My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 679 Wandering Caravan

After playing around with Xiang Xue for a while, the two walked out of the bathroom together. During this time, Cai Wenjie used a towel to carefully wipe Xiang Xue's wet hair. Just now, this little girl fell directly into the bathtub. Not only her hair, but also the clothes she was wearing were soaked.

Wet clothes must not be worn anymore, so Cai Wenjie put on the top and pants he was going to wear for Xiang Xue, and he only wore a pair of boxer shorts, with his upper body exposed, revealing his eight abdominal muscles.

Cai Wenjie is the type who looks thin when dressed and has muscles when undressed.

After all, it is in his own home, and no one will say anything if Cai Wenjie dresses like this, even..., Nangong Yao and Qi Liyue are in the kitchen, secretly showing their little heads, staring at Cai Wenjie's upper body, and seem to like this look very much.

"You two stop peeking, help get some clothes from the room, or you'll catch a cold."

Although Cai Wenjie and Xiang Xue have almost inhuman physiques, they probably won't catch a cold, but they still need to change into dry clothes just in case.


After they were busy, they could finally rest for a while.

After dinner, Cai Wenjie took out the jewelry he had taken from the mall from his system space and gave it to them, asking them to choose the jewelry they liked. Women have no resistance to shiny things.

Soon, Nangong Yao picked a white jade bracelet and a diamond necklace, while Xiang Xue picked a jade earring and a pure gold hairpin. Even Qi Liyue picked a gold ring with Cai Wenjie's permission.

After getting the new jewelry, the three women seemed extremely happy and expressed their most sincere love to Cai Wenjie. Nangong Yao and Xiang Xue looked at each other, then smiled and pulled Cai Wenjie's hands, dragged him to the bedroom and closed the door heavily.

Obviously, tonight will be a sleepless night.

At the same time, a mountain hundreds of kilometers away from the Xinguang gathering place was occupied by refugees from nowhere, or more accurately, a vagrant team, and was used as a temporary camp.

It is said to be a camp, but it is more like a refugee camp. These vagrant teams are almost all composed of buses and vans, which means that these people are not soldiers or militants, but just ordinary people.

In fact, their convoy was very small at the beginning, with only a few cars. After the first human settlement was breached by zombies, they were forced to embark on the road of wandering. During this period, they visited countless other settlements and wanted to join them, but for some reason, they could not stay in each settlement for a week. As long as they were in that place, the place would be breached by zombies within a week.

If the settlement was breached, there were only two options: one was to directly join the zombie army, and the other was to quickly choose to run away.

Therefore, this convoy has grown from a few cars at the beginning to more than 30 cars now, and has destroyed four settlements.

And their next target is the Xinguang settlement 600 kilometers away. They have been listening to the radio these days, and then they heard the news of the Xinguang settlement. The announcer in the radio described the Xinguang settlement as a paradise on earth, where the society before the end of the world is still preserved, everyone can eat enough, there is no need to worry about their own safety, and there will be job opportunities to support themselves or their families.

For a wandering caravan like them, the most important thing is the sense of stability, so when they heard that the Xinguang gathering place had eliminated at least one million corpses, everyone regarded it as a holy place.

Gu 亴\u003c/span\u003eThey wished they could grow wings and fly to the Xinguang gathering place.

There are many people who have such ideas, but they are now facing a big problem, so no matter how much they want to enjoy the Xinguang gathering place, they can only face reality temporarily.

The mine they are in now is actually an iron mine, which is not small in scale. At least there are at least several thousand square meters of space in the mine.

This is not the point. The point is that they did not come here voluntarily, but were forced to break in here.

The reason is to avoid a huge monster, so they can only drive the car here to avoid the limelight temporarily. This huge monster is very ferocious. A car is just a toy for it. It can easily lift the car and throw it like a javelin.

Several cars in the caravan were almost smashed to pieces by other abandoned vehicles. If it weren’t for the leader of the caravan driving a motorcycle to attract the attention of the monster, it is estimated that other vehicles and personnel would have been gone.

The leader of the team used his motorcycle skills to successfully attract the monster to a distant place.

People were very grateful to the leader of the team, and he successfully gained everyone's trust.

"Isn't this a bit too dangerous? Although the monster was led to another place, once we make any big moves here, the monster will definitely chase us, so I suggest we wait until it is safe before taking action."

"I have the same idea as him. We are not in a hurry. It will be safer to set off tomorrow morning."

"No, I still think it is better to rush out now. The monster will not find us in a short time. If we set off tomorrow, we are likely to be attacked by the returning monster."

"Agree! That monster is not a fool, it will definitely come back. We must leave before the monster reacts."

In a corner of the mine, several people built a fire and were seriously discussing a topic, that is, whether to run away quickly in the dark. As long as the lights are not turned on, it is estimated that the monster will not be attracted. The other few people advocated setting off after dawn, thinking that it would be safer during the day.

Just when the two groups of people were arguing, a weak voice sounded, proposing the reality they had been avoiding.

"Or, let's discuss this issue after the leader comes back. After all, it was the leader who led the monster away without caring about his own safety..."

"No! *7"

It was very rare that everyone unanimously rejected this proposal. Although they were the leaders of each vehicle, they did not like the leader, because his appearance shook their foundation, so the people here had complicated feelings for the leader, but more of them were alienated.

"The leader...he has done enough. We can decide this matter by ourselves. There is no need to trouble the leader."

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