My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 718 Siege

With the efforts of each company, half of the zombies in the city were eliminated in less than an hour. Google search reading

The rest of the zombies were also eliminated at a very fast speed.

The only thing that was a bit difficult was the mutant zombies hiding in the dark. After such a long time, the mutant zombies are now more difficult to deal with than before. It’s not that these mutant zombies have become more powerful, but because these mutant zombies have become cowardly, yes, cowardly. ъ

Perhaps they understand that flesh and blood cannot resist bullets or artillery shells. If these mutant zombies see a certain scale of armed forces when they are alone, they will turn around and run away without hesitation, instead of rushing on like fools.

This is even more true when they see armored vehicles. The mutant zombies who know they have no chance of winning will hide the moment they see the armored vehicles, or quietly escape through sewers or other hidden routes, without even looking back.

Of course, if the number of mutant zombies is dominant and there are also powerful mutant zombies, these mutant zombies will ambush, just like the ambush of an infantry fighting vehicle in LJ City before, overturning the infantry fighting vehicle and rushing to the chassis to attack crazily.

Last time, if the drivers had not resisted tenaciously and the rescue came in time, the end would have been very ugly.

This time, because they were fighting in companies, the mutant zombies hiding in the dark did not dare to show up at all, for fear that they would be shot to death, but these mutant zombies did not leave. They hid in the dark just waiting for an opportunity, waiting for an opportunity to fight in groups. ♦♦  ♦♦

Perhaps God saw these mutant zombies pitiful, and the third company responsible for advancing the north of the city began to divide its troops.

The soldiers of a company were instantly divided into ten teams, each team consisted of about ten soldiers and the chief and deputy squad leaders, that is, each combat squad was a squad.

Each team began to move in different directions, infiltrating into the residential buildings in the north of the city and starting to check floor by floor.

The mutant zombies were waiting for an opportunity. Almost at the same time, a large group of mutant zombies hiding in the dark began to gather in the north of the city. When they met other companies during the movement, they did not hide, but went straight to the fastest speed.

But unfortunately, these brave mutant zombies soon realized one thing, that is, no matter how fast they were, they could not be faster than bullets, especially the machine guns with auxiliary systems.

Several mutant zombies who were running wildly in the field of vision of the armored vehicles were locked by the machine guns with auxiliary systems before they ran a few meters, and then they were penetrated by palm-sized bullets and were beaten into pieces of meat in just one second.

"What's the matter with these mutant zombies? They actually ignored us? Do they treat us as air?"

"I don't know. This is the first time I've encountered this situation. According to previous experience, these mutant zombies should pounce on us like vicious dogs. It's really weird."

The soldiers began to whisper. It was obvious that they were a little confused by the strange behavior of these mutant zombies.

However, several soldiers began to suspect that these mutant zombies had become intelligent and chose to avoid fighting after seeing them fully armed.

The more they thought about it, the more possible it was, so they quickly reported the situation to their superiors and also reported their conjectures.

As the commander of the second company with rich combat experience, he also noticed this problem.

"If these mutant zombies really have wisdom and have been hiding from us in fear before, then what is the reason for their actions just now?"

After thinking about the situation for a while, the commander of the second company set his sights on the direction where the mutant zombies were biting.

"I remember that's where the third company is responsible for, right? Is there something wrong there?"

The captain of the second company thought more and more that something was wrong, so he immediately stopped the troops and issued a new order.

"All companies! Quickly advance in the direction of the third company!"


No one questioned their captain's decision. They immediately stopped advancing and began to turn and quickly advance towards the area that the third company was responsible for.

On the other side

The captain of the third company was personally leading his guard platoon to search one building after another. In just over ten minutes, they had searched at least three buildings. They found any survivors in these three buildings. There were quite a lot of zombies, but they were easily solved by the guard platoon around them.

"Captain! This is the last building in this area"

"Well, I still ask for the same thing as before. All floors and rooms must be checked to ensure that there are no zombies hiding in them"


Just as the captain of the third company was about to lead his guard platoon to search the last building, a huge roar interrupted their actions.


"Bang, bang, bang!"

With a huge roar and a series of bangs echoing around, the captain of the third company immediately realized that one of his teams was in danger.

"Quick! Contact all teams and ask the nearest team to support the team that was attacked"


"01 call all teams! Report your status immediately!"

"Report! This is team 06! We encountered a large number of mutant zombies in the community park! Request support! Request support!"

"Received! Team 06, hold on! We will support you immediately!"

After confirming that the team was in danger, the captain of the third company immediately called on other teams to rush to the community park where Team 06 was located for support.

He also took his guard platoon and began to rush to the place where Team 06 was located.


In the community park, a group of Team 06 wearing exoskeleton armor and large-caliber rifles were using the small fountain in the middle of the park as a cover to shoot at a large number of mutant zombies around.

Judging from the situation, Team 06 is now at a disadvantage. Although they fought desperately, the mutant zombies around them gathered more and more, and soon exceeded more than 30.

Among them, speed-type mutant zombies and claw zombies accounted for more than half, and there were also two meat shield-type mutant zombies and one strength-type mutant zombie.

These mutant zombies did not stupidly rush out to attack the soldiers of Team 06, but hid behind the cover, grabbing all the throwable objects around and throwing them at the soldiers not far away.

Especially the power-type mutant zombie, he hid behind two meat shields, lifted a large piece of concrete or a car, motorcycle or something like that and smashed it hard at the soldiers, forcing the soldiers to keep changing positions to avoid being hit.

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