My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 607 Meteor Shower

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At almost half past nine, the family gathered on the rooftop again, but now the barbecue grill had started to work. Father Cai and Mother Cai also brought a lot of meat skewers and vegetables, which were being grilled on the grill. Got up.

The family chatted and laughed and started having a barbecue at night.

When Cai Wenjie saw that the time was almost up, he reminded others to look up at the sky.

Because cities have become ruins and humans have stopped polluting most of the environment, the nature now is surprisingly good, as if it has been purified, and has truly turned into green mountains and green waters. Even the sky has changed because of it. The ground has reduced the emission of a large amount of toxic gases and has become extremely clear. The starry sky that was previously invisible can now be seen with the naked eye. This made Cai Wenjie sigh at how miraculous the speed of nature's purification is.

"Mom, Dad, Xiaoxue, don't be busy, look! Meteor shower"

Cai Wenjie took the initiative to put his arms around Xiang Xue's waist, and then pointed at the meteor shower that appeared in the sky.

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"I really don't know how many years it takes to see such a meteor shower. I remember seeing such a meteor shower when I was about five or six years old, but the scale was not very big."

Father Cai and Mother Cai unknowingly stuck together, and at the same time they couldn't help but admire the meteor shower in the sky.

Xiang Xue looked up at the meteor shower, and then glanced at the barbecue in her hand. She seemed to feel that the charm of the meteor shower was almost on the same level as the barbecue in her hand, but she also knew that she couldn't see the meteor shower at all, so she had a hard time. He put down the barbecue in his hand and continued to watch the falling meteor shower.

Cai Wenjie looked up at the meteor shower, then turned to look at his family around him and Xiang Xue in his arms. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, as if he was enjoying this time.

Just when Cai Wenjie was about to say something, Xiang Xue in his arms suddenly had a strange reaction. Before Cai Wenjie could ask what happened, Xiang Xue suddenly raised his right hand and said solemnly with restraint. .

"Husband, look at those trends flying towards us. They seem to be getting bigger and bigger."

As soon as he said this, Cai Wenjie turned his head and looked at the sky in shock. He saw five meteors that were almost as big as old big-ass old-fashioned TV sets. No, it should be said that they were meteorites flying rapidly in the direction of Cai Wenjie. Come over.

Seeing this scene, Cai Wenjie took out the exoskeleton mask from his system space without hesitation, and quickly put it on.

"Qilin! Immediately analyze and calculate the direction of the meteorite falling!"

"Calculating!...Calculation completed!"

Looking at the data calculated by the Qilin system, Cai Wenjie finally let go of his worries. According to the calculated data, these meteorites would not fall near their home or the Xinguang gathering place.

At this time, Cai's father and Cai's mother were also a little nervous. If a meteorite of this size hit their home, it would definitely be smashed with several big holes, or even collapse directly. It would not be a surprise.

"Wenjie! Xiaoxue! Run!"

"No need, Mom and Dad. I calculated it just now. These meteorites will not hit us. They will probably fall more than ten kilometers away from us. Don't worry, everything will be fine."

Seeing such a calm son, Cai's mother and Cai's father no longer felt panic, but continued to look up at the sky. Sure enough, as Cai Wenjie said, these meteorites did not fall on their home, but The mountains that crossed their heads and not far away disappeared from sight.

But if you carefully prick up your ears and feel it quietly, you should be able to hear a few muffled sounds, which are probably the sounds that occurred after the meteorite hit the ground.

"It almost scared me to death. I almost became the unlucky guy who was killed by a meteorite."

Father Cai patted his chest, thankful that he had survived. When the meteorites flew over their heads just now, they were probably less than 200 meters high. Although it was only for a moment, Father Cai could clearly see part of the meteorites. appearance.

Father Cai, who had never had such an experience, couldn't help but marvel.

"Wenjie, can you collect those meteorites and put them in our house as house treasures? I have seen a few meteorites in the antique city before. If I weren't short of money, I would definitely get one to use as a house. It's a pity. "

"? Dad, are you serious?"

"What's wrong?"

Father Cai asked in confusion.

"Hey, dad, do you know that all meteorites have more or less radiation? Especially this kind of meteorite that just fell, it is almost a highly radioactive object in itself. Bring it here as a town treasure, you are Do you want to move our family to the underworld? "

In fact, Cai Wenjie's explanation is not quite right. You must know that all rocks (including meteorites, of course), air, and food contain radioactive elements to a greater or lesser extent.

In a broad sense, humans actually exist in a radioactive environment.

However, due to differences in the content of radioactive elements, the dose of decay varies. The threshold of radiation dose harmful to the human body is about 20mSv/y (millisieverts per year). Therefore, the radiation from air, food and most earth rocks has harmful effects on the human body. Damage is negligible.

As for the radiation intensity of a meteorite, it first depends on whether the meteorite is a landing meteorite or a discovery meteorite.

The falling meteorite is the meteorite that is witnessed to fall, and the discovered meteorite is the meteorite that is collected by humans after a long time after landing.

Before falling to the earth, the meteorite will travel in the universe, during which it will be irradiated by solar cosmic rays and galactic cosmic rays, and some cosmogenic nuclides will be formed. The half-life of these cosmogenic nuclides is as short as milliseconds, and some are as long as millions of years, but most of them are at the hour level. Therefore, in the first 1-3 days after the meteorite falls to the earth, due to the decay of cosmogenic nuclides, it is harmful to the human body. Its radiation level is equivalent to that of CT scans in hospitals. Therefore, it is not recommended to contact with falling meteorites for a long time.

This is also the main reason why Cai Wenjie disagrees with his father's idea. However, for safety reasons, Cai Wenjie plans to send a scientific research team tomorrow to investigate the situation of those meteorites. If possible, they will be brought over and placed in a safe place for research or exhibition. If it is really not possible or the radioactivity of the meteorite is too strong, it can only be specially handled.

After hearing Cai Wenjie's explanation, Cai's father also realized how outrageous what he had just said was, so he smiled awkwardly and turned to look at the sky to try to change the subject.

"Ah, the meteor shower is so beautiful"

At this time, Xiang Xue said seriously.

"Dad, the meteor shower has ended a long time ago"

"I mean, the sky is so beautiful! Hahaha"

It is obvious that Cai's father's wish to change the subject did not succeed, and he was attacked by Xiang Xue and almost lost his balance.

[Do you remember that I asked you to recite it three times at the beginning of the chapter? There may be surprises when you share it on Facebook]

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