My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 595 Finished

Just as Cai Wenjie finished saying this, the sound of propellers spinning at high speed appeared in the sky. It was the only two armed helicopters in the Xinguang gathering place coming to support. Read М

Because the distance between here and the Xinguang gathering place is not very far, and Cai Wenjie contacted the armed helicopters in the Xinguang gathering place as soon as possible after confirming that there was a blood plague heart here, and asked them to come to support as quickly as possible, so this armed helicopter appeared very timely.

"Report! The armed helicopter has arrived at the battlefield, please give instructions!"

"There is nothing to give instructions, just aim at the middle part of the giant pit and fire all the missiles!"


After receiving Cai Wenjie's order, the two armed helicopters immediately flew above the giant pit. Because of the angle problem, it takes certain skills to shoot the missiles into the center of the giant pit. Ordinary drivers can't complete this task at all.

But they are not ordinary drivers, they are aces!

After the two armed helicopters flew to a distance of about 100 to 200 meters from the ground, they first began to fly around the giant pit. However, during the circling flight, the head of the helicopter was always facing the center of the pit and never left. After almost getting familiar with this flying method, the armed helicopter bent 90 degrees under the control of the pilot, and the weapon operator took this opportunity to fire all the missiles at once.

When the armed helicopter regained its balance, the missiles carried by the armed helicopter were almost all fired. Almost hundreds of missiles rushed into the giant pit at a speed close to Mach 2, and reached the bottom of the giant pit in the blink of an eye and exploded violently.

Huge flames shot up into the sky, and the powerful impact directly dispersed the red fog, revealing the true appearance of the bottom of the giant pit.

A large number of red human remains were piled up like corn, and there were as many as eight plague hearts inside. These eight plague hearts were completely made up of human remains. Countless human remains were squeezed together to form plague hearts. Because when squeezed together, there was a blood-red flesh ball like a heart and it kept beating. This is also the biggest reason why it is called plague heart.

And this is not over yet. Because a large number of plague hearts grew here, each plague heart was seen devouring each other and growing rows of walls made of flesh and blood. These flesh and blood walls formed a piece of maze, and the most important thing was that these walls formed by flesh and blood were also devouring flesh and blood and constantly growing their bodies to protect their own plague hearts.

And almost most of the missiles launched by the two helicopters just now fell on these plague walls, and only a few hit the plague hearts. Although the shock wave and missile fragments generated by the missile explosion destroyed a large number of plague walls, the most important plague hearts were not completely destroyed.

The helicopter pilot who discovered this situation did not say anything more and started the second attack directly. Although they had used up most of the missiles just now, they still had not launched a few missiles, or more accurately, they did not have time to launch them.

In addition to the multi-mounted missile nest, the helicopter they were driving also carried four anti-tank missiles. This time they were going to use the anti-tank missiles to accurately destroy the remaining blood plague hearts.

Three of the eight blood plague hearts under the giant pit were destroyed in the first wave of missile attacks. Now there are only five intact blood plague hearts. Now the remaining eight anti-tank missiles of the two helicopters can theoretically completely destroy these five blood plague hearts if there are no accidents.

Perhaps it was God's evil taste. Under such circumstances, an accident still occurred. After the five plague hearts devoured the three plague hearts that were killed by the explosion at an astonishing speed, the bodies of the five plague hearts began to shine with red light, and began to produce a large number of plague walls at a speed visible to the naked eye. The five plague hearts slowly united together to form a huge complex.

This time, the plague wall did not develop horizontally, but began to overlap and grow above the plague heart as if to protect it.

In just a dozen seconds, the plague heart was blocked by the plague wall, which was almost 15 meters thick, and the thickness was still increasing.

The armed helicopter pilots who saw this scene knew that they could not delay any longer. After the helicopter reached the appropriate launch point, they fired all anti-tank missiles without hesitation.

Why is the anti-tank missile an anti-tank missile? Because this missile has a strong penetrating power, the outer armor of the tank can't prevent it from penetrating at all. If it encounters it, it will be almost 95% of the tanks that have not survived.

Although the blood plague wall seems to have been stacked to a thickness of more than ten meters, this thing is pure flesh and blood, so when eight anti-tank missiles hit the blood plague wall, it was like chopsticks inserted into tofu, directly stabbing to the bottom, and finally it exploded because it touched the ground.

Although there were only eight anti-tank missiles, the scale of these eight explosions was not much different from the scale of the previous explosion of hundreds of missiles, and they were equally magnificent.

As the huge flames rushed out of the huge pit, the complex of the five blood plague hearts below was instantly blown into pieces all over the ground, and the dead could not be more dead.

After seeing this result, the armed helicopter pilot nodded with satisfaction, and then began to contact Cai Wenjie to report the battle situation.

"Report to the leader! It has been confirmed that all blood plague hearts at the bottom of the pit have been destroyed, please give instructions!"

"Very good! Thank you for your hard work, let's return!"

"Received! Start returning!"

The most difficult blood plague heart has been eliminated, and the red mist sprayed by the blood plague heart has been dispersed by the shock wave of the explosion. Now the battle can be ended by destroying the blood plague creatures in front of you.

The battle did not last long. All the blood plague creatures that climbed into the giant pit were killed in less than ten minutes. The blood plague creatures that escaped from the red mist were only slightly stronger than ordinary zombies. Weaker than mutant zombies.

Therefore, the demise of these blood plague creatures is destined. In addition, these blood plague creatures encounter combat troops with Cai Wenjie in charge. As long as Cai Wenjie is in the entire army, there is no need to worry about ammunition, because Cai Wenjie himself is a mobile The ammunition depot plus the ammunition production line cannot be completed at all.

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