My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 580 Great Counterattack 17

With an explosion, a hole was blown out of the leg joint of the alien beast Obern, leaving only a tendon to maintain it, which also caused Obern, who was running at full speed, to fall flat on his face. Reading

Take advantage of his weakness to kill him! Cai Wenjie did not stop attacking because of Obern's fall. Instead, he continued to fire the remaining shells while Obern was falling, until all of Obern's hands and feet were blown off.

After suffering heavy blows in succession, all of Obern's limbs were broken by Cai Wenjie's shells. Now Obern can only move his neck, and other parts can't move at all. After all, how can he move without his hands and feet?

After Cai Wenjie put away the 10 bullets or shells, he drew out his long sword and came to Obern.

After confirming that Obern had no ability to resist, Cai Wenjie, contrary to his usual behavior, did not kill him immediately.

"Alien fighting beast Obern?"

Cai Wenjie mocked him first, then raised his super alloy sword and stabbed Obern's chest fiercely. The sharp sword pierced through Obern's chest with difficulty, nailing him to the ground.

It must be said that Obern's body is indeed very hard, but no matter how hard it is, it is not as hard as the real super alloy, so Cai Wenjie still sent the sword into Obern's chest.

After firmly controlling Obern, Cai Wenjie did not blow up his head, but stopped to think for a while.

It's rare to catch a living alien fighting beast. Instead of killing it hastily, it's better to send it to the research institute in the capital for research. Maybe some tricks can be studied.

"What a pity, my mecha worth 10 million"

Of course, this is just a sigh. To be honest, one Tianbing mecha is enough now. If there are more, it will only be icing on the cake, which will not be of much help to Cai Wenjie.

Cai Wenjie immediately made up his mind to tie up Obern, pack him up and send him directly to the capital. Fortunately, Obern's limbs were broken by Cai Wenjie, leaving only a body and head, so he could still be transported back.

But now we have to find a way to tie up Obern first. Fortunately, the steel cables used for tying can be exchanged in the system mall, so there is no need to worry about not having anything to tie him up.

Cai Wenjie controlled the mecha, pulled out the long sword inserted in Obern's body, and then cut Obern's chest twice until the bones inside were exposed. Then two transport helicopters waiting nearby flew over and lowered the slings.

After Cai Wenjie grabbed the lowered sling, he directly put it on Obern's bones, and then signaled the transport helicopter to take off and send Obern back to the Xinguang gathering place.

As for the Tianbing mecha, it uses the automatic navigation function and walks back slowly. It will take at most an hour and a half to walk back slowly, so there is no need to worry about anything.

He still has this endurance. As for why he sent Obern back to the Xinguang gathering place first, it was mainly because he was unable to send Obern directly to the capital. He could only contact the people in the war zone first, and then transfer him to the capital after the people in the war zone sent someone to receive him.

Of course, Cai Wenjie did not waste Obern's limbs, and directly carried them back together. After all, he knew best how hard and sharp Obern's claws were.

Perhaps Obern's limbs could be used to make a melee weapon, especially Obern's claws. Using the claws to make a spear or a spear is also a good choice, or directly making a claw knife is also a good choice.

However, what Cai Wenjie didn't know now was that Obern, who had just had his limbs blown off and stabbed several times, was now passively recovering from the wound, especially the place where his chest was cut open, was growing new flesh and blood tissue at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the broken limbs were also beginning to slowly grow new granulations.

Cai Wenjie didn't know all this, but even if he knew it, he would probably just laugh it off. If the alien fighting beast really grew new limbs, Cai Wenjie would be happy. After all, wouldn't it be great if he could cut off the limbs before sending Obern away as forging materials?

As for the safety of the Xinguang gathering place, Cai Wenjie never worried about it. You know, there are many defensive weapons in the Xinguang gathering place now, such as magnetic storm coils, light prism towers, giant cannons, missile launch towers, and other defensive buildings.

If Obern dared to run wild in the Xinguang gathering place, what awaited him was the concentrated fire of these defensive weapons. Cai Wenjie believed that even a creature like the alien fighting beast would have to suffer in the northwest when encountering so many defensive weapons, let alone the alien fighting beast. Even the Tianbing mecha could not retreat unscathed in front of so many defensive weapons. It is estimated that it would not be able to escape without a big blow, let alone a counterattack.

It must be said that Obern was really giving some face. When he was hoisted to an open space in the Xinguang gathering place by the transport helicopter, Obern's chest had recovered intact. Although his limbs had not grown out yet, Obern still felt that he could fight for it.

So, Obern, who had just been thrown to the ground by the transport helicopter, immediately began to struggle violently.

Because the transport helicopter did not deliberately avoid the general public when it was carrying Obern, the people in the Xinguang gathering place saw Obern, and some brave people even followed the transport helicopter to the open space where Obern was parked and began to observe secretly from a distance.

In addition, people who were broadcasting live with their mobile phones also came here and took out the camera of their mobile phones to shoot Obern.

Although the method of making money through live broadcasting is no longer feasible now, some people just want to be famous. In the Xinguang gathering place where food and clothing have been solved, it is quite normal for one or two people to continue to struggle for their so-called dreams.

In addition, Cai Wenjie did not prohibit the use of mobile phones or other communication equipment in the Xinguang gathering place, and the network signal was even one of the strongest places in the vicinity.

This led to the fact that the network in the Xinguang gathering place was very powerful, and people often used the Internet to kill time after work.

Therefore, when the anchor of the live broadcast pointed the camera at Obern, almost at the same time, most of the people nearby knew everything that happened here.

"It's moving! The monster is moving! It's actually still alive. The Xinguang Gathering Center is really awesome. They can capture such a monster alive."

"Is it dangerous? This monster doesn't look easy to deal with."

"It's still struggling even though it has no limbs. It's really a monster."

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