My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 716: Prepare to Attack

In the end, the two lifeboats were still occupied by the Self-Defense Forces, and the thousands of civilians were directly abandoned by them.

"We will remember your kindness today, goodbye forever"

This captain of the Self-Defense Forces can be said to have a very bad character. He could even say such words after robbing the last two lifeboats, but there was nothing he could do because these people had guns in their hands. The civilians dared not speak out and could only turn around and go to other places to save themselves.


After being lowered, the dozen lifeboats full of people did not play the expected effect.

Because the creatures in the sea were also infected by the virus and turned into various mutant creatures.

And because of the two major explosions of the cruise ship, the mutant creatures in the surrounding seas all approached the cruise ship, but because they could not break through the hull of the cruise ship, they only wandered around the cruise ship.

The zombie lifeboat is different. Not to mention how fragile this thing is, the height of the lifeboat alone can make ordinary mutant fish jump directly onto the ship, not to mention other large mutants.

When more than a dozen lifeboats were lowered, they were immediately besieged by the mutant creatures wandering around. The mutated sea fish had sharp teeth that were almost like a hacksaw, and their bite force could completely crush ordinary wood or bones.

The material of the lifeboat is made of composite plastic. Although it has strong toughness, it cannot withstand the repeated bites of sharp teeth, especially when there are a lot of mutant fish.

The first batch of lifeboats launched now have dense marks of bites from mutant sea fish on the bottom of the lifeboat, and some places are almost bitten through.

The people on the lifeboat also noticed something was wrong and were paddling vigorously to slap the sea surface, trying to scare away these mutant sea fish.

But the more noise people made, the more excited the sea fish in the sea became. Some sea fish have already started to prepare to jump into the lifeboat to bite people.

"Row quickly! Don't let these sea fish continue to damage the bottom of the boat, or we will all die"

"You don't have to tell me! I can see it!"

Unfortunately, it was too late for these people to realize it. When they wanted to row to escape from here, the mutant sea fish had already bitten through the bottom of the lifeboat.

For a while, the cold sea water flowed in through the gap, and people began to panic and try to block the gap, but it was useless, because there was not only one gap, and there were already mutant sea fish jumping into the lifeboat through the gap and began to bite the nearest person.

"It hurts! Get this thing away!"

"He's been bitten! Kill him!"

"Wait a minute! What are you doing! I'm a human! I'm a human! Ah!!!"

The person bitten by the mutant sea fish not only failed to get help from the people around him, but was stabbed from behind by the people around him. Looking at the bleeding chest, the man looked back unwillingly at the person who stabbed him.

The man who was stabbing with a knife next to him saw that the person he stabbed dared to look at him, thinking that he was going to die with him, so he quickly drew his knife and stabbed several times again, and at the same time took out a screwdriver and stabbed it straight into the man's eye socket.

After his brain was destroyed, the man could be said to have completely lost the chance of becoming a zombie and could only become a cold corpse.

However, stabbing a person to death does not mean that it is safe now, and there are more mutant sea fish jumping onto the lifeboat.

As more and more people were bitten, the man became crazy and kept attacking the bitten people with knives and screwdrivers, wanting to completely kill the infected people.

However, the man's actions still aroused public anger. Although they knew that the man's actions were correct, they did not want to be killed.

Everyone has a fluke mentality to a certain extent, thinking that they are the most special. Even if they are bitten by zombies, they firmly believe that they have special antibodies that can resist the invasion of the virus and avoid becoming zombies.

Therefore, the man who had been attacking the injured was knocked unconscious by the crowd and then thrown directly into the sea, where the mutant fish ate him up.

However, killing this man does not mean that they are out of danger. Rather, because there is no killing by the man, the bitten people on the lifeboat began to be transformed into zombies by the virus, and the remaining people were all killed under the attack of zombies and mutant fish.

The other lifeboats had almost the same fate. Either the lifeboats were damaged by mutant fish, or there were internal conflicts and they began to kill each other, and some jumped into the sea to commit suicide.

It is ironic that most of those who took the lifeboat to survive have died, while those who were abandoned in the cruise ship are still alive.

However, the people on the cruise ship are also dying soon. The fire spread too fast, and the sea breeze was still strong today, which caused the fire to burn faster with the wind, which looked like a fire burning on Chibi.

After a few hours, the huge cruise ship was left with only a deformed hull. There were no living people on the cruise ship, and all the civilians who had not yet evacuated turned into charred mummies.

There was no intact place on the entire cruise ship.

The cruise ship, full of corpses, began to drift with the current and gradually disappeared on the coastline.

After such an incident, tens of thousands of island survivors were wiped out, and not even their bodies were left. Perhaps the only survivor should be the female killer who caused all this.

Three days later

Cai Wenjie used the system satellite in the Xinguang gathering place to observe the status of the troops sent to other cities.

After a few days of rest, all the troops have returned to their heyday, ammunition and supplies have been replenished, and the mine has officially entered the working state. There is no reason to stop them.

The troops of the three battalions were sent to two cities and a large county town respectively. As long as these three places are taken, the entire autonomous prefecture will be under the control of Cai Wenjie. At that time, he can concentrate on farming and developing his own armed forces.

In the later stage, Cai Wenjie can completely help the official to recover the fallen areas, so that the domestic zombies can be eliminated earlier and a habitable place for humans can be rebuilt.

This time, in addition to the three battalions of infantry, there is also a heavy artillery company, an armored company, and a large bomber formation consisting of 144 unmanned bombers.

There are also dozens of transport planes ready to support the front line at any time, and there are transport companies specifically used to transport supplies, which continuously move supplies from the supply warehouses and load them onto trucks, including food, medicine, ammunition, spare firearms, and they can deliver whatever the front line needs.

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