My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 609 Meteorite Egg

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"Report to the chief! No zombies were found in Lijia Village!"

"Where are those meteorites?"

"Report! The meteorites are in the center of the village"

"Take me there to have a look"

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Soon, Cai Wenjie, under the guidance of the soldiers, came to the center of Lijia Village. There was a small open space here. It seemed that it was a place where the old people in the village would get together to play cards or chat when they were bored.

When Cai Wenjie came here, he saw the meteorite crater and several skeletons around the crater at first sight.

"Why are there skeletons here?"

This was the first question that came to Cai Wenjie after he saw the skeletons. For safety reasons, Cai Wenjie ordered the soldiers not to approach the meteorite crater.

"Use a drone to observe it closely, and then go over to contact it after confirming that there is no problem."


Soon, an engineering drone equipped with a mechanical arm began to slowly approach the meteorite in the crater, while Cai Wenjie and others controlled the drone about 100 meters away from the crater.

According to the images transmitted by the drone, Cai Wenjie and others can clearly see that the appearance of the meteorite is somewhat bright, and the entire meteorite is in a dark red state.

"What is this...?"

Cai Wenjie, who had been staring at the screen, soon noticed something was wrong, because the meteorite actually began to tremble slightly. Cai Wenjie, who thought he had seen it wrong, found after repeated confirmation that the meteorite closest to the drone was indeed trembling, and the frequency of the tremor was gradually increasing.

How to describe this look, it's like an eggshell that is about to break out of the shell.


Cai Wenjie then discovered that it seems that these meteorites are basically oval-shaped meteorites.

"No way... Shit! Everyone, get ready for battle!"

Cai Wenjie, who thought of a possibility, immediately asked other soldiers to get ready for battle. He even took out a rocket launcher from his system space and aimed it at the crater.

At this moment, the meteorites in the crater, or the eggs of some unknown creatures, began to crack, as if some creatures would hatch from the eggs soon.

Time passed by minute by minute, and the surface of the meteorite eggs in the crater was already covered with cracks. Everyone was holding their breath and concentrating, with their fingers on the trigger. As long as some strange monsters dared to crawl out of the pit opposite, they would pull the trigger without hesitation.

About three minutes later, the first meteorite egg broke open, and some kind of creature with eight legs like a spider drilled out from it. In addition to having eight legs like a spider, this kind of creature also has a scorpion tail full of barbs at the tail, and its mouth is full of irregular inverted teeth, and its upper body is more like another kind of creature, a corpse beetle! Or the horseshoe crab in reality!

Anyway, it's not a good thing at first glance.

Cai Wenjie gave the attack order without hesitation! He also pulled the trigger of the rocket launcher on his shoulder.

In an instant, countless metal bullets, forming a metal storm, shot at these unknown creatures without hesitation.

Perhaps because they were just hatched, these unknown creatures reacted very slowly, and almost all the bullets hit these unknown creatures accurately.

But Cai Wenjie heard the sound he didn't want to hear the most, that is, the collision sound made by bullets hitting metal.

"Ding Ding Dang Dang"

Ordinary bullets couldn't penetrate the shells of these unknown creatures. Now Cai Wenjie can only hope on his rockets.

I saw a rocket hit these unknown creatures at a very fast speed and exploded.

Fortunately, Cai Wenjie was not disappointed this time. The rocket easily blew up the shells of these unknown creatures and directly blew them into pieces.

But perhaps it was because of the shock wave generated by the explosion, all the meteorite eggs that had not yet broken their shells broke their shells at this time, and several unknown creatures like the ones just now drilled out of them.

At this time, Cai Wenjie also took out more than a dozen rocket launchers from his system space and distributed them directly to the soldiers around him.

However, Cai Wenjie did not let the soldiers continue to attack these unknown creatures. Since there was a way to deal with such unknown creatures, these things would not pose a threat to them.

"Don't kill them, capture them alive! Take them back for research and see if there is any research value"


The soldiers took the isolation box originally used to hold meteorites from the transport truck behind, and then took the electric shock gun and wire mesh to suppress the unknown creatures at the fastest speed and then caught them with wire mesh.

During this period, these unknown creatures also resisted, such as using the eight legs that were almost no different from sharp blades to attack the soldiers' lower body, or using the tail like a scorpion's tail to attack the soldiers' necks, etc., but it was useless. After all, the exoskeleton armor worn by the soldiers had a defense capability that was no worse than theirs.

They can't withstand rockets, but exoskeletons can, so the attacks of these unknown creatures are just a tickle for the soldiers wearing exoskeleton armor. The soldiers caught all these unknown creatures without much effort and put them in isolation boxes.

Even the meteorite eggshells and the body parts that were blown into pieces of these unknown creatures were not spared by the soldiers. They collected them all and put them in another isolation box.

After doing all this, a soldier immediately came to Cai Wenjie to report

"Report to the chief! All the unknown creatures and meteorite eggshells have been collected, please give instructions!"

"Well done, gather the troops, let's go back"


Soon, three trucks slowly drove away from Lijia Village and started their return journey.

Not long after Cai Wenjie and others left Lijia Village, a black shadow crawled out of the meteorite crater and quickly disappeared into the house next to it.


Cai Wenjie, who returned to the Xinguang gathering place, immediately took the isolation boxes to the only research institute in the Xinguang gathering place.

In fact, it is called a research institute, but it is actually a house converted from a private house with an area of ​​less than 1,000 square meters. After a little cleaning, it was officially put into use.

As for research equipment, they were basically collected from university buildings in the city, or directly moved from hospitals.

So except for those precious experimental equipment, basically everything is available.

When Cai Wenjie brought a platoon of soldiers and an isolation box to the research institute, the person in charge here was the first to take the lead to welcome Cai Wenjie.

[Do you remember that I asked you to recite it three times at the beginning of the chapter? Share it on Facebook and there may be a surprise]

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