My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 648: Defense Preparation

The side of the zombie group was attacked by more than a dozen Sky Soldier Mecha Xs that had been ambushed nearby.

All Sky Soldier Mecha Xs were equipped with a Gatling gun and a long sword. When advancing at a long distance, they used the Gatling gun to suppress the zombie group. After advancing to a certain distance, the Sky Soldier Mecha would chop the approaching zombies with the long sword.

Relying on the firing rate of the Gatling gun and the waving long sword, the Sky Soldier Mecha successfully tore a hole in the side of the zombie group, and then cut a bloody path straight through the zombie group.

Looking down from the air, you will find that the entire zombie group is like a cut-off river, with a crack torn from the middle, which is incredible.

Not only that, after the Sky Soldier Mecha X tore a bloody path, it would place several ZD-01 crystals every ten meters, so that the zombies behind could not immediately follow up. Taking advantage of this gap, Cai Wenjie immediately ordered to bombard the zombies that were cut out in the front half.

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Tens of thousands of zombies were wiped out in less than ten minutes by the powerful artillery fire of the armored forces, leaving no one alive.

The powerful artillery fire even blasted the road into pieces, and even people couldn't easily pass, let alone vehicles.

The Tianbing Mecha X troops that broke through the zombies did not stop there, but still ambushed around, waiting for the next order.

After Cai Wenjie's ground armored forces eliminated the first half of the zombies, the crystal's time was almost up. When the crystal turned into a pile of powder, the subsequent zombies surged up again. Even though they suffered such a large reduction in personnel, the zombies had no fear at all and continued to attack densely.

However, Cai Wenjie was not afraid of them. Box after box of bullets or shells were exchanged by Cai Wenjie and placed on the open space nearby. Then, special auxiliary personnel were used to deliver these ammunition supplies to each armored vehicle to replenish ammunition in time.

Unlimited ammunition was enough for Cai Wenjie's armored forces to successfully resist the attack of the zombies.

The entire defense line was impregnable. It was impossible to break through the defense line here with flesh and blood, unless...

Soon, the battle here had lasted for three hours. The zombies pushed to less than 200 meters in front of the defense line under the artillery fire. This distance seemed very close, but as the zombies got closer and closer to the defense line, every step forward had to pay a huge price. Almost one meter of distance would scrap the lives of thousands of zombies.

Moreover, as they got closer and closer to the defense line, the power of some weapons was gradually increasing. For example, some anti-aircraft machine guns and other weapons. The crazy soldiers directly put the anti-aircraft machine guns flat and fired at the dense zombies.

With the caliber and power of the anti-aircraft machine gun, one shot can break a zombie in half and penetrate this zombie, killing the zombies behind it.

"It's almost done, we should retreat"

Looking at the red-hot gun barrels and cannon barrels around him, Cai Wenjie knew that he could not resist any longer. Although they were not short of ammunition, the cannon barrels and gun barrels could not hold on. The only result of firing was a burst.

With Cai Wenjie's order, the Tianbing Mecha X Unit, which had been ambushing for a long time, immediately jumped out from the side, and then used the same trick with Gatling guns and long swords, rushed into the zombie group, killed a bloody flesh again, and put the last crystal on the road to block the zombies from advancing.

After doing all this, the Tianbing Mecha X Unit did not leave directly like before, but lined up in front of the zombie group, picked up the Gatling guns and pulled the trigger at the zombie group behind.

As for the main force, the armored infantry fighting vehicles and tanks began to retreat directly at Cai Wenjie's command, evacuated the defense line in an orderly manner, and began to move towards the Xinguang gathering place.

In these three hours of blocking battle, at least 50,000 zombies were directly eliminated, and ammunition worth millions of points was consumed, but at the same time, tens of millions of points were also obtained. In general, he not only did not lose, but also made a small profit.

After the main force left, the Tianbing Mecha X force also gradually began to retreat, taking advantage of the crystal to hold on for a few minutes, turning around and running away.

But while retreating, the mecha troops began to set up a large number of mines and incendiary bomb traps to buy some time for the troops in front.

When the crystal lost its effect, Cai Wenjie and the main force were almost at the Xinguang gathering place. At the same time, the ninth batch of unmanned bombers had taken off and began to go to the place where the zombies were located to carry out the ninth bombing mission.

In just these few hours, nearly 260,000 tons of explosives had been consumed, and countless zombies were killed.

It can be said that each drone bomber killed almost 500 zombies on average, which is incredible.

There are also armed helicopters. Each armed helicopter killed at least thousands of zombies. It has to be said that it is great to have air superiority. Others can't touch you, but you can use the air advantage to do whatever you want.

With the end of the ninth bombing, the drone bomber killed thousands of zombies again.

When all the troops returned to the Xinguang gathering place, it was already half an hour. The first thing Cai Wenjie did after returning to the Xinguang gathering place was to issue an emergency notice, asking ordinary residents and non-combatants to take refuge in the underground air-raid shelter.

After all residents had taken refuge, Cai Wenjie immediately built a large number of defense towers, magnetic storm coils, light prism towers, sentry machine guns, and bunkers around. This time, Cai Wenjie directly used the defense towers to surround the entire Xinguang gathering place.

Not only that, Cai Wenjie also specially reinforced the entrance and exit gates of the Xinguang gathering place. The most obvious thing is that the height of the gate was increased by at least two times, and the thickness of the wall was doubled.

Anyway, the reinforced walls and gates cannot be broken by general means, let alone zombies who can only use brute force.

The wall is about five meters thick. Unless it is an alien fighting beast, no, even an alien fighting beast may not be able to shake such a thick wall.

While the zombies have not come yet, Cai Wenjie has arranged more heavy weapons in front of the gate, including fixed heavy machine guns, grenade launchers, rocket launchers, mortars with adjusted coordinates, etc.

Basically, everything that should be done has been done, and everything that should be prepared has been prepared. Now all we have to do is wait for the zombies to come.

Cai Wenjie was not 100% confident that he could hold out in this defensive battle. After all, there were too many zombies. A zombie tide of hundreds of thousands of zombies was simply not something that humans could resist, at least with the size of Cai Wenjie's own army.

But Cai Wenjie had an advantage that most people did not have, which was unlimited ammunition reserves. As long as he could kill zombies, he could continuously gain points, and then use these points to exchange for a continuous supply of ammunition reserves.

So Cai Wenjie still had a little hope that he could stop this zombie tide.

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