My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 590 Testing

Soon, the train driver and the other eight survivors were brought to Cai Wenjie by Song Yi.

Hu Peng and the others did not dare to look up at Cai Wenjie's face. They knew how much trouble their behavior had brought to the other party, so they did not dare to speak without authorization, but it was really impolite to remain silent.

So, as the representative of the survivors, Hu Peng spoke up.

"Thank you, Chief, for saving us. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you on behalf of all of us. Thank you."

Hu Peng took the lead and bowed to Cai Wenjie. Seeing this, the other survivors quickly bent down to express their gratitude.

Cai Wenjie did not help them up immediately because he felt that since he had saved others, it was right to accept their gratitude.

"Okay, raise your head. Actually, I have my own plan to save you. Your name is Hu Peng, right?"

"Yes, my name is Hu Peng, and I am also a train driver."

"That's right. I hope you can hand over your train driving skills to the people who taught me, as well as the train and the train carriages. Of course, I will compensate you accordingly."

After these words came out, Hu Peng and others who had originally planned to do hard labor for a lifetime looked happy, especially the other eight people except Hu Peng. They didn't expect that they would also get a share of the benefits.

"Okay, no problem! I can teach as many people as you want."

"Okay, in that case, Hu Peng, you stay here to teach people. As for the others, come back to the Xinguang gathering place with me. Each of you can get a thousand points as a one-time reward. As for the use of the points, someone will tell you when you arrive at the Xinguang gathering place."

Cai Wenjie did not give them thousands of points at a stroke, because he was not a fool. There was no such good thing in the world that he could get so many points without doing anything. The reason why Cai Wenjie did this was to let Hu Peng teach people well, to let him know that even if other people could get a thousand points, he, who worked hard, could certainly get more.

Cai Wenjie even deliberately did not clearly state Hu Peng's treatment, just to make him look forward to the future and work hard.

After a simple exchange, the matter was decided. The locomotive and 14 carriages were temporarily parked in the temporary warehouse of the railway station. Hu Peng stayed here to teach Cai Wenjie's specially selected 10 soldiers, and the others were transported to the public center of the Xinguang gathering place to be assigned jobs according to their abilities.

After doing these things, Cai Wenjie continued to communicate with Song Yi and others for a while, and then left the train station. Fortunately, the car made by Cai Wenjie had a large space and could easily fit more than a dozen people, so the eight survivors were also brought by Cai Wenjie to the temporary camp where the large army was located.

During this period, Cai Wenjie also specifically asked the names and occupations of the eight survivors, and then he was surprised to find that none of these eight people were ordinary people.

It’s not that they are high-ranking officials or wealthy people, but their occupations are not something that ordinary people can do. For example, the smallest and underage girl among the eight people is actually a big shot who has been in the stock market for many years. From the initial capital of one thousand yuan to the current tens of millions of assets, she only took three years.

Cai Wenjie did not doubt her words, because the clothes and jewelry she wore could fully prove that she was not lying, but it was a pity that her talent could not be brought into play in the current apocalypse.

Except for this little girl, the other people's occupations are hackers, forgers, feng shui masters, undertakers, specimen collectors, supernatural anchors, and private detectives.

None of these jobs are suitable for ordinary people. Cai Wenjie couldn't help but sigh that so many strange people could be found on a train.

"It's a pity that your occupations are useless in this world. After going to the Xinguang gathering place, you should think about the next way out."

"This leader, can I ask a question?"

Cai Wenjie looked at the little girl who raised her right hand carefully behind him and said casually.

"Go ahead, what do you want to ask?"

The little girl secretly encouraged herself, then raised her head and asked seriously.

"Excuse me, where is the Xinguang gathering place? And why did this city become like this?"

After hearing the little girl's question, Cai Wenjie realized that he seemed to have not introduced the basic situation here.

"Your question reminds me that I didn't tell you about the situation here, right? In that case, I'll just briefly explain it."

Cai Wenjie took out his communication device and opened the 3D map of YJ City, which marked the four official gathering places in YJ City.

"The city we are in now is called YJ City. There were four official gathering places here at the beginning, but now there are only the Xinguang gathering place I am responsible for and another official gathering place. The other two gathering places, one was forced to disband and the other was destroyed by thugs. I won't explain the detailed reasons. You just need to know that there are only two gathering places left in the entire YJ City now."

After saying that, Cai Wenjie thought for a while and continued.

"Our Xinguang gathering place is located in a mountain village half an hour away from the city. This place is surrounded by mountains on three sides. Except for the only entrance to the village, the other three places are either cliffs or connected to large mountains. Ordinary zombies and mutant zombies can't get in at all. It's very safe..."

Basically, Cai Wenjie talked about all the benefits of the Xinguang gathering place, and then talked about the earthquake that happened not long ago, which was the biggest reason for the city to become a ruin. Anyway, there was nothing to do, which meant that these things could kill some time.

When the vehicle arrived at the temporary station, Cai Wenjie just happened to introduce all the situations so that the survivors could clearly understand the current situation.

"Okay, you wait here for a while, we will set off and return to the Xinguang gathering place soon"

"Okay, Chief Cai"

Cai Wenjie naturally introduced himself, so the survivors behind knew that the person in front of them was the person in charge of the Xinguang gathering place, and naturally showed respect in their tone.

After Cai Wenjie got off the car, he gathered the troops and began to check the detailed intelligence of these eight people. As early as when these people reported their names, Cai Wenjie began to use his identity as a lieutenant colonel to openly apply for the detailed information of these people to the national intelligence department. It just so happened that the staff of the intelligence department now passed back the detailed information of the eight people reported by Cai Wenjie.

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