My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 646 Ground Force Arrives

The shells fired by the mortar this time were obviously different from ordinary mortar shells.

These special mortar shells accurately hit the zombies in a graceful arc in the air. At the moment the shells landed, they did not explode directly, but shattered like eggs falling from a high altitude.

There was no explosion, and no poisonous fog appeared, but the zombies around the shells began to kill each other, as if they were not zombies but a group of living people around them, and began to bite each other.

As long as the zombies were within 15 meters of the shells, they could not escape the result of biting each other. Large pieces of flesh and blood were devoured by each other. In just a few minutes, more than half of the zombies were gnawed into bones, with no meat left.

The shells that the soldiers fired were actually new equipment invented by the National Research Institute. Its appearance was a diamond-shaped crystal that was emitting some strange radio waves all the time, which could seriously interfere with the brain cells of all animals, thus producing various hallucinations. For humans, this kind of hallucination was unreasonable, so it was easy to get rid of it, but it was different for zombies who did not have much thinking ability.

The radio waves emitted by this diamond-shaped crystal could make creatures produce the most desired desires in their hearts, and the desires of zombies were very simple, that is, to eat!

That is why zombies would treat their fellows around them as humans and eat each other, even if they only had one breath, they would never stop eating. Relying on this principle, the zombies within the crystal range crowded and gnawed each other, which made the entire group of corpses unable to move. After all, it would take time to break through the Great Wall formed by 15 meters of flesh and blood.

Fortunately, this kind of crystal can only last for about ten minutes at most when directly exposed to the outside. After ten minutes, it will completely lose its effect and turn into a pile of powder, which will not pollute the environment.

Therefore, when these crystals were manufactured, they were placed in a box made of special materials. When in use, the box can be directly placed on the top of the shell and fired.

The mortar squad fired these shells according to the designated position. If you look from the sky, you can clearly see that the entire stadium is just wrapped in this crystal, temporarily blocking the zombies' attack.

I almost forgot that the name of this special shell is ZD-01. Because it is an experimental special shell, the official name has not been determined. In fact, after the battle is over, the soldiers must report the usage data of this shell truthfully.

After all, it is still an experimental shell, and this experiment must be done well before it can be finalized and mass-produced. ♦♕  ♦ඏ

As mentioned earlier, the ZD-01 can last for ten minutes, so the soldiers use this time to make adjustments again.

"Quick! Clear out the zombies below"


Because of ZD-01, there was a vacuum distance between the zombies below and the following zombies. The officers on the wall saw this opportunity and would not let it go. They immediately mobilized a large number of troops to clear out the zombies outside the wall.

In less than five minutes, the zombies that were cut off from the main force were shot and killed. All kinds of corpses were piled up outside the wall, which was very suffocating.

"Five minutes left, all armored vehicles attack! Give them a look!"


Taking advantage of the last five minutes, the armored vehicles in the stadium that could not help at all finally had the opportunity to go out and fight. Although there was only five minutes, it was enough.

As the gate of the stadium opened, infantry fighting vehicles and tanks arrived at the preset location at the fastest speed, and then fiercely bombarded the zombies a hundred meters away.

The various machine guns, cannons, rifled guns, rockets, missiles, etc. on the infantry fighting vehicles and tanks fired one after another, directly blowing up all the zombies within the sight range. What's more, when the infantry fighting vehicles and tanks did not advance at all, even if they had not finished firing their shells, they would shrink back as soon as the time was up, not giving the zombies any chance to get close.

When the ZD-01 crystal turned into a pile of powder, the infantry fighting vehicles and tanks had returned to the stadium, and the gate was closed tightly again.

After losing the confusing effect, the zombies that were killing each other quickly stopped. Those zombies that had not yet swallowed the flesh and blood in their mouths now only had confusion in their blood-red eyes.

However, this confusion was only short-lived. Soon, these confused zombies were crowded together by the zombies squeezed in from behind and ran to the stadium wall. The zombie group launched an attack on the stadium again.

However, at this time, the unmanned bomber formations that had returned appeared in the sky again. After returning to the Xinguang gathering place, these unmanned bombers immediately replenished their ammunition and rushed back to carry out a second bombing before the ground troops arrived.

As usual, the unmanned bombers specifically aimed at the places with the most zombies to drop bombs, so the periphery of the stadium once again turned into a hell scene with blood and flesh flying everywhere.

Large numbers of zombies were blown up by the unmanned bombers in the sky, and various pits and holes appeared on the ground again.

When the unmanned bombers returned again, thousands of zombies died in the bombing. Up to now, about 30,000 zombies have been killed in the battle, and the corpses placed around the stadium are about to become a small mountain of corpses.

But these 30,000 zombies are not many for the zombie tide that is always approaching millions. It will only take a while for the zombies behind to fill this gap.

To be honest, even Cai Wenjie himself did not expect that there would be millions of zombies appearing around YJ City overnight, but it has already happened and there is no point in discussing it.

The ground armored forces led by Cai Wenjie finally arrived around the stadium, but Cai Wenjie did not go directly to the stadium to join the defenders. After all, the troops he brought were all armored troops and no infantry.

Not to mention whether the stadium can accommodate so many armored vehicles, even if they are all squeezed in, what will happen? The result can only become a decoration like the several infantry fighting vehicles and tanks in the stadium.

So Cai Wenjie decided to construct a circular defense line at a place three kilometers away from the stadium.

The terrain here is very strange. The entire road is built in a circular shape. If you want to cross it, you must take a route that is almost like a coiled snake. It is very strange and twisting, and this is what Cai Wenjie is looking at.

Because of this special route, Cai Wenjie can maximize the firepower of the armored vehicle and block more zombies with the smallest area.

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