My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 698 Rescue Success

Pistol bullets are just a tickle for mutant zombies with thick skin and flesh. Even at such a close distance, they cannot cause effective damage to power mutant zombies. At most, they can only take away some skin and flesh. Google search reading

"Pistol bullets are useless against these guys. You have to use this!"

The driver pulled out a shotgun from behind the seat next to him, and immediately aimed it at the hole after quickly loading it.

When the head of the power mutant zombie approached the hole again, he pulled the trigger without hesitation.


With a muffled sound, the unlucky power mutant zombie was directly blasted half of his head by the armor-piercing bullet of the shotgun, and he couldn't die any more.

"It's fun! Do you have any shotguns? Give me one too"

"Look behind your seat to see if there are any"

"There really is one. When did you hide it here?"

"Just go with it. Stop talking. Here comes another one!"

The two relied on two shotguns to start counterattacks in the infantry fighting vehicle. Because the distance was very close, the power of the shotgun was perfectly exerted.

Even the powerful mutant zombies dared not take the shotgun shot without any defense, let alone other mutant zombies.

On the other side, the outpost that received the distress signal immediately sent a rescue team consisting of three infantry fighting vehicles to respond, and the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft arrived at the accident site for reconnaissance.

When the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft transmitted the detected images back to the command post of the outpost, Song Yi checked the images as soon as possible.

"Why are there so many mutant zombies here?"

The number of this group of mutant zombies is really abnormal. You should know that the ratio of mutant zombies to ordinary zombies is about 1 to 5000, which means that there will be only one mutant zombie among 5000 ordinary zombies, but there are at least 20 mutant zombies here alone.

Although this number seems normal in front of the population base of a city, the problem is that the population of LJ City is not large, at most 180,000, less than 200,000. According to the ratio of 5,000 to 1, it can be said that all the mutant zombies in the city are here.

But, is this possible? Obviously it is impossible, there must be something wrong here.

"Order! Let the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft conduct close reconnaissance in the surrounding area, and report to me immediately if you find any suspicious places"


The rescue team soon arrived at the place where the infantry fighting vehicle overturned.

"Found our infantry fighting vehicle! Start rescue!"

The three infantry fighting vehicles were arranged in a triangular shape, and then the vehicle-mounted weapons on the roof began to show their power. The machine gun, Gatling, and rifled guns began to attack the mutant zombies not far away.

On the other side, the mutant zombies who were about to break through the chassis of the infantry fighting vehicle did not notice the arrival of the three infantry fighting vehicles at the first time, which also caused them to fail to dodge effectively at the first time.

When a power-type mutant zombie was holding a telephone pole and aiming at the infantry fighting vehicle and was about to insert it, a 105mm rifled gun shell directly hit the body of the power-type mutant zombie.

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Although the power-type mutant zombies can resist ordinary rifle or pistol bullets, they have no resistance to this kind of shells. The moment they were hit by the shells, they turned into a piece of broken corpse, especially the upper body directly turned into a blood mist, which was particularly bloody.

The two people who were about to give up hope immediately realized that the rescue team must have come after hearing the movement outside and the sound of artillery fire.

"Finally, they are finally here, we are saved"

"Yes, we are saved. Fortunately, we didn't commit suicide just now, otherwise..."

The driver glanced at the weapon operator who was suicidal, and the meaning of his eyes was very obvious.

This made the weapon operator blush, and he wanted to change the subject awkwardly, but he was blocked by the driver's eyes.

"How about we rush out?"

"Don't make trouble, it's better to wait for rescue here obediently. Besides, rushing out now will cause trouble to the brothers outside, so wait for rescue here with peace of mind, don't do stupid things"

While the two were chatting, the mutant zombies outside were successfully suppressed by three infantry fighting vehicles.

"Brothers inside, don't run out alone. We will rescue you after we eliminate the mutant zombies here."

A heavy voice came from the high-power speaker on an infantry fighting vehicle. The content was very simple, which was to persuade the two people inside not to come out now. It was too dangerous and they might be accidentally injured by stray bullets at any time.

After about five minutes of fighting, the mutant zombies on the scene were eliminated one by one by the three infantry fighting vehicles, successfully ensuring the safety of the surroundings.

After confirming that there was no danger in the surroundings for the time being, several soldiers in engineer uniforms rushed out from behind the three infantry fighting vehicles, holding various tools and quickly came to the overturned infantry fighting vehicle.

"Brothers inside, hold on a little longer! We will rescue you soon"

"Thank you for your hard work"

After confirming that there were still living people inside, the soldiers immediately used their own tools to destroy the chassis of the infantry fighting vehicle. They extended the destruction along the hole made by the mutant zombies just now, and stretched the hole as much as possible until the brothers inside could be safely rescued.

During this period, three infantry fighting vehicles surrounded the overturned infantry fighting vehicle in a triangle and were on high alert, ready to deal with sudden attacks from zombies at any time.

The rescue work went extremely smoothly. The two people trapped inside were quickly rescued by the soldiers. Because it was not safe here, after rescuing the two people, the soldiers quickly carried them back to the three rifles. In the chariot.

"It's not complete here. We'll give you more in-depth treatment after we return to the outpost. For now, I can only disinfect your wounds. This will be very painful. Please bear with it."

When the driver and weapon operator rolled over, there were certain bumps in various parts of their bodies. Just now they didn't feel anything abnormal in their bodies because of the urgency of the situation, but after they relaxed their vigilance, the two people immediately felt bumps in many parts of their bodies. Discomfort.

"How painful can it be if it's just disinfected...!!! Ah!"

The weapon operator, who was originally dismissive, screamed in pain when the wound came into contact with the disinfectant, but he was soon forced to suppress it.

"Ah, I forgot to tell you. The disinfectant in my hand is the latest model. It has excellent disinfection capabilities. The only drawback is that this thing is very painful. Even if it is dripped on the skin, it is very painful, let alone It dripped on the wound.”

As the medic said, he applied disinfectant to the wounds of the two men again, causing the two men to involuntarily scream loudly in pain.

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