My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 588 Zombie Train

After everyone sat down, Cai Wenjie was the first to speak. Read

"To make a long story short, you have also seen the damage to the city caused by this earthquake, so I decided to give up the full recovery of the city and instead eliminate all the mutant creatures in the city, so your stay here will not be too long"

Cai Wenjie paused for a moment, sorted out his thoughts and continued.

"Of course, this does not mean that we have to give up here. As I said just now, I plan to implement a rotation system at the train station. The rotation will be carried out once a month, and the scale of each rotation is at the company level. After all the mutant creatures in the city are resolved, this rotation system will be implemented."

Cai Wenjie just finished speaking. Among the four people, Deng Jun was the most excited.

"Great, I can finally go back to see my sister!"

It's no wonder that he was so excited. Since he unconsciously learned from someone else, the driver of the convoy that transported supplies a week ago, there was also a female staff member named Deng among the people in the resident center, that his name was exactly the same as his sister. The most important thing is that he heard that this woman with the same name as his sister was actually a criminal police captain before coming to the Xinguang gathering place, which made him more convinced that this person was his sister Deng Jie.

Unfortunately, he had to stay at the train station, so he couldn't go back to meet his sister. Now Cai Wenjie said that he would implement a rotation system, which just gave him the opportunity to go back and meet his sister and reunite.

"Ah, sorry, chief, I'm a little excited"

"It's okay, I understand, sit down first"


After Deng Jun sat down with an embarrassed look, Cai Wenjie continued.

"Also, in addition to implementing the rotation system, I decided to regularly sweep the entire city. Although the city has become a ruin, there are still some usable supplies under the ruins. In addition, zombies always come out from unexpected places, so they must be cleaned up regularly."

Although the city is almost a ruin, it is inevitable that there is no possibility of rebuilding in the future, so it is still necessary to ensure the safety of the city.

Just as Cai Wenjie and Song Yi were discussing things, a train full of "living things" was approaching the train station quickly, and the speed was still increasing.

The sniper and observer on the roof of the train station discovered this situation at the first time.

"Huh? Train?"

"What train? Where is it? Let me see... It's really a train. It looks like a train for escaping. There are even figures hanging all over the train. It seems that there is really no room."

"Yeah, wait a minute! What did you say?"

The observer, who was awakened by the sniper's words, immediately took out a more sophisticated telescope and looked at the high-speed train in the distance. With the help of the special 20x telescope in his hand, the observer finally saw what the so-called figures hanging all over the train were.

"Zhao! It's a zombie! It's not a human! It's a zombie! You continue to stay here to observe the train and prepare for battle. I will inform the chief!"

"I know!"

The sniper didn't say much. He also knew that the situation was urgent, so he didn't say much nonsense. He took the observer's special 20x telescope and continued to observe the movement of the train, and shouted loudly to the surrounding soldiers to prepare for battle.

As for the observer, he ran to the meeting room where Shunliu and other officers were at his fastest speed.

"Report to the chief! There is something going on outside, you need to go and see it yourself."

The situation was urgent, and the observer didn't care whether to knock on the door or not, and pushed the door open directly to Cai Wenjie and others in the lounge, and said anxiously.

Shun Liu, who recognized the observer as his subordinate, wanted to scold him and ask him to pay attention to the occasion, but was stopped by Cai Wenjie, who then stood up and said to the observer.

"You lead the way, it seems that this is not a trivial matter from your panic. Let's go, all of you follow us to see it."


Soon, led by the observer, Cai Wenjie and others came to the roof of the railway station.

Cai Wenjie, who had just climbed to the roof, saw a train coming quickly from a distance, and there were some black spots on the top of the train. Because the distance was still relatively far, Cai Wenjie did not immediately discover what these black spots were, until Song Yi, who was beside him, handed over a telescope, and Cai Wenjie recognized what those black spots were.

After seeing the zombies hanging on the train, Cai Wenjie immediately felt that danger was coming. Without thinking too much, Cai Wenjie asked Song Yi to sound the alarm.

"Song Yi! Organize people to prepare for battle immediately!"


"Shun Liu and Deng Jun! The two of you stay on the roof, one is responsible for observing the movement of the train at any time, and the other moves the heavy weapons to aim at the train and be ready to open fire at any time!"


"Zhang Fei!"

"I'm here!"

"You go downstairs to organize people and prepare for impact. If the train derails and hits the platform, you must be ready to stop the zombies at the first time!"


Just as Cai Wenjie was about to prepare for battle after instructing everyone, he suddenly remembered that it seemed that he didn't need to fight this train full of zombies.

"Wait a minute! Shun Liu and Deng Jun, the two of you, don't attack the train without my order"


Although they were a little confused, Shunliu and Deng Jun didn't refute anything. They answered honestly and left.

"Zhang Fei, go check if there are any problems with the railway here right away. If there is no problem, you will be responsible for connecting the moving railway to the railway behind and letting them leave. Of course, if the train stops here, When you come down, you must be prepared to step forward and kill the zombies as soon as possible!"

"Put it on me!"

Originally, Cai Wenjie planned to let the train leave directly, but then he thought, if there are survivors on the train and these survivors are controlling the movement of the train, then there is a high possibility that they will stop here. Whether they want help or simply want to kill them, they have to stop the train first.

Soon, under the emergency alarm and the orders of Song Yi and others, the soldiers stationed at the train station immediately took action. The soldiers were divided into two parts, one part ran to the roof of the building, and the other part ran towards the train station. Taipa, since the zombies around the train station were wiped out, it is difficult for them to see zombies around here, let alone other mutant zombies.

Therefore, they cherished this opportunity very much. Everyone had concealed expressions of excitement on their faces. They had not fired a gun for nearly a week, and they must take advantage of this opportunity to fire more shots.

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