My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 644 Zombie Migration

While Cai Wenjie was having breakfast in his villa, a distress signal from the stadium barracks attracted the attention of the soldiers on duty that day.

After listening to the distress signal, he immediately stood up and began to use military satellites to detect the situation on the other side of the stadium.

This military satellite does not belong to Cai Wenjie, nor does it belong to Xinguang Gathering, but to the country. Since Cai Wenjie's successive meritorious services, he has naturally obtained the right to access and use the military satellite, and can use it for long-distance search and investigation.

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Of course, this is useless to Cai Wenjie. After all, he has a clearer private satellite, but this satellite can only be used by Cai Wenjie himself and no one else can do it. Therefore, this military satellite is still very useful, at least it can be used by ordinary soldiers. they use.

This soldier used military satellites to see the situation in the military camp at the current stadium. The situation was very bad. The current stadium was surrounded by swollen corpses that appeared from nowhere overnight. The satellite images were densely packed with various corpses. Zombies.

Fortunately, the troops on the other side of the stadium had well-stocked ammunition and were able to resist when faced with such a scale of siege and prevent zombies from breaking through the stadium.

"Help! Help! Our ammunition is about to run out! Please support!"

Once again, a distress signal came over. With the real-time transmission of military satellite images, it was not difficult to find that the distress signal was genuine.

After confirming that it was correct, the soldier immediately pressed the red alert button.

In an instant, the entire New Light gathering place began to vibrate, and the sound of alarm bells irritated everyone's ears.

Cai Wenjie, who was about to go out, naturally heard the siren. Without caring about anything else, Cai Wenjie ran directly to his Black Knight, opened the door and got in, then kicked the accelerator and rushed out of the house, heading straight for the combat conference room.

While driving, Cai Wenjie directly contacted the monitoring department to ask what happened.

"Report to the chief! A distress signal has been sent from the stadium. A large number of zombies have come out of nowhere and are attacking the stadium. Their numbers are still increasing. There is a report from the stadium that the ammunition is about to be exhausted. This It’s a picture transmitted from a military satellite, please take a look.”

The surveillance department directly transmitted the footage from the military satellite. In the footage, a steady stream of zombies were besieging the stadium. However, judging from the footage, the zombies did not attack the stadium with all their strength. Instead, it looked like the stadium happened to be surrounded by zombies. migration route, so such an encounter occurred.

Cai Wenjie immediately saw the problem here. He began to calculate along the moving routes of the zombies, and then discovered that the walking routes of these zombies also included his Xinguang gathering place. Wingdings: ♦︎♦︎⬧︎♦︎◆︎⌧︎♦︎♦︎□︎❍︎

To put it simply, this group of zombies will definitely pass by their gathering place in the future, and a fierce battle will inevitably happen by then.

After thinking about this, Cai Wenjie immediately decided to eliminate this wave of corpses at the stadium.

Before going to the combat conference room, Cai Wenjie issued a series of orders directly in the car. It can be said that the war machine at the Xinguang Gathering Area was activated in an instant. A large number of unmanned bombers carrying hundreds of kilograms of bombs took off from the airport runway. , went to support the stadium.

At the same time, transport helicopters and armed helicopters also took off one after another, rushing to the stadium as quickly as possible to provide support. Several of the transport helicopters were also hoisting several containers, which were full of weapons and ammunition supplies. They were to provide ammunition support to the stadium. .

Because Cai Wenjie specifically ordered an ammunition depot to be built at the airport, they only needed to pull the ammunition out of the warehouse and hoist it to the transport helicopter. Therefore, the ammunition was mobilized very quickly. It took less than ten minutes after Cai Wenjie officially gave the order. , and packed at least fifteen tons of ammunition and equipment.

Although not much, it is enough to relieve the urgent need. More ammunition is being pulled out from the official storage warehouse at Xinguang Gathering Area and sent to the airport. As soon as the transport helicopter comes back, more ammunition can be taken away immediately.

At the same time, among the ground troops, Cai Wenjie is not planning to send infantry to fight this time. Now that he is so rich, there is no need to risk the lives of soldiers to support the stadium. It is just a good time to try the tank troops and sky troops he just got back. For Mecha

Regardless of where the New Lights were quickly gathering, a fierce battle was taking place on the other side of the stadium.

There are tens of millions of zombies wandering outside, always wanting to rush into the stadium to feast and have a meal, but the troops inside the stadium are not stupid, how can they let the zombies succeed.

People say that there are more than 10,000 zombies, and it is boundless. Now there are more than dozens or even millions of zombies appearing near the stadium. It can be said that zombies have occupied all the places within people's sight, leaving no gaps.

In this case, if you want to defend the stadium, you must take tough measures. The top person in charge of the stadium directly ordered all the gasoline to be gathered together and then used a few reconnaissance drones to spread the gasoline evenly. Flamethrowers are then used to ignite gasoline around the perimeter of the stadium, forming a line of flames behind the stadium.

It must be said that the order given by the person in charge was very correct, because the zombies who were desperately trying to get in immediately withdrew from the range of the flames to avoid being burned.

As time went by, these zombies began to have some simple judgment abilities. From then on, when they encountered flames or pits, they would no longer walk straight over or fall down like before, but would choose to take a detour or stop moving forward directly like other animals.

This is also the reason why the zombies retreated after encountering the flames. The person in charge who saw this scene raised his eyebrows and directly ordered the soldiers below to use mortars to fire incendiary bombs to expand the area of ​​​​the flames.

At the same time, the soldiers could also take a break. This battle has been going on for three hours. Originally, there were not many zombies at the beginning, so the sentry who was performing the guard duty did not notify others, but ignored the howling of the zombies and continued to stand guard. But before the sentry changed his post, the roar outside became obviously more and louder.

In order to find out what happened, the sentry could only turn on the high-power searchlight and shine it outside. This move was like putting water into an iron pot with hot oil, and it exploded instantly.

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