My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 622 Decision

The officer's injury was not serious, so it didn't take long for him to regain consciousness and wake up.

The first thing he did after waking up was to call all the soldiers for a meeting.

Soon, except for the soldiers on guard, everyone gathered in the ward.

"I'm not here for anything else, I just want to ask for your opinions.

You've seen the situation now. After this incident, the relationship and trust between the people and us have also been broken. We can't continue to live like before.

So I want to ask for your opinions. Do you want to go to other gathering places? The leader has already explained before leaving that if one day we can't hold on, we can go to other gathering places for help.

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Everyone feels bad about what happened today, but for our safety and the safety of other people, maybe we really have to think about the future."

The platoon leader's words made the surrounding soldiers speechless. They also knew that after this incident, they and the people outside had a thorn in their hearts. Although it should not affect too deeply in the short term, if it is not handled in time, this thorn will slowly make people on both sides suspicious of each other until no one trusts each other in the end.

So, they had nothing to say, and they could only look at the platoon leader lying on the bed.

"Platoon leader, we all listen to you"

"Yes, platoon leader, we all believe you"

Looking at the soldiers around him, the platoon leader also made up his mind and said.

"Okay! In this case, this matter is settled. The only thing left in our YJ city is the Xinguang gathering place. I remember that the person in charge of the Xinguang gathering place should be Lieutenant Colonel Cai Wenjie. Lieutenant Colonel Cai has a close relationship with our regiment commander, so there should be no problem, but we must contact him first. Let's do this. After tomorrow morning, I will go to the Xinguang gathering place in person and talk to Lieutenant Colonel Cai. Let's talk about it after I come back"

"Platoon leader, you are still injured, let me go for this matter, you can rest here"

"Yes, platoon leader, you "It's important to take care of your health."

"Don't say anything. I have to go there in person. You all should go away. Just pretend that what happened today never happened. Do what you need to do.... Take out all the food in the warehouse and don't save it. Eat and drink. After such a big thing, use food to soothe everyone's emotions."

"Yes! Platoon leader!"

"Thank you for your hard work."


At the same time, in the underground laboratory in the northern theater, researchers used a mechanical arm to grab the parasite from the isolation box and put it in an isolation room made of special materials.

The room was empty, with only a bound zombie roaring constantly. When the parasite was put into the room, the zombie wanted to pounce on it and take a bite, but he was bound and had no way to move forward. He could only roar to relieve his anger.

On the contrary, the parasite hid in the corner the moment it was put into the room by the mechanical arm. If there was no hiding place in the room, it would have hidden in it long ago.

All this was recorded by the researchers outside the room.

After more than ten minutes, after finding that there was no one in the room that could threaten him, the parasite slowly walked out from the corner of the room, and its eight slender legs slowly moved to the front of the zombie.

At this time, the zombie was no longer roaring, but just stood there quietly, with empty eyes and entered the standby state. This is the instinct of the zombie. When the surroundings are quiet, they will also be quiet. At the same time, as long as they hear a little movement, they will wake up immediately.

Because the parasite did not make any sound when it moved, it did not alarm the zombie. Even when it came to the front of the zombie, it did not wake up, which gave the parasite an excellent opportunity.

In an instant, the parasite, which was originally moving slowly, immediately used its eight slender and tough legs to jump up directly, and hugged the zombie's head tightly with its eight legs.

Then it used its mouthparts to aim at the zombie's mouth, and stuffed something similar to a tentacle into the zombie's mouth, and then swallowed it hard.

After doing all this, the parasite seemed to have lost its life. With eight legs, it fell off the zombie's head.

After experiencing this series of events, the zombie finally woke up, and then immediately knelt on the ground and began to bite the parasite that had lost its vital signs frantically.

However, the shell of the parasite was very hard, and even with the zombie's bite force, it was impossible to break through the shell's defense, so no matter how hard the zombie tried, it could not eat the parasite.

But soon, the zombie found that the shell above could not be bitten, but if it started biting from the head, it could easily get the parasite's meat, so he started to gnaw on the parasite's head.

But just when he was biting happily, he suddenly stopped, the red light in his eyes slowly faded, and the standing body fell straight backwards.

At the same time, the zombie's belly, like a pregnant woman in ten months of pregnancy, slowly bulged up, and soon bulged into a big bag.

At the same time, the zombie's body seemed to be sucked by something, shrinking continuously, and the flesh and blood in the body quickly drained away, and soon it became a dry corpse, just like a mummy.

But even in this way, the speed of the belly swelling did not slow down, but continued to grow, until it could not be bigger, and suddenly countless dense needles stretched out from the belly.

Then the zombie's belly was like a balloon pierced to the side by a thorn, and it exploded directly, and the dry body tissue was scattered all over the ground, which was very disgusting.

And along with this explosion, a group of parasites that were exactly the same as the one whose head was just gnawed by the zombie were born, and the number reached ten.

Looking at the dense parasites, the researchers outside the isolation room were also shocked, and immediately recorded the incident in full in the file.

"This is too scary. A parasite can actually split into so many parasites. If this gets out, the whole earth will probably be occupied by them. No, I must report it. I must not let this creature appear on the earth."

"Xiao Zhang! Don't get excited! Calm down. Our job is just to record the status of the parasites. Other things will be handled by special personnel. Just do your own thing!"

"Ah, yes, professor!"

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