"Stay away from me!"

The driver of the No. 03 mech inserted his nuclear battery into the gap on the right side of the barrel, then aimed at the group of zombies in the southeast direction and pulled the trigger without hesitation. Google Search Reading

With a burst of dazzling light, a ray like starlight was fired from the barrel.

As the ray was fired, the zombies and mutant zombies in front of it were like red-hot iron bars inserted into the snow. Countless zombies were directly evaporated without leaving a hair. All the zombies that blocked the ray were burned to ashes without exception.

"Quick! Break through with No. 03!"

The platoon leader immediately commanded the rest of the soldiers to carry the paralyzed No. 03 mech and charge towards the southeast.

As for the barrel that had become a pile of molten iron and the nuclear-powered battery that had been damaged, they were no longer worth recycling. It can be said that this secret weapon can only be used as a one-time killer.

As mentioned before, this cannon is actually made up of a dozen rugby-like things connected together. In fact, even if there are not a dozen, only one can fire this ray, but the power will be greatly reduced.

It can be said that the power of this thing depends entirely on the number of rugby-like devices. One rugby-like device can increase the power by 10%. The ray just now was a masterpiece after the power was increased by 160%.

And this ray with an increase of 160% directly turned all the zombies within 260 meters into ashes, creating an excellent opportunity for everyone to break out.

When the platoon leader and his men successfully broke out of the zombie group, the roar of an unmanned bomber came from the sky.

Bombs fell from the sky one after another, accurately hitting the zombie group, killing groups of zombies on the spot.

"Call the mecha troops, come back quickly! We have prepared for defense here, just waiting for you"

"Report to the chief! We will be there soon!"

The people who just broke out did not bother to rest, and immediately carried the paralyzed No. 03 mecha and moved quickly towards the Xinguang gathering place.

After this operation, the total number of zombies is less than 200,000. Cai Wenjie is confident that he can wipe out the remaining zombies before today, although he has never figured out where these million-level zombies came from.

But the only thing that can be confirmed is that once this group of zombies is eliminated, it can be guaranteed that there will be no more zombies around YJ City that can threaten their Xinguang gathering place. At that time, Cai Wenjie's expansion plan can also be put on the agenda.

Half an hour later, the Tianbing mecha X troops sent out also returned successfully. Now they can finally deal with the remaining zombies with confidence.

Another half an hour passed

"Attention everyone! The zombies are coming! Get ready for battle"

After a few hours of rest, the Xinguang gathering place was once again facing the zombie attack, but this time Cai Wenjie was fully prepared.

Under the temporary bridge, 20 C4 bombs were buried. As long as the zombies passed the bridge and detonated these bombs, they could cause a lot of damage to the zombies.

When the zombies attacked, the first to come out were the various mutant zombies, especially the claw zombies and speed-type mutant zombies. They moved the fastest, so generally they were the ones who rushed to the front.

For these speed-type mutant zombies, the only way to deal with them was to use barrage attacks. Even if they could dodge one or two bullets, they could not dodge more than ten, dozens, or even hundreds of bullets, and could only turn into a pile of meat paste.

Soon, the speed-type mutant zombies that appeared first turned into piles of minced meat under the dense barrage, but the bridge was still there.

Following the speed-type mutant zombies, a large number of zombies also stepped onto the bridge. When the zombies filled the entire bridge, Cai Wenjie finally gave the order to detonate.

With a huge explosion, 20 C4 bombs were detonated at the same time, and the entire bridge instantly became a direct elevator to hell.

A large number of zombies were damaged by the shock wave generated by the explosion, their brains were shaken into paste, and their bodies were torn into pieces by various sharp steel fragments, flying everywhere.

At the same time, various traps installed under the bridge in advance were also triggered, quickly harvesting the zombies that fell.

Because there was no bridge, the speed of the zombies' attack was slowed down, and there was no way to directly attack the Xinguang gathering place in a short time.

Now the road outside the Xinguang gathering place is full of holes, and various potholes are all over the road. The depth of some potholes has even reached an astonishing height. Dozens or hundreds of zombies cannot pass without filling them.

Cai Wenjie naturally would not miss this opportunity. He immediately contacted the mortar unit in the rear and launched a barrage of bombs at the front. At the same time, the unmanned bomber in the rear also attacked again, giving these zombies a fatal blow.

After almost two days of various large and small battles, the mutant zombies among the remaining zombies had been completely killed, and the remaining ones were just ordinary zombies.

Even if these ordinary zombies numbered as high as hundreds of thousands, they were no match for the Xinguang gathering place. Finally, when the sun was about to set, the zombie tide of millions was finally wiped out completely, leaving no one alive.

When the last zombie fell to the ground and died completely, the soldiers at the gate of the Xinguang gathering place were stunned at first, and then burst into huge cheers.

"We won! We won!"

"Long live! Long live!"

"Hahaha! Great! We finally won! Hahaha"

The soldiers cheered excitedly, cheering for their elimination of millions of zombies and for protecting their homes.

Cai Wenjie was also very happy. After all, the entire Xinguang gathering place was his base, and his family was there. Now that the zombies were eliminated, he was the happiest person.

However, although the zombies had been eliminated, Cai Wenjie did not completely fall. Instead, he forced himself to cheer up and ordered the soldiers to do the cleanup work.

After all, with so many zombie corpses piled together outside, it would be easy for some plague or other mutants to appear, so the corpses outside must be dealt with as soon as possible.

"Order! Have all combatants and reserve personnel go out to clean up the battlefield. Kill any zombies that are still alive immediately, and then gather all the zombie bodies in one place and destroy them uniformly. Remember not to leave any bodies behind."

"Yes! Ensure the completion of the mission."

"At the same time, order the engineers to quickly repair the walls and various defense facilities. Maintain what needs to be maintained and repair what needs to be repaired."

"Yes! I will notify the engineers immediately."

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