My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 631 Gray Wolf Exorcises Evil

While Cai Wenjie was pulling a tank on the railway track, the team that had gone to pick up Xiang Xue's family successfully returned to the Xinguang gathering place. ♦♦  ♪♦

Chang Wei brought four off-road vehicles to the gate of Xinguang Gathering Area.

"Stop! Password!"

"The world! Return the order!"

"Invincible! Come and register."

After hearing that the people below knew today's password, the sentry on guard duty opened the small door on the side and asked Chang Wei to come in alone to register his identity information. The sentry would not open the door until the registration was completed.

Because Chang Wei answered the correct password, the sentry did not embarrass him. When Chang Wei registered, he handed him a cigarette. Chang Wei did not refuse and took it to his mouth generously.

"Brother, what are you doing out there? You even brought four off-road vehicles with you. You must have gone out to make extra money, right? I really envy you..."

It's no wonder that the sentry thought so. You must know that there are strict restrictions on the troops at the Xinguang Gathering Area. If you want to go out to make extra money, you must meet the following conditions.

First, you have to pay enough points.

Second, you can only go out when you are on vacation.

Third, 20% of the collected materials must be given to the logistics department, and half of the remaining 80% must be sold to the logistics department to redeem points, and the rest can be handled by yourself.

And every time you go out, there will be a time limit. No matter when you leave, you have to come back at night. If you are late, you will be fined. However, basically you can bring back a lot of supplies in one trip, and you can redeem a lot of points by selling them to the logistics department. Generally speaking, it is a sure-profit business, even if YJ City is now in ruins.

Therefore, the sentry looked at the four off-road vehicles behind him with envy. If these off-road vehicles were filled with supplies, the colleague in front of him would definitely make a fortune.

Moreover, his vacation was coming soon, and he was planning to spend the points he usually saved to try his luck in the city in a few days. If possible, he would like to ask this colleague for advice on where so many supplies were buried.

"It seems that you have misunderstood something. What is sitting in my car is not a trophy, but..., I am almost bald. I'm sorry, brother, this is confidential so I can't tell you. However, if you want to go If you are looking for supplies in the city, I advise you to go to the department store in the south of the city. Although it has collapsed, I vaguely remember that there is an underground mall converted from an air raid shelter. I guess there will be a lot of stuff there."

"Really! That's great. Thank you, brother. I'll open the door for you right away. You can go back first."

After getting the useful information, the sentry asked Chang Wei to go back. After he disappeared from his sight, the sentry immediately put away his smile, and then carefully checked the information filled in by Chang Wei immediately, and then He nodded in the direction of the camera.

The sentry machine guns and rocket launchers originally aimed at the four off-road vehicles left their intended targets and entered a dormant state. The two magnetic storm coils on both sides of the gate also stopped operating and also entered a dormant state.

Because this is the only road leading to the Xinguang gathering place, Cai Wenjie arranged a lot of new equipment here, including sentry machine guns, rocket launchers, magnetic storm coils, and other defensive equipment as much as possible.

Even in order to prevent air units, three anti-aircraft guns, two anti-aircraft missiles and a Phalanx were deployed not far from the gate. Whether it was a flock of zombies, helicopters, bombers or the like, as long as they dared to make noise here, then The only outcome is to become a fireworks display in the sky.

And the person who spoke to Chang Wei was not an ordinary sentry. He was the company captain stationed at the gate of Xinguang Gathering Area. He also deliberately approached Chang Wei to test Chang Wei's identity and purpose. After finding that there was no problem, he Nod to the camera that has been monitoring this place, signal to contact the armed forces, and open the door.

After returning to the car, Chang Wei saw the gate open and led the convoy to move inside the Xinguang gathering place.

When Chang Wei drove past the sentry just now, the company captain disguised as a sentry, he smiled and nodded at him. The company captain also smiled and nodded to Chang Wei.

However, Chang Wei stopped again not long after driving, because all outgoing vehicles must undergo a major disinfection after entering the Xinguang gathering place, so they stopped again less than a hundred meters away from the gate.

However, because it was night, there were no medical staff on duty here, so the sentry came over from behind and personally disinfected Chang Wei and the others' entire bodies.

Xiang Xue's parents and sister also needed disinfection, so the three of them got out of the car accompanied by other soldiers and conducted a full-body disinfection. As for the four off-road vehicles, an automatic disinfection machine was used for follow-up. Disinfect like car wash, no need to worry.

The sentry looked at the three strangers who suddenly appeared, and secretly guessed in his heart that these three people were probably the secrets Chang Wei said.

However, looking at the youngest and most beautiful woman among the three, the company captain couldn't help but feel a little confused. He always felt that this face looked familiar, not only to this young woman, but even to the two middle-aged couples beside her. It looks familiar.

The company captain, who was thinking while disinfecting, didn't notice that the gray wolf he brought over was smelling the smell of the three people carefully. Compared with humans who use vision to distinguish humans, gray wolves mainly use their sense of smell to distinguish others. For Xiang Xue His parents and sister will naturally have a trace of Xiang Xue's smell.

So the gray wolf smelled something wrong at the first time, and after sniffing carefully again, it was more certain in its heart that these three people must be the family of the hairless female gorilla who was on par with the wolf king.

Thinking of this, the gray wolf came to the company captain, sat down, and then used his claws to pull the company captain's pants, then pointed at the three people, and then pointed his claws in the direction of Cai Wenjie's house.

The company captain did not realize what the gray wolf was saying at first, but slowly he understood that since Cai Wenjie brought a group of gray wolves, these gray wolves were assigned to various troops, and those who guarded the gates naturally also got a few gray wolves, and the one under his feet was a smarter gray wolf in the entire wolf pack.

Basically, this gray wolf can understand human words and resolutely obey orders. It is a good comrade-in-arms. For this reason, he also gave this gray wolf a loud name, exorcism! The meaning is also easy to understand. I hope he can break all the evil in this world.

After nearly a week of communication and interaction, exorcism has become the captain's favorite, and he can basically understand some of the ideas of exorcism.

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