My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 690 Teaching

The veterans who enlisted for the second time did not tell their comrades around them about their experiences, but regarded themselves as new recruits who knew nothing, enjoying the unique happiness of new recruits.

Only when they met old comrades in the same sanatorium would they exchange a few words secretly. Perhaps it was God's will that these veterans were lucky enough to be assigned to a squad led by a clone squad leader named Wu Feng.

The veterans plus Yu Haifeng were exactly nine people. In addition to squad leader Wu Feng, Yu Haifeng, who had the best military literacy, became the deputy squad leader and assisted the squad leader in managing their squad.

[At this point, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network →đ•Ĩ𝕨𝕜𝕒𝕟.𝕔𝕠𝕞]

In this operation, Wu Feng, Yu Haifeng and their squad were the vanguard and were the first to rush to the front.

If it were other recruits, they might be nervous, but for veterans like them who have fought zombies one-on-one, it was just a little bit of a fight.

As long as the weapons and ammunition in their hands are fine, then this matter will be stable.

"Everyone be careful of the corner opposite. Zombies like to hide in such places to attack us, so you must pay more attention to the corners to avoid being attacked."

While commanding his team, Wu Feng was also passing on his experience, such as how to find hiding zombies or how zombies are used to attacking.

As the squad leader, Wu Feng was the first to come to the corner, then drew out his dagger, and held his breath against the wall to wait for an opportunity. In less than a few seconds, a zombie suddenly jumped out from the corner and tried to attack Wu Feng and his team.

But unfortunately, the hiding place of the zombies had been discovered by Wu Feng long ago. At the moment when the zombies jumped out, Wu Feng took the dagger and came to the back of the zombies in an instant, and then stabbed the back of the zombies' heads with the dagger.

The zombie who wanted to attack everyone was attacked by Wu Feng, and he didn't react until he died.

"See, there is only one weakness of zombies. You can only kill them if your brain is destroyed. If you have time, you must make a finishing move while killing the zombie to ensure that the zombie will not be resurrected."

Wu Feng calmly said what to pay attention to, then pulled out his dagger from the back of the zombie's head, wiped it on the zombie's clothes a few times, and then put it back into his dagger sheath.

"Also, pay attention to the situation around you at all times and don't let your guard down."

Wu Feng directly pulled out his pistol and shot behind him. A zombie who just showed his head from the corner was instantly shot in the head.

"Especially in a place full of zombies like this, you must always pay attention to every dark place. No, it should be said that after you have found the Xinguang gathering place, you must always be vigilant."

After speaking, Wu Feng looked around. They were now in the lobby of the nursing home. In addition to them, other teams also came here. āļâ™Ļ â™Ļâ™Ļ

Although the nursing home is large, there are also many of them. There are two thousand new recruits here. The originally empty nursing home has become popular in an instant.

There are not enough zombies here for them to share. In order to be the first to fight with the zombies, each team is quickly going deep into every part of the nursing home.

If they are lucky enough to encounter a lone zombie, they will not rush to kill it, but use ropes to restrict the zombie's movements and then study it.

Although there is an exhibition hall inside the Xinguang gathering place, which is dedicated to exhibiting various zombies and mutant zombies, they are all dead things. Cai Wenjie will never allow living zombies to appear in the Xinguang gathering place. Even for those dead things, Cai Wenjie has arranged a large number of security forces to protect them 24 hours a day, just to avoid accidents of virus leakage.

Back to the topic, those teams that caught the zombies are studying how to kill the zombies with one blow under the leadership of the squad leader.

The squad leader who captured a zombie, after tying up the zombie's feet, did not continue to tie up the zombie's hands, but took a chair leg from the side and handed it to the zombie.

The zombie was quite cooperative and grabbed the chair leg, then broke it in half with a strong force, and then waved it around randomly.

"See, even this slow old zombie has the same strength as an adult male. Its instantaneous explosive force can even break the legs of this thick wooden chair. If you are accidentally knocked down or approached by a zombie one day in the future, don't use your own brute force to fight against the zombie, but flexibly avoid the zombie's attack and use a gun to shoot at the zombie's head while maintaining a certain safe distance. Do you understand?"

"Got it!"

"Also, if we encounter an ordinary zombie and this zombie is rushing towards you at the fastest speed, remember that if you are not sure to knock down the zombie with one shot, you must aim at the zombie's leg joints and shoot. Although this cannot kill the zombie instantly, it is enough to slow down the zombie's speed. If you are lucky, you can even break the zombie's legs and prevent them from continuing to run..."

The squad leader kept talking, not noticing how close he was to the old zombie. The other soldiers did not notice this situation because they listened carefully.

Finally, after getting close enough, the old zombie lying on the ground took the lead and opened his bloody mouth and bit the squad leader's ankle.

"Squad leader, be careful!"

"Fuck! Squad leader!"

The recruits who realized it later saw their squad leader being bitten by the zombie, and immediately raised their guns and aimed at the zombies on the ground and fired.

A good zombie was directly beaten into a hornet's nest by dense bullets, especially his head, which was beaten into a mess.

"Squad leader, are you okay?"

"Sorry, squad leader, it's all our fault that we didn't find him"

"Shut up! Bring the inhibitor here, quickly! Inject the squad leader with the inhibitor!"

"Yes! Inhibitor! Who brought the inhibitor!"

"I have it here! I have it here!"

"Bring it here quickly"

Just when the recruits were busy trying to inject the inhibitor into their squad leader, the originally silent squad leader suddenly smiled.

"Okay, stop busying yourself. I'm satisfied that you have this intention."

"What are you talking about, squad leader! Hurry up and inject the inhibitor. There is still time. If you wait a little longer, the inhibitor will not work. Hurry up."

"Hey, do you remember what I taught you on the first day after you entered the military camp?"

"My good squad leader! Is this the time to talk about this? Hurry up and inject the inhibitor."

Just when the recruits were about to force their squad leader to inject the inhibitor, he finally exploded.

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