My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 714 Time Bomb

"Get on board!"

I don't know who shouted this, and the already crowded boarding ladder was suddenly squeezed even more crowded by panic.

Everyone wanted to run up quickly, and the Self-Defense Forces did the same.

For the sake of their own lives, everyone ran up desperately, and they would use others as stepping stones to survive. The Self-Defense Forces were the same. They instinctively picked up their weapons and started to attack others.

Fortunately, they still had a little bit of reason and did not shoot at the crowd, but just used the butt of the gun to force the crowd back.

But if nothing unexpected happened, an accident happened.

Perhaps because of nervousness, a recruit accidentally turned on the rifle safety. Without realizing that the safety was on, the recruit was still waving the gun in his hand. The result was...


After a gunshot, an unlucky Self-Defense Force member was hit directly in the heart by a bullet and died on the spot. He was the kind that could not be saved.

"There's a gun in the hands of a civilian! Fight back!"

A Self-Defense Force officer who was a squad leader immediately pulled out his pistol and pulled the trigger at the nearest civilian.


"The kid's father!"


Unfortunately, the civilian shot dead by the squad leader was the family member of the Self-Defense Force member who had just pulled out a gun and pointed it at his own people.

The soldier, who was already very dissatisfied with the superiors, was completely enraged when he saw his father being shot dead.

He raised his rifle without hesitation and shot at the squad leader who had just shot his father.

The squad leader was killed by the angry soldier before he fired the second shot.

"Captain Ye Yu! You bastard, go to hell!"

The adjutant next to him was furious when he saw his superior being shot dead by a soldier. He shouted and pulled out his pistol to shoot the Self-Defense Force soldier.

But unfortunately, because of his shouting, the soldier's attention was directly focused on him, so when he raised his gun, another round of bullets hit the adjutant.

The death of two officers in succession caused a split in the Self-Defense Force, especially the new recruits who had just joined the Self-Defense Force. Their families were in the civilian team, and it was nonsense to ask them to abandon their families.

Soon the Self-Defense Force was divided into two camps, one was the original Self-Defense Force composed mainly of veterans, and the other was the new Self-Defense Force composed mainly of recruits.

The people in the two camps were glaring at each other. The veterans thought that these recruits dared to rebel and were simply lawless. The recruits thought that these veterans only knew how to obey orders, but ignored ordinary civilians and even killed them. They were simply beasts.

"Revenge for the captain! Kill!"

"Protect the civilians behind you!"

The two sides started a melee in this small place. Although the combat literacy and experience of the veterans were far better than those of the recruits, the number of recruits occupied a great advantage, and at such a close distance, they could basically hit the target every time.

This means that the new soldiers can completely suppress the old soldiers, and this is indeed the case. The old soldiers took the initiative to kill more than a dozen new soldiers who were not able to react in time, but when the new soldiers reacted, these old soldiers no longer had any advantage.

Not only did the old soldiers not have any advantage, they even began to be suppressed by the new soldiers. There would always be a few bullets that hit the old soldiers among the flying bullets.

At one time, more and more old soldiers fell to the ground and wailed. Only a few old soldiers found a suitable place to hide, but they also lost the courage to fight back. When the first old soldier raised a white shirt to indicate his surrender, the situation became more and more serious.

Soon, almost most of the old soldiers surrendered, and only a few were still resisting, but they were just the last gasp.

The few old soldiers who swore to never surrender did not have a good end. Everyone was shot into a hornet's nest and died miserably, especially Arisu Toya. There was no intact part of his body, and it was full of bullet holes and wounds.

At this point, the recruits' camp completely took control of the outer perimeter of the cruise ship. They had no time to deal with the surrendered veterans. Time was running out and they had to get the civilians on board and then leave the port as soon as possible.

Under the cover of the protection faction, the civilians began to board the ship in an orderly manner, and all boarded the cruise ship in less than fifteen minutes.

"Raise the anchor! Let the wheelhouse set sail quickly"

Some recruits immediately went to the wheelhouse to ask the captain of the cruise ship to set sail quickly.

The remaining recruits quickly controlled other areas of the cruise ship. Although the outer perimeter was their territory, other areas were still divided by other forces. Their next step was to control the entire cruise ship.

On the other side, the recruits who came to the wheelhouse did not meet the captain and other crew members first, but security personnel wearing black clothes and sunglasses. When they saw the recruits coming, they drew their guns and shot without saying a word, relying on the terrain advantage to engage in a firefight with the recruits.

The security guards were very strong. With a few small pistols, they fought back and forth with the recruits. Unfortunately, due to the lack of bullets, they had no choice but to surrender.

The captain and the crew were fence-sitters. After seeing the security guards being suppressed and surrendering, they began to obey the orders of the recruits without hesitation.

"Captain Suzuki, please start the ship as soon as possible. The zombies are approaching us. If we don't start the ship, we will have no chance at all."

"I understand. I'll go now."

Seeing that the captain was very cooperative, the recruits breathed a sigh of relief. After a short warm-up, the ship began to slowly leave the port.

At this time, the sea of ​​fire on the fuel warehouse side could no longer resist the zombies. A large number of zombies with flames began to run towards the dock regardless of everything. Even if the ship had left the port, it could not stop the crazy pursuit of the zombies.

Even if they fell into the sea, they were trying their best to swim in the direction of the ship's departure until they were dragged into the deep sea or eaten directly by the mutant creatures in the sea.

On the cruise ship that had already left the port, a group of people looked at the surging scene of zombies at the dock and couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. If they were a few minutes later, they would probably be swallowed by the zombies and become the zombies' rations.

Just as the survivors on the ship were rejoicing, a dull explosion and a huge flame appeared at the back of the ship.

The time bomb installed in the engine by the female killer was successfully detonated. Although it failed to create a big hole in the entire cruise ship, it completely paralyzed the ship's engine system, causing the cruise ship to completely lose its forward power and be trapped in place.

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