a certain ability to think and judge. When they saw this big guy constantly devouring ordinary zombies, these mutant zombies noticed something was wrong. Afterwards, when this big guy gave up ordinary zombies and started to capture mutant zombies, all the mutant zombies understood that this big guy wanted to eat them, just like they would specifically hunt ordinary zombies and then devour the virus to mutate.

Then there was a scene like this, with the alien fighting beast Obern chasing the mutant zombies from behind, while the mutant zombies were running away madly in front.

However, except for the speed-type mutant zombies, the other mutant zombies could not outrun the huge alien fighting beast Obern in terms of speed, so slowly the slower power-type mutant zombies and claw zombies were devoured by Obern, and only the speed-type mutant zombies survived and kept running away. In order to get rid of the alien fighting beasts behind, these speed-type mutant zombies did not hesitate to run out of the city and ran in other directions along the road in a panic.

And this is the main reason why the alien fighting beast Obern is moving towards YJ City.

After devouring a certain number of power-type mutant zombies, Obern's body became harder and his strength was greatly enhanced. If Obern, who had not devoured power-type mutant zombies, still needed to rely on bone shields to resist the attack of heavy weapons, now Obern can resist the shooting of heavy weapons without bone shields. Now he can completely ignore attacks below 20mm caliber.

Now, even if he is attacked by more than a dozen armor-piercing shells, although he cannot be said to be uninjured, he will only suffer some skin injuries at most. The situation where a big hole was punched in the whole chest like before will never happen again.

In addition to power-type mutant zombies, he also devoured a lot of claw zombies. The mutant viruses of these claw zombies made Obern's own claws sharper and tougher. He can easily use his claws to penetrate all iron products. Ordinary iron products are equivalent to a piece of paper for him, and he can really cut iron like mud.

Even penetrating harder steel is not difficult for him.

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't catch the mutant creatures flying in the sky, Obern probably wanted to catch them and try to see if he could mutate into a pair of wings.

Now, there is a group of speed-type mutant zombies in front of him who want to escape from his abyss. How can this be possible! He must catch these agile little guys and swallow them in one bite.

From last night to this morning, Obern is still in high spirits, and the speed-type mutant zombies he is chasing are still running away separately, but their moving postures are a bit strange.

This is because, although the mutant zombies cannot feel the pain in the body, not feeling pain does not mean that the body is fine. On the contrary, after a night of high-intensity exercise for several hours, the muscles and tendons of the speed-type mutant zombies are now in a state of imminent collapse.

Especially after becoming a zombie, the body loses its self-protection mechanism, and all the flesh is 100% output. In this case, the body cannot last too long if it keeps running fast for several hours.

Finally, after nearly eight hours of running, the first speed mutant zombie's body reached its limit and collapsed. The muscles in both legs of this speed mutant zombie were myolyzed, and the hamstrings were directly broken. The whole speed mutant zombie fell directly on the road, and the unlucky one directly hit a guardrail, breaking his right arm and the entire cervical vertebra, completely losing the ability to move.

The other speed mutant zombies took advantage of the opportunity of this speed mutant zombie falling down and rushed forward even harder.

Obern saw that a speed mutant zombie finally fell to the ground and could not run away. He ran over impatiently, grabbed the completely useless speed mutant zombie, and stuffed it into his mouth.

His sharp teeth bit into the speed mutant zombie's body, easily biting him into several pieces of meat. The blood that flowed down flowed down along the gaps between his teeth, but Obern didn't mind at all. He still chewed the flesh and blood of the speed mutant zombie in his mouth, and then swallowed it into his stomach.


Perhaps because it was the first time in the past few hours that Obern had eaten the flesh and blood of a speed mutant zombie, he was obviously very satisfied, but when he saw the other speed mutant zombies that were about to disappear in front of him, he began to move forward again.

And perhaps because he swallowed the first speed mutant zombie, his speed was obviously a little faster than before.

But just when he was about to catch up and swallow all the speed mutant zombies into his stomach, all the speed mutant zombies running in front were trampled into meat patties by a giant object.

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