My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 720: The fight of trapped beasts

What you fear will come true. A soldier with scratches all over his body was scratched by a claw zombie again. Unfortunately, the place attacked this time was the thinnest part of the exoskeleton armor. Google search reading

For the first time, the claw zombie successfully scratched a soldier. After the huge claws cut through the exoskeleton armor, they scratched deep blood marks on the soldier's back.

"Wu Xin!"

"Don't worry about me! You guys continue! I can handle it!"

The name of the scratched soldier was Wu Xin. After he staggered for a while, he turned around and stabbed his dagger into the eye socket of the claw zombie, and then kicked the claw zombie in front of him hard.

After the claw zombie was kicked away, Wu Xin immediately took out a tube of green medicine from his tactical bag, and then injected the tube of green medicine into his neck fiercely, or more accurately, injected a virus inhibitor.

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Originally, the scratched part of Wu Xin's back had begun to bleed black blood, but not long after the injection of the virus inhibitor, the blood on Wu Xin's back turned back to bright red, which also means that the virus was forcibly suppressed by the inhibitor.

"It's quite effective"

Wu Xin felt the burning pain on his back and grinned. To be honest, after being scratched on the back by the clawed zombie, Wu Xin felt no pain except the initial pain. Instead, it was as if he had received local anesthesia and lost any pain in a very short time. It was magical that his back was not his own.

However, after the injection of the virus inhibitor, Wu Xin clearly felt that the pain returned to his body again, and he could sense his back again, which made him sigh that the inhibitor was really effective.

"Wu Xin! Are you okay!"

The squad leader, who was always worried, came to Wu Xin while fighting and retreating, and asked.

"I'm fine, squad leader. The virus inhibitor is very effective. I feel I can fight ten more mutant zombies."

"It's okay, but don't force it. Tell me immediately if you feel something is wrong. Do you understand?"

"I understand."

In order to take care of the injured team members, as the squad leader, he began to roam around. While attacking the mutant zombies, he always paid attention to the teammates around him to avoid the same thing as Wu Xin.

However, no matter how careful a person is, he can't pay attention to everything.

Soon, the second injured person appeared. He also forced back the zombies in front of him and immediately injected his own virus inhibitor, successfully alleviating the infection.

Then, the third, the fourth..., until all the team members had taken the virus inhibitor, as the squad leader, he naturally couldn't escape this fate.

The squad leader was blown to the ground by a self-detonating zombie. Although part of the explosion was offset by the exoskeleton, the remaining power still caused him internal injuries. At the same time, the mutant zombies who had been waiting for an opportunity around him also quickly stepped forward and bit his arm that was no longer covered by the exoskeleton.

As luck would have it, the mutant zombie bit through his arm and touched his veins, causing him to bleed heavily.

If the bleeding is not stopped in time, the consequences will be disastrous. Fortunately, there is a medic next to the squad leader. He quickly came to the squad leader and started to stop the bleeding. At the same time, he picked up the virus inhibitor and stabbed the squad leader's arm fiercely.

"Hold on, squad leader! I'll stop the bleeding for you right away!"

Fortunately, the medic was fully equipped. After simply stopping the bleeding for the squad leader and injecting the inhibitor, the squad leader's face, which was pale due to excessive blood loss, became slightly ruddy.

"I'm fine, thank you for your hard work"

"This is my duty"

After a long period of consumption, the mutant zombies are less than half of the original, and the human side is seriously injured and almost loses its combat effectiveness.

"Squad leader, I'm out of bullets"

"Me too"

"My dagger is broken"

"Why hasn't support come yet?"

The soldiers and the mutant zombies separated for a short time and confronted each other. The mutant zombies saw the corpses of their companions and the humans on the opposite side who had not fallen down. They admitted that they regretted it. Not only did they regret how they could cause such a big trouble, but they also felt a little scared.

With a difference of almost 5 times in number, they still hadn't killed the human soldiers on the opposite side. This made these mutant zombies, who had some intelligence, feel unprecedented fear.

"Squad leader, what's wrong with them?"

"I guess they are planning to fight us to the death"

"I agree, why don't we strike first?"

"Good idea! I still have half a magazine of bullets left, what about you?"

"Same, only half a magazine left"

"A full magazine"

"I have no bullets, but I still have a rocket launcher left"

"That's enough! Everyone listen to my orders and get ready. As soon as I raise my hand and make a fist, you will shoot all the remaining bullets, the same goes for the rocket launcher, and then we will go over to finish it off"


Almost at the same time, the mutant zombies and human warriors launched attacks on each other again. The human warriors didn't care about anything and emptied the bullets in the magazines. At the same time, several human warriors took out rocket launchers and fired at the mutant zombies not far away.

And these mutants, perhaps accustomed to the close combat just now, were caught off guard and saw that more than half of the mutant zombies were killed in an instant, and the rocket launcher directly took away three mutant zombies.

This time, the mutant zombies were completely disabled, and they had no chance to fight back.

"Everyone follow me! Kill!"


The warriors on the human side immediately picked up their daggers and began to rush towards the mutant zombies. Those who didn't have daggers took the bricks beside them, and if they couldn't do it, they went into battle empty-handed.

The sudden attack put the mutant zombies in an absolute passive position. In less than a while, they were suppressed by the human warriors and couldn't raise their heads.

Because they all knew that this was the last battle, the human warriors tried their last bit of strength to attack the mutant zombies frantically.

Every move was insidious, vicious, and fatal. The warriors took daggers and stabbed the mutant zombies' eye sockets, temples, ear canals, nostrils and back of the head, aiming to kill them with one blow.

After the initial commotion, the mutant zombies also reacted and began to desperately push through the crowd to escape, but it was useless because some people specifically blocked the way for this group of mutant zombies. If they wanted to escape, they had to kill the people who blocked the way. But the problem was that it was not easy to kill the people who blocked the way. Not to mention the steel pipe in his hand, the people behind him who were eyeing him would not let him hurt people.

The most terrifying thing was that the reinforcements of these humans had arrived.

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