My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 727: Manipulator

"These guys are actually making a feint to the east and attacking in the west!"

Without time to think, the second battalion commander Zhao Hu immediately mobilized some troops to deal with the mutant zombies that suddenly appeared in the rear.

However, before Zhao Hu could deal with the mutant zombies that appeared in the back, more than a dozen mutant zombies appeared on the left and right sides of the team and began to charge at the team.

There was no way, Zhao Hu could only mobilize some troops again to defend against the mutant zombies on the left and right sides. Because the situation was urgent, even Zhao Hu, as the commander, could only take up weapons to fight against the mutant zombies that suddenly appeared.

After the team was surrounded by the mutant zombies, the morale of the soldiers dropped sharply for a while, and the heavy firepower points that could originally suppress the front steadily began to become unstable, and there was a possibility of being broken through.

Zhao Hu naturally knew that if they could not suppress the main force of the mutant zombies, then they would most likely be wiped out. In order to prevent this from happening, Zhao Hu could only contact the armed helicopters in the rear for support.

"Hold on! Reinforcements will come to support us soon! If you want to live, fight hard!"

In order to prevent morale from collapsing, Zhao Hu could only hold a heavy machine gun and fire at the front, while standing on a high place and loudly encouraging other soldiers.

Perhaps Zhao Hu's words inspired the soldiers' instinctive will to survive. The soldiers who were originally somewhat demoralized once again played up their spirits and began to suppress the mutant zombies.

After about two minutes, the armed helicopter formation in the rear appeared over the city again, came to the top of the team and began to attack the mutant zombies below. Twelve armed helicopters used machine guns to accurately shoot at the mutant zombies below, and soon eliminated a considerable number of mutant zombies.

This also gave new hope to the soldiers below, and they cheered loudly at the armed helicopters in the air.

The originally shaky defense line stabilized again. With the cooperation of the armed helicopters, it took less than ten minutes for the team to resolve the zombie crisis on the left, right and back, and the mutant zombie group in front was suppressed by them and could not get close.

Finally, when the last mutant zombie was blown to pieces by the air-to-ground missile of the armed helicopter, the battle ended successfully with the victory of mankind.

To be honest, if there was no timely rescue by the armed helicopter in this battle, they would have been defeated here, and even the whole army might have been annihilated. Fortunately, the second battalion commander Zhao Hu reacted quickly and called back the armed helicopter formation in the rear in time to resolve the crisis.

After the second battalion commander solemnly expressed his gratitude to the armed helicopter formation over the radio, he continued to lead the team to clean up the zombies around.

Those mutant zombies besieging the team are probably all the mutant zombies in the entire city. Therefore, in the following battles, the soldiers of the second battalion basically did not encounter a single mutant zombie, and they encountered the most common zombies.

After about six or seven hours, when it was dawn, the entire city was basically roughly cleaned up by them, and tens of thousands of ordinary zombies were eliminated. It can be said that 9% of the zombies in the city have been almost cleaned up, and only those zombies hiding in the buildings have survived.

Originally, buildings like this should be thoroughly cleaned up, but now the most important thing is to build a defense line near the Yalu River to prevent the zombies on the other side from crossing the river.

Just as the second battalion commander Zhao Hu led his troops to set up a defensive formation on the beach of the Yalu River, the armored company from the Xinguang gathering place arrived here and brought several trucks full of ammunition and supplies.

After a night of fighting, the soldiers of the second battalion had almost exhausted their ammunition reserves, and these trucks of ammunition and supplies were exactly what they needed.

"Huh! I'm so tired. These zombies are really sick. Can't they just stay where they are? They have to come here to get beaten. They made us sleepless for a whole day and night. They are really dogs."

"Who said it wasn't? My arms are almost broken after this day."

"Those two over there! Don't be lazy! Dig quickly! Only if we dig a deep enough pit before the zombies fall, we can save energy when killing zombies later."

Although the second battalion commander Zhao Hu believed that the zombie group on the other side would never break through the defense line here, for the sake of insurance, he still asked his soldiers to dig deep enough pits. When the zombies rushed up, they would fall into the pits and be trapped by force, temporarily relieving the pressure on the front-line troops.

The Yalu River here is not deep, with a depth of only about half a meter at most, so the zombies can easily rush over from here. These pits are prepared for them.

In addition to these, the tanks and infantry fighting vehicles in the armored company also came to the front and joined the battle as a fixed firepower. At the same time, a large number of mortars and howitzers were deployed 200 meters behind. As long as the zombies dared to gather in large numbers, justice would be waiting for them.

At this time, the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft began to take off and headed to the other side to observe the movement of the zombies.

The unmanned reconnaissance aircraft took off from the river beach and flew about ten kilometers to the other side. During this period, no movement of the zombies was found.

However, in a mountain road about fifteen kilometers away, the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft discovered a group of zombies that were marching in an orderly manner towards the defensive position. The scale was at least about ten thousand. However, the important thing was not the number of zombies, but why the zombies could walk in an orderly manner as if they were specially trained.

Although these zombies can't walk as neatly as soldiers, they walk almost as well as college students who just received military training.

Zhao Hu, the second battalion commander who observed this situation with an unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, immediately noticed something was wrong. He asked the operator of the drone to carefully check whether there were any special mutant zombies among the zombies.

Zhao Hu had seen a kind of big-headed mutant zombie that could make people hallucinate and control several ordinary zombies to a certain extent in the museum of the Xinguang gathering place before.

The current situation completely meets the characteristics of big-headed mutant zombies.

After the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft circled and reconnaissance over the zombies for a few minutes, it finally found a mutant zombie that looked like it had a very big head.

With the images transmitted back by the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, Zhao Hu immediately identified this mutant zombie with an abnormally large brain as the mutant zombie exhibited in the museum that could make people hallucinate and control ordinary zombies.

"It seems to be him. I remember that the self-explosion of the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft is very powerful. Operator! Use the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft to blow up that mutant zombie immediately!"


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