My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 55: First meeting

The soldiers all thanked Cai Wenjie and launched an offensive against the hot pot with gratitude.

Just as the two groups of people were happily eating hot pot, the sound of a helicopter propeller appeared in the sky. The helicopter driven by Bai Feng and Zhou Xing arrived here. Cai Wenjie looked up and wondered if it was the one during the day. helicopter.

Under the precise operation of the pilot, the container hoisted by the helicopter landed safely in the simple open space that had been cleared long ago. Then the steel cable was released, and the helicopter landed in the open space beside it.

Zhou Weiguo has been waiting for the helicopter here for a long time, accompanied by Professor Dong.

After the helicopter landed, Xu Tao opened the door of the helicopter, bent down and ran quickly towards Zhou Weiguo, and then saluted.

"Report! Xu Tao has been ordered to come and make contact with the leader of the mysterious armed group."

"I understand. The person you are looking for is in the parking lot at the gate. I will send someone to take you to contact him."


"Xiao Wang, take him to find Cai Wenjie."


Xu Tao then followed Xiao Wang to find Cai Wenjie, while Zhou Weiguo came to the container to direct the logistics staff. They had to wait until all the helicopter's supplies were unloaded before the helicopter could take Professor Dong back to the airport.

Soon Xu Tao saw Cai Wenjie and others eating hot pot on the roof of the bus. What was strange was that the soldiers at the gate were also eating hot pot.

Bai Shengze, the officer at the manager's gate, saw the two people coming out, then came to them and stopped them with his hands, and began to ask.

"Hello, please show your access certificate and ID card"

Xu Tao did not move, but Xiao Wang, who was leading the way, showed his ID and said

"The chief asked me to lead this comrade to meet Cai Wenjie."

After Bai Shengze checked the document and found nothing unusual, he returned it to him. However, while returning it to him, he put his left hand behind his back and made a gesture. After seeing the gesture, a soldier watching the gate secretly retreated. When he got to the back, he trotted towards Cai Wenjie's bus.

Because Bai Shengze blocked their sight, neither Xiao Wang nor Xu Tao noticed the soldier.

Soon the soldier came to the back of the bus. Cai Wenjie had already seen the soldier. Just in case, he secretly held the pistol.

When the soldier came to the shadow of the bus, he began to whisper to the top:

"Hey! Can you hear me? There are people from other bases who want to see you. I don't know what it is, but be careful. We will help you if anything happens."

After saying that, the soldier ran back in the direction he came back. Bai Shengze let the two of them go when he saw the soldier who went to deliver the news came back.

Cai Wenjie never expected that the soldier came here to remind him in advance. It seemed that their officer should have made the decision, which made Cai Wenjie sigh that the hot pot was not in vain.

Xu Tao and Xiao Wang quickly arrived under the bus, and Cai Wenjie looked at Xu Tao with an ice coke. Xu Tao also looked at each other, and then said

"You are Cai Wenjie, the leader of the mysterious armed forces who rescued Professor Dong and other survivors, right?"

"What do you mean by a boss? It sounds like I'm a villain, but yes, I was the one who saved Professor Dong. Do you have any advice?"

Cai Wenjie retorted mercilessly, but Xu Tao continued with the same expression.

"Nothing. On the contrary, I thank you for rescuing Professor Dong and other survivors. Although your actions failed our mission, thank you still."

Cai Wenjie was a little confused as to what Xu Tao was here for. When thanking Zhou Weiguo, he had already said that there was no need to send someone from another base to express his gratitude. Then his purpose should be only one, which was to test himself.

After thinking about it, Cai Wenjie released his left hand holding the pistol and took a sip of cold Coke.

"Okay, you don't need to thank me anymore. Have you eaten? Want some?"

"Thank you for the invitation, but I've already eaten."

Xiao Wang on the side curled his lips, saying he hadn't eaten yet.

Cai Wenjie saw Xiao Wang next to Xu Tao curling his lips. He knew what it meant, and thought it was a bit funny, so he sent a look to Song Yi. Song Yi quickly understood Cai Wenjie's look, took out a new dinner plate, and started eating from the hot pot He took out the meat, vegetables and disposable chopsticks and handed them to Xiao Wang.

After seeing his expression being noticed, Xiao Wang smiled sheepishly, but he still took the plate and chopsticks handed over by Song Yi, said thank you, and started eating.

"I heard that you are not from this gathering place, so you must have been sent from another gathering place. Tell me, what do you want from me?"

"Now that you have discovered it, let me tell you frankly. What do you think of the current situation? What do you think of us? Are you still from the Z country?"

Xu Tao stared closely into Cai Wenjie's eyes. When a person is reminiscing, his eyes will move to the left or down. If he moves to the right, he is usually telling lies.

Cai Wenjie didn't have any special reaction to Xu Tao's question. He just answered in a firm voice.

"Don't worry, I will live as a member of Country Z and die as a ghost of Country Z! I will not do anything to betray the country! As for my opinion of you, I have nothing to say. You have tried your best. I still know these. As for this How did the disaster happen? I only know that country M was the birthplace from what I saw on TV before. I don’t know the rest."

Xu Tao stared at Cai Wenjie's eyes and breathed a sigh of relief when he found no signs of lying. To be honest, when he was asking questions, Xu Tao noticed that the people around Cai Wenjie were caressing their guns unintentionally.

It was as if he would shoot himself if he asked the wrong question.

"Okay! I believe you. I'm very sorry for asking you so hard. My name is Xu Tao. I'm from the airport gathering place and I'm a special police officer."

After apologizing, Xu Tao introduced himself.

"My name is Cai Wenjie. I'm the leader of this team. I'm glad to meet you, Xu Tao."

After that, Cai Wenjie jumped off the roof and extended his hand to Xu Tao. Xu Tao also extended his hand to shake hands with Cai Wenjie.

Before, because Cai Wenjie was on the roof, he looked down at Xu Tao. This time he jumped down and shook hands with Xu Tao, which showed that he had initially recognized Xu Tao.

"Come up and have a drink? Although there is no wine, there are plenty of drinks."

"No, I'm going back soon. I mainly need to escort Professor Dong to the airport. Next time, I'll bring my team members to have a meal with you."

Xu Tao shook his head and smiled.

"Is that so? Then I wish you good luck. I hope we can get together sometime."

"It's a deal."

"It's a deal."

At this time, Xiao Wang also finished the food on the plate in his hand, thanked Song Yi, and took Xu Tao back.

Looking at Xu Tao's back, Cai Wenjie's smile disappeared.

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