My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 640 Wedding 2

Halfway through distributing red envelopes, Cai Wenjie threw down a sack of red envelopes while everyone's attention was on the red envelopes, and he flashed into the villa, and also took dozens of red envelopes for emergency use.

After all, this villa also belongs to Cai Wenjie, so after entering the villa, Cai Wenjie immediately rushed to the room where the bride was. Because he was marrying two brides at the same time, in order to avoid any other problems, the two brides were arranged in the same room, so that there would be no situation of valuing one or despising the other.

After arriving in front of the room where the bride was, Cai Wenjie tried to use the same trick again, but the two brides' girlfriends were basically guarding here, so the red envelope rain did not play any role. Cai Wenjie had no choice but to play a challenge game with a bitter face.

After a little effort, after completing the so-called challenge, Cai Wenjie finally entered the room where the bride was. Nangong Yao was fine, but Xiang Xue jumped up from the bed the moment she saw Cai Wenjie and threw herself on Cai Wenjie.

Obviously, Xiang Xue didn't care about any rules or other things, she just couldn't help herself.

As for Nangong Yao, she looked at Cai Wenjie quietly, with a slight smile on her face, very quiet, but the love in her eyes could be seen by everyone.

The two brides were so outstanding, Cai Wenjie naturally wouldn't say nothing, he gently held Xiang Xue in front of Nangong Yao, gave each of them a kiss, and then walked out of the room easily with one bride in each hand, just like holding a child.

In the living room of the villa, Nangong Yao and Xiang Xue's parents had been waiting for a long time. After seeing Cai Wenjie come out with their daughter, the reaction of the two families was enthusiastic. They surrounded Cai Wenjie and walked out of the villa.

The people who had been waiting outside for a long time cheered loudly when they saw Cai Wenjie holding the two brides. Cai Wenjie easily put the two brides in the back seat of the Black Knight and closed the door with the blessings of everyone.

But Cai Wenjie did not leave directly. Instead, he came to the parents of the two families and bowed respectfully to them. Then he personally invited the parents of the two families to the motorcade behind.

After doing all this, he returned to the Black Knight and waved to the outside with the two brides in the car.

At the same time, the entire bride-receiving team began to turn the car around and slowly drove away from the villa area to the official wedding venue, which was the airport.

Along the way, the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft in the sky began to shoot the motorcade in all directions, especially the wedding car where the bride and groom were, which was shot in all directions by five unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, preserving this moment forever.

The speed of the motorcade was not very fast, so the people in the entire Xinguang gathering place could see the slowly moving motorcade. No one would say anything inappropriate on such a big day, and they all silently sent their blessings.

After about fifteen minutes, the motorcade finally arrived at the wedding scene that had been arranged for many days. The entire airport was decorated with various wedding supplies. If it were not for the hangar that could be vaguely seen in the distance, no one would believe that this was a small military airport.

This place was also crowded with people. In addition to the relatives and friends picked up by the motorcade and ordinary people, the total number exceeded 10,000. This scale of wedding scene was unheard of.

Because there were too many people, the soldiers of the Xinguang gathering place also participated in the wedding in order to maintain order. At the same time, the surrounding defense towers were also in continuous operation. If anyone dared to appear and disrupt the wedding, only death would be waiting for them.

Thirty minutes later, this grand and special wedding began. Although this wedding was Western on the surface, it was actually Western outside and Chinese inside, more like a fusion of Chinese and Western.

After everything was ready, Cai Wenjie stood in front of the master of ceremonies, and the two brides were brought into the hall by their respective fathers and formally entrusted their daughters to the groom.

"Son-in-law, I'll leave my daughter to you. Promise me that you must make her happy, okay?"

"Don't worry, Dad, I will never let her down in this life"

After hearing Cai Wenjie's promise, Nangong Yao's father gently took his daughter's hand, looked at it for the last time, and then resolutely put Nangong Yao's little hand in Cai Wenjie's hand.

On the other side, Xiang Xue's father did not say much, and directly placed Xiang Xue's hand on Cai Wenjie's other hand.

"I wish you a happy marriage and a son soon"

"Thank you, Dad"

After Cai Wenjie nodded to the two fathers, he took the two brides to the master of ceremonies.

The master of ceremonies looked at the three newlyweds in front of him and began to read out solemnly and seriously.

"Handsome groom, are you willing to marry the two beautiful women beside you as your legal wives, and promise to love them forever, whether healthy or sick, rich or poor, you will never leave them, may I ask the groom, are you willing?"

"I do!"

Cai Wenjie answered without hesitation.

The master of ceremonies nodded and turned to look at the two brides and said.

"Pretty brides, are you willing to marry this handsome man beside you as your legal husband, and promise to love him forever, whether healthy or sick, rich or poor, you will never leave them, may I ask the brides, are you willing?"

"We do!"

Nangong Yao and Xiang Xue looked at each other, and then answered loudly without hesitation.

"Okay! The three words "I do" carry a lifelong commitment. Below, please ask the bridesmaid to present the wedding ring, and ask the groom and the bride to exchange your tokens-the wedding ring."

After the master of ceremonies said this, Hua Lan'er, who had been waiting for a long time, came to the three of them holding a tray with three ring boxes.

Looking at the ring box in front of him, and then at the two brides beside him, Cai Wenjie couldn't help but feel a little nervous at this moment, but Cai Wenjie didn't dislike this kind of nervousness.

He carefully opened the ring boxes on the left and right sides, took out a very exquisitely crafted diamond ring, came to the two girls in turn and solemnly put the rings in their hands, looking at the ring being worn by his sweetheart. , the two girls cried with joy in unison, and at the same time, they also put the last ring in the tray on Cai Wenjie.

The emcee watched the three parties put on their rings and then continued.

"The ring serves as a witness to your marriage. In your long marriage life in the future, you both promise to each other that you will give each other all the loyalty and cherishment in your life. Now, please let our bridegroom and bride raise their left hands wearing the ring together. Show your token of love to all the guests here!”

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