My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 722 Evil God

The area in the south of YJ City was previously forced to give up the recovery due to lack of troops and earthquakes. Google Search Reading

But now, the time is ripe, and Cai Wenjie directly sent the soldiers of the first battalion and the first company stationed in the Xinguang gathering place to recover the south of the city.

Because most of the zombies in the south of the city are mutants, this operation, in addition to a company of infantry, also dispatched all the infantry fighting vehicles and 3 tanks in the Xinguang gathering place.

These armored vehicles are specially used to deal with those strong mutant zombies or meat shield mutant zombies with thick skin and flesh.

The members of the No. 06 team who fought with the mutant zombies and finally wiped out the mutant zombies have returned to the Xinguang gathering place, and they have recorded the battle process after encountering the mutant zombies that are several times larger than themselves in the system document, so that all the recruits can see what mutant zombies are and how to defeat them through the system.

Through these real combat data, everyone fully realized why heavy firepower was needed. If the members of Team 06 had enough heavy firepower weapons at that time, they would not be infected, and they would not need inhibitors every day to spend the rest of their lives like now.

At the same time, this also made Cai Wenjie deeply realize that exoskeletons alone cannot withstand the multiple attacks of mutant zombies. In the past, he thought that as long as he wore exoskeletons, those mutant zombies would have no way to deal with soldiers wearing exoskeletons. Now it seems that he was too blindly confident before.

Therefore, in this operation, Cai Wenjie directly sent enough armored vehicles and three 99A tanks, with the purpose of passing the southern part of the city without injury.

"Everyone should not leave the armored vehicles too far! Be careful of the sneak attacks of mutant zombies!"

The first company commander Deng Jun personally led the troops to the south of the city this time. He naturally read the system records and knew how cunning the mutant zombies have become now, so he did not dare to separate the team, but chose to search directly. The whole company acted together and found mutant zombies and directly concentrated fire to eliminate them without martial ethics.

The whole team was like a turtle, advancing slowly but very tough. Even if dozens or hundreds of mutant zombies attacked the team together, they could be wiped out at a very fast speed.

The team had just entered the southern part of the city and was directly attacked by a group of mutant rats. Although the number of mutant rats was very small compared to the overwhelming rat tide in the past, there were still hundreds of them.

However, since Cai Wenjie was going to attack the south of the city, he must have made full preparations. To deal with such small things, he naturally had to use fire attacks.

When the mutant rats appeared in front of everyone, a group of soldiers carrying strange devices quickly walked out from the back of the team. They were holding the latest flamethrowers in their hands.

Although this new type of flamethrower is very heavy, about 60 kilograms, it has a stronger endurance and burning temperature in exchange for its weight. Ordinary creatures, even mutant creatures, will definitely die if they are attached to a little bit of this flame. Moreover, this flamethrower uses special fuel, and ordinary fire-fighting methods are completely ineffective. Even jumping into the water cannot extinguish the flame.

Unless you find a vacuum environment as soon as you are infected with the flame and stay in it for a few minutes, the flame can be extinguished.

Obviously, these mutant rats cannot find this method.

When the fire dragons are ejected from the flamethrower, these mutant rats will die immediately. The huge high temperature can burn the mutant rats' brains into ashes in an instant, and their fur is the best ignition material.

Hundreds of rats died without even touching a hair of the team, and it only took one twentieth of a can of fuel to burn these mutant rats to death, which can be said to be almost no consumption.

And the mutant zombies hiding in the dark and observing all this were scared by this new type of flamethrower and dared not come out.

However, the fact that the mutant zombies dared not come out does not mean that the team dared not go in, and the entire operation was monitored in real time by military satellites. No matter how well the mutant zombies hide, they cannot isolate themselves from the monitoring from space.

Military satellites are connected to the Kirin system of all exoskeletons, so the images taken by military satellites will be transmitted to the field of vision of each soldier wearing exoskeleton in real time.

"Eleven o'clock, one o'clock, three o'clock! Three power-type mutant zombies found! Tank guns ready! Fire!"

The three tanks each aimed at a target, and then fired without hesitation.

Three high-explosive bombs hit the hiding places of the three mutant zombies in turn. The huge explosion enveloped the three areas, and directly blew the three speed-type mutant zombies hiding behind the ruins into pieces.

"Well done, keep moving forward!"

In this way, with the help of military satellites, the team can always find the mutant zombies hiding in the dark as quickly as possible, and then directly use tank guns to eliminate them.

It was very easy along the way. In less than an hour, almost half of the southern part of the city was cleared. If it weren't for the earthquake that caused the entire area to be in ruins, causing the team to be unable to walk too fast, otherwise all the cleaning work would have been done by now.

But just when the soldiers thought that this mission would be very simple, an accident happened.

Perhaps because of the previous earthquake, a huge hole appeared on the road that the team had to pass. The area of ​​this hole was very large and bottomless.

"Let the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft fly down to see the situation"


Soon an unmanned reconnaissance aircraft flew out of the team and began to explore the inside of the cave.

As the company commander, Deng Jun personally controlled the drone to the cave.

There was no other way, Deng Jun turned on the high-power flashlight equipped on the drone, and a large beam of light instantly illuminated the surroundings of the drone.

It was a good thing to have lighting, but the pictures taken were a bit creepy.

The cliffs of the cave were covered with some kind of blood-red tumors, which looked like intestines and were still moving. They looked like intestinal peristalsis, which was very disgusting.

Deng Jun endured the discomfort and continued to explore downwards. After exploring about a hundred meters downwards, he found a collection of these tumors, or these tumors were all caused by this thing.

This thing looks very twisted, just like the evil gods in foreign myths. It is huge and has tentacles all over its body, and it also has a pair of huge eyeballs that are shaking left and right.

When the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft captured the true form of the monster, this monster, which looked very much like an evil god, was also staring at the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft with its blood-red eyes.

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