My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 49 Commission

"Hahaha, you are indeed a young man, so refreshing!"

Facing Cai Wenjie's inquiry, Zhou Weiguo first laughed. (っ◔◡◔)っReadМ

Cai Wenjie frowned when he saw Zhou Weiguo laughing, but still waited patiently for him to finish laughing.

"Young man, don't be too impatient. The reason I want to see you this time is about cooperation. Are you interested?"

cooperate? Cai Wenjie thought with some confusion. After all, Cai Wenjie really couldn't imagine how he could cooperate with the gathering place. After all, he was just a small survivor, and at most he had a system.

But they have never exposed the existence of the system. It is impossible for them to know that they have a system. If the system is eliminated, what else can they cooperate with?

Cai Wenjie first decided to listen to the words of the manager in front of him.

"By the way, I don't think I have introduced myself, right? I am Zhou Weiguo, the manager in charge of the stadium gathering place. What about you? Young man, what are the names of you and the brothers behind you?"

Zhou Weiguo first gave a brief introduction, and then asked for the names of Cai Wenjie and Zhang Fei.

"My name is Cai Wenjie, and the brother behind me is Zhang Fei. Please tell me directly. I don't like beating around the bush. If you have any questions, please tell me directly so as not to waste everyone's time."

Cai Wenjie said impatiently. Of course, this was just a deliberate act by Cai Wenjie, just to make the other party relax their vigilance and think that he was just a young boy.

But who is Zhou Weiguo? How can someone who can sit in this position be so easy to deceive? Cai Wenjie's calculations were seen through by Zhou Weiguo in an instant, but Zhou Weiguo did not expose Cai Wenjie's little trick, but continued the conversation along Cai Wenjie's acting skills. .

"Okay, since little brother Cai doesn't like ink stains, I should be more relaxed. What did little brother think when he saw my gathering place when he came in?"

Cai Wenjie thought about it for a moment. From the observation of the gathering place when he came in, there was only one word: weak! .

Not only was Cai Wenjie, who had weak defense, able to break out with Zhang Fei, but the environment and people's spirit were also strangely weak.

"What do you think? I don't have any thoughts. Isn't this good?"

Although he knew that the gathering place was a bit weak, Cai Wenjie still chose to dress confused and wanted to see what Zhou Weiguo wanted to say.

Seeing Cai Wenjie still acting, Zhou Weiguo shook his head and said bluntly.

"Actually, the food in our gathering place could not last for 10 days. The truck fleet that was supposed to transport food and supplies and the guards who escorted the food and supplies all disappeared. Then, according to the drone reconnaissance we sent out, we found that the food was transported A convoy of trucks with supplies was pulled to an open space in a certain village, and the drivers of the convoy were all tied together. This is a photo taken by a drone, take a look."

Zhou Weiguo took out several photos from the nearby document bag and handed them to Cai Wenjie. Cai Wenjie took a look at the photos and found that in one photo, there were five large trucks parked in an open space that was obviously a village. There were several cars on it. Individuals are moving supplies.

Another photo showed ten people tied to wooden stakes. Although their eyes and mouths were covered with cloth, you could tell by looking at their clothes who was the driver and who was the escort. After all, the uniforms of the escort were uniform. You can tell it's a SWAT costume.

There is also a photo of dozens of people patrolling the village with various weapons. There are various weapons, including 92 pistols and 95 rifles seized from the escort, as well as homemade guns and obviously 56-pound automatic rifles. .

Cai Wenjie looked at these photos and understood. It seemed that someone had hijacked the food convoy, and it seemed that he wanted to make himself king. He looked up at Zhou Weiguo and said.

"Why don't you arrange for people to snatch it back? Even if the armed forces in this gathering place are a little small, they won't be able to defeat these robbers, right?"

"Yes, it is true that if we use all our armed forces to recapture the food, but when we snatch the food, the survivors here will lose control and form a riot. In serious cases, our gathering place will disappear, so our armed forces Can't move"

Listening to Zhou Weiguo's explanation, Cai Wenjie nodded in understanding. After all, human nature in the apocalypse cannot be trusted.

"Then why don't you ask for help from other gathering areas? As far as I know, there should be no shortage of combatants and armed forces at the gathering area over the military camp. Why not ask for help? And the same goes for the airport. They should have combat helicopters somewhere, right? Is it easier?"

Cai Wenjie's series of rhetorical questions did not make Zhou Weiguo show an expression of sudden realization, but said in a helpless tone.

"If things were really that simple, I wouldn't tell you this. First of all, there is the military camp. Their main task is to block the zombies attacking from all directions. Now there are signs of zombies from other cities moving here. The military camp We have lost all our troops to resist the zombies, and the airport has mobilized all its troops to help the military camp. Only here because we have difficulty managing survivors, there is no movement. Otherwise, we would have sent out troops to support just like the airport gathering place. Military camp”

"Wait a minute! What did you say? Zombies from other cities are migrating here? Really?"

Cai Wenjie suddenly stood up and asked Zhou Weiguo hurriedly

"See for yourself if it's true"

After Zhou Weiguo finished speaking, he opened the virtual screen in the conference room. What was displayed on the screen was a satellite map. There was a black trend in LJ City and other cities around JY City that was slowly moving towards YJ City.

After zooming in on the black tide, I discovered that the tide was full of zombies. The dense zombies formed a zombie tide and were moving towards YJ City.

Cai Wenjie looked at the screen for a long time, then turned to look at Zhou Weiguo.

"Thank you for telling me about the zombie wave, but what does the lack of food in this base have to do with me? I only have a few people and I can't complete the task of grabbing food back."

Zhou Weiguo shook his head and said to Cai Wenjie

"I think you misunderstood. I didn't ask you to help me get food back, but I just wanted you to support us."

"Support? What support?"

"Weapons support! I hope you can help me go to the surrounding arsenal, not far from here. I will send someone to take you there. When you go there, take out all the weapons and ammunition from the warehouse and bring them back. As a reward, I can deliver them to you. One-twentieth the weapons and ammunition or all the gold in that!"

Cai Wenjie's originally unconcerned expression changed instantly, and he hurriedly asked Zhou Weiguo

"Gold? You mean gold! How can there be gold in the arsenal? How much gold is there!"

Zhou Weiguo was a little frightened by Cai Wenjie's eagerness. It seemed that Cai Wenjie had a lot of resentment towards gold.

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