My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 712: Riot and Uprising

While the head of security continued to inquire about the situation, the female killer on the other side did not retreat, but dressed up as a chef and sneaked into the kitchen of the cruise ship.

"Ono! You bastard! Where are the ingredients I asked you to prepare!"

"Sorry, chef! I'll get them now!"

"Xiao Lin! Why is the soup so bland! Make it again for me!"


The female killer looked at the busy kitchen and quickly found what she needed, the Western pastries that had been arranged on the plate.

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She took advantage of the busy crowd and slowly approached the Western pastries that had been arranged on the plate, and then seemingly inadvertently sprinkled the poison powder in her hand on the pastries.

After doing all this, the female killer was ready to leave the kitchen without looking back. Just as she approached the door and was about to leave the kitchen, she was suddenly stopped by a huge scolding.

"Who are you! Why don't you go to work! Who allowed you to hang around during work hours! If you don't want to work, get out!"

It turned out that the chef saw the female killer hanging around and thought that the new kitchen helper was slacking off, so he shouted at her for this behavior.

If she was really a kitchen helper, perhaps the chef's words would make him never dare to be lazy again and go back to work, but the problem was that she was not a so-called kitchen helper, so she naturally turned around and scolded the chef, with a look on her face that said, "I'm done with this, I'm going to scold you to death."

After scolding, she shook her hair and left the kitchen in a chic manner, leaving only the confused chef and a group of other people who looked admiring.

After a few minutes, the chef turned around with a sullen face and shouted at the others.

"What are you looking at! Hurry up and get to work! I tell you what the situation is outside now. You all know it in your heart. If we can't play our role, we can only be the same as those people outside! Do you understand? If you understand, get to work."

Under the threat of the chef, the other kitchen staff didn't dare to look at it for a few more times. They lowered their heads and continued to do their own things.

Soon, plates of exquisite meals were pushed out of the kitchen and sent to various suites, including some rooms of senior government officials and large consortiums.

At this time, the female killer who took off her disguise did not leave the ship, but quietly came to the engine room of the ship. She took out several time bombs from her backpack and installed them around the engine.

After doing all this, the female killer left the ship and walked towards the city that had become a ruin.

After about half an hour, those who ate the cakes sprinkled with poison powder vomited blood and died, and even the doctors on the ship had no way to save them.

At this point, the entire ship became chaotic. After all, those who were killed were those high-level people and people from big conglomerates. The security personnel and the Self-Defense Forces began to arrest anyone they could in the lower level, making the entire lower level in chaos.

However, in addition to ordinary people, there are many tough guys in the lower level, such as gangsters and retired soldiers.

Although these people are not presentable, they are still very difficult to deal with compared to ordinary people.

This is especially true when these gangsters are armed.

As this conflict continues to grow, an uprising broke out directly.

Ordinary people began to resist under the leadership of these gangsters and retired soldiers, and the scale of the resistance became larger and larger. In the end, a gangster "accidentally" fired and hit a security guard's head and killed him on the spot.

The situation has changed qualitatively. The Self-Defense Forces and security personnel holding guns will not watch their people die in vain. They directly picked up their weapons and shot at the gangsters who were mixed in with ordinary people.

But in such a crowded situation, everyone knows what will happen when shooting at the crowd. Not surprisingly, those ordinary people began to riot.

For a time, bullets flew everywhere, and a large number of ordinary people were hit by bullets and killed. At the same time, the Self-Defense Forces and security personnel were also hit by various things by the rioters. The heads were broken and bleeding. Even if they had guns in their hands, facing the crowd with an absolute advantage in numbers and terrain, these Self-Defense Forces and security personnel still lost.

People grabbed the weapons and equipment in the hands of the Self-Defense Forces and security personnel and began to attack the superstructure, preparing to teach those who usually oppressed them what oppression means.

However, at this time, the Self-Defense Forces outside also found something wrong, and they immediately mobilized troops to return to defense.

Unlike the Self-Defense Forces who only had rifles and pistols, the group of people outside were obviously more professional. In addition to the most basic rifles and pistols, they also had support weapons such as light machine guns and heavy machine guns, as well as weapons of mass destruction such as howitzers, mortars, rocket launchers, and flamethrowers.

So, when these people rushed into the cruise ship, the scene was once again one-sided.

A large number of ordinary people were killed by the team that was supposed to protect them. For a while, there was nothing on the deck of the cruise ship except corpses.

Fortunately, the Self-Defense Forces knew that they could not kill them all, so when the death toll exceeded 2,000, they stopped attacking. However, even so, the number of ordinary people dropped by about half, and the deck that was originally full suddenly seemed a little empty.

Most of the remaining people were frightened. When they saw that the Self-Defense Forces on the opposite side were no longer slaughtering them, they raised their hands obediently to show that they had surrendered.

Even the few who still wanted to resist were caught by the Self-Defense Forces one by one, pulled aside and shot.

As for the remaining people, they were locked up in a small area specially designated for unified management.

Although the riot has been suppressed, because all the senior officials were poisoned or died in the uprising just now, the highest-ranking officer in this luxury cruise ship is actually a major general-level officer of the Self-Defense Forces.

Faced with such temptation, let alone a mere major, even a colonel would be greedy.

Facing the doubts of his subordinates, the new major commander felt that there was no need to explain to these soldiers whose status was far inferior to his, and began to become proud.

"Don't talk nonsense! Hurry up and maintain order, don't let the remaining people riot again.

"Received the money!"

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