My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 692 Capture

I have to say that Cai Wenjie made the right decision, because when the tanks from the rear appeared in the nursing home, the mysterious creatures in the abandoned hospital could no longer remain calm.

I saw a creature that looked like an octopus crawling out of the abandoned hospital. Different from the eight legs of the octopus, this creature had twelve legs and two long tentacles. It was estimated that it The length is at least thirty meters long.

A giant mysterious creature that was almost six meters tall was waving its tentacles to attack the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft moving in the air.

"Unidentified life form found! Fire immediately!"

The tank troops, which had been waiting for a long time, immediately raised their gun barrels and aimed at the unknown creature not far away.

Immediately afterwards there was a violent bombardment, and a large number of shells were launched, hitting the body of this unknown creature hard, and then exploded.

The huge impact brought by the concentrated fire directly blew the unknown creature several meters away, and its body was also riddled with holes. Even two of his tentacles were blown off, leaving only less than three meters left.

What was even worse was his twelve legs. Almost every leg was bombarded, and most of the legs were also taken away, directly changing from octopus to takoyaki.

In fact, at this point, the tanks can cease fire. The mysterious creatures that have lost most of their legs and tentacles are no longer able to pose much of a threat to them.

However, Cai Wenjie still ordered the tank troops not to cease fire until all the legs of this mysterious creature were broken.

The national research institute was most interested in this mutant creature. Cai Wenjie decided to capture this mysterious mutant creature after it had reached the point where it had no resistance at all.

Send the captured creature alive by air directly to the National Research Institute so that they can study this new mutated creature.

The tanks continued their shelling, and soon, with their superior firepower, they were able to defeat this mysterious creature, and only part of its remaining legs and tentacles were beaten.

"That's it, let's start catching them alive!"

Following Cai Wenjie's order, the recruits who were originally onlookers took out an object the size of a billiard ball from their pockets. Judging from the way the recruits were struggling, it was probably not too light.

"Remember how to use the trap!"


"Okay! After unlocking the safety of the trap, now throw it at that thing."

Under the leadership of the veterans, the recruits took out the traps one by one and threw them out at the mysterious creatures not far away.

The traps thrown out by the recruits automatically changed their positions in the air and began to connect with other traps. At the same time, the traps began to slowly open, leaking out the steel wire mesh inside.

In the end, these traps formed a huge wire mesh, which directly wrapped the mysterious creature. No matter how hard the mysterious creature inside struggled, it had no effect.

After catching the mysterious creature, the soldiers began to use a large number of traction ropes to connect the mysterious creature to the tank, using the power of the tank to move the mysterious creature to an open area.

At the same time, several transport helicopters also arrived at the scene. Cai Wenjie was going to use the transport helicopter to lift up the mysterious mutated creature, and then send it directly to the war zone, and then transport it to the National Research Institute.

Things went very smoothly, and the transport helicopter easily lifted the mutant creature away. The unmanned bomber formation that was called before also arrived at the nursing home and was conducting saturation bombing of the abandoned hospital without blowing it to pieces. Never stop bombing.

The recruits also returned to their original positions and continued their unfinished trials.

However, due to the loud noises caused by the continuous bombing, the zombies who were originally staying in various corners or rooms rarely entered a violent state. They knocked on the door frantically, trying to escape from inside, or directly from the balcony. While trying to escape, he fell and broke his leg bone. The unlucky ones were turned into corpses because they hit the ground from their heads, so they fell to death naturally.

However, this also caused a lot of psychological shock to the recruits. Just imagine, you are walking on the road normally, and suddenly there is a vibration next to you. When you turn around and look over, you suddenly find that in the dormitory buildings around you, A dense rain of zombies begins to fall. What a thriller.

Although the recruits were trembling in their hearts, under the squad leader's scolding, they still regained some sense, then instinctively raised their weapons and shot at the zombies with severely broken legs.

As the recruits kept shooting, they discovered that the zombies seemed to be like that, especially the zombies with broken leg bones. After all, without the legs, the speed would not be reduced at all. If even the arms were injured, If it's damaged, it's just like a turtle crawling.

"These are all living targets. If you can't even kill these zombies with one strike, let's see how I deal with you when I get back!"

I wanted to doze off, so I brought a pillow. This is the scene I'm talking about now. After the first shock, the recruits quickly started shooting these zombies under the leadership of their respective squad leaders.

Even if a few zombies occasionally land safely and have sound limbs, they will not be able to cause any harm to the prepared recruits. Instead, they become delicious meat pies. Everyone wants to prove themselves with zombies with sound limbs. How good is his marksmanship?

In this case, these zombies not only did not cause any harm to the recruits, but even attracted other teams to come and shoot the surrounding zombies together with the original group of people.

The situation in other places was similar, and the situation of those zombies who did not go to the balcony but rammed the door was almost the same.

Because the ramming sound was too loud, it attracted the passing combat squad and forced them to go in and kill the zombies. In addition to rifles, some people in the combat squad also took shotguns for use in such places.

Often when the zombies knocked on the door, the next moment a recruit would pick up a rifle or shotgun and shoot blindly through the door, until the zombie inside was knocked to the ground by the impact of the bullet, and then open the door to shoot accurately, that is, to finish off the knife.

The few zombies who broke through the door were even more miserable when they met the recruits in the corridor, because there was no obstacle like the door, so as long as the zombies dared to show their heads, they would be shot by countless rifles.

Moreover, the recruits often don't have very good aim, so most of the bullets they shoot hit the upper body, and even if the zombies die, they won't get a complete corpse.

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