My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 601 Heavenly Soldier Mecha X

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"Don't worry, I guarantee with my personal charm that all the weapons and equipment here are the most advanced. Wait for me, I will go to the chief to confirm it immediately"

Taiwan Novel Network →𝘁𝘄𝗸𝗮𝗻.𝗰𝗼𝗺

"Thank you for your hard work"

"You are welcome, wait for my good news"

After saying that, Zhao Yunpeng put down the phone and went to the chief to report the situation again.

It's not that Cai Wenjie is too greedy. It's mainly because of this earthquake that directly scrapped all of his dozen armored vehicles and tanks. Either the gun barrels were severely damaged, or the electronic systems inside the tanks were smashed and broke down, so basically they had to be sent back for overhaul. In a short period of time, Cai Wenjie had no armored forces to mobilize.

Moreover, he was ready to bargain just now, so he wanted so many armored vehicles and aircraft. To be honest, even if the commander of the war zone really agreed to his request, it would probably be difficult.

You must know that each tank must be equipped with a qualified tank crew to maximize the tank's performance. The same is true for helicopters and fighters. Although Cai Wenjie can use clones to replace tank drivers and aircraft pilots, the problem is that these clones have random skills when they come out. Even if Cai Wenjie has so many clones now, there are not many with military driving skills.

At most, there are only a dozen people, and this number can only barely control three tanks or no more than ten helicopters.

It's not enough. As for the ace drivers currently in service, they are basically bound to the helicopters after completing the mission.

So even if Cai Wenjie wants so many armored vehicles and aircraft, there are not so many people to control them. It can't be transferred directly from the war zone.

Just when Cai Wenjie was preparing how to deal with the tanks and armored vehicles that were about to be obtained, Zhao Yunpeng came back.

"Is Lieutenant Colonel Cai still here!"

Listening to Zhao Yunpeng's trembling voice on the other side of the phone, Cai Wenjie wondered if his request had really been approved, so he quickly answered.

"I'm here, I'm here, brother Zhao! Did the chief really agree to my request?"

Although the driver's problem could not be solved in a short time, Cai Wenjie was still very excited. You know, those are almost a hundred armored units. Even if they can't be driven out, they can be placed in the Xinguang gathering place to protect the house. Apart from anything else, it looks very face-saving!

"Don't get excited about this!"

"Don't worry! I swear to God that I will never get excited!"

"That's good. Our chief has decided not to approve your tanks and planes!"

"I! C..."

"Because the chief is going to give you the latest batch of armored units!"

"C... The hard-working chief must live a hundred years!"

Cai Wenjie forcibly changed the swear words that were about to be sprayed out into this meaningless sentence, but it was obvious that Zhao Yunpeng on the other end of the phone still heard what Cai Wenjie meant.

"Don't get excited yet. Colonel Cai has to admit that you are really lucky. Do you know what this latest batch of armored units is?

I won't keep you in suspense. I'll just tell you the truth.

This latest batch of armored units is a scaled-down version of the Tianbing mecha. Although it has lost the original version's strong firepower, high defense and volume, it has achieved the ultimate function, which is mass production!"

Speaking of this, Zhao Yunpeng began to vividly introduce this scaled-down version of the Tianbing mecha.

"Because it is a smaller version of the Tianbing Mecha, the name of this mecha is Tianbing Mecha X. The meaning of this X is very simple, which is the first letter of the pinyin of the small one.

Although Tianbing Mecha X can be mass-produced, the output is not large. So far, only 200 have been produced nationwide.

That is to say, the average daily output does not exceed 20, and our Northern Theater has only grabbed a total of 37.

But this time, after collective discussion by the leaders, it was agreed to give 17 to your Xinguang Gathering Place, Lieutenant Colonel Cai!

Are you happy or not? Are you surprised?"

Listening to the voice of Zhao Yunpeng who couldn't suppress his excitement, Cai Wenjie calmed down instead.

The main reason was that Cai Wenjie didn't know the combat capability of this so-called Tianbing Mecha X, so he didn't dare to talk to him.

"Oh, right! Lieutenant Colonel Cai, you haven't seen the Sky Soldier Mecha X yet, so you don't know the combat capability of this mecha, right? I'll give you a simple data, and you'll know why I'm so excited, listen carefully.

The height of the Sky Soldier Mecha X is 3 meters, and the whole mecha is made of compliant metal. Its protective armor can withstand all weapons below 20 mm, including armor-piercing bullets, and has a certain degree of protection against the main guns of modern tanks, so that they won't be killed by one shot.

And the Sky Soldier Mecha X can use normal weapons, unlike the original Sky Soldier Mecha, which can only use specific weapons. That is to say, the weapons used by ordinary soldiers now can still be used by the Sky Soldier Mecha X, which means that as long as he is equipped with an ordinary rifle, he can carry out conventional combat.

A fixed jet engine is installed inside the Sky Soldier Mech X, which can fight in the air in a short time. There is no problem in playing the role of an armed helicopter. The operation mode of the Sky Soldier Mech X still adopts two modes: remote unmanned control and personal control, which can be arranged according to the battlefield situation.

And the most important thing is that the energy of the Sky Soldier Mech X is driven by the latest energy block mode. In simple terms, after the energy of this set of Sky Soldier Mech X is consumed, it does not need to return to the rear for a long time to recharge, but only needs to replace the energy module to continue to fight, and each energy module can provide the mech with 48 hours of combat, which is the ultimate in endurance. Such a mech is directly given to you 17 sets. Isn't this surprising! ”

Cai Wenjie didn’t know whether he was surprised or not, but after listening to Zhao Yunpeng’s introduction, he had a feeling that this Tianbing Mecha X was just an upgraded and strengthened exoskeleton armor. He still doubted whether this mecha could really beat tanks and armed helicopters.

After hearing no sound from the other side for a long time, Zhao Yunpeng thought that Cai Wenjie still didn’t believe what he said, so he could only shake his head. It seemed that he couldn’t explain it clearly. It seemed that only after Cai Wenjie saw the Tianbing Mecha X in person could he let Cai Wenjie know what a real surprise was.

“Forget it, everything is better to see it with your own eyes. Lieutenant Colonel Cai, you prepare those research materials. I estimate that I can set off to your side at this time tomorrow. Then you can personally drive a Tianbing Mecha X and see how powerful it is”

“That’s great, see you tomorrow, and then you can introduce it to me in detail”

[Do you remember that I asked you to recite it three times at the beginning of the chapter? Sharing on Facebook may have surprises]

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