My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 731 Work begins

After several rounds of rigorous discussions, it was decided to place the grain bases in the plains of LJ City, WQ County, and YJ City.

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Each grain base will basically be allocated 2,000 migrant workers and a large number of agricultural machinery to assist migrant workers in farming. These are essential if you want to plant 10,000 acres of land.

In addition, each grain base will be stationed in rotation every three months, and the scale of each garrison is about one company. Of course, if necessary, the scale of the garrison troops will be increased or simply not stationed, all depending on the situation.

In addition to the garrison of conventional troops, Cai Wenjie will go to the grain base to install defense facilities, that is, magnetic storm coils or light prism towers. After all, the grain base is too large, and it is estimated that it is difficult to defend it with so few people, so defense towers and defense facilities are indispensable.

Now that the location of the grain base has been selected, the remaining work is to officially start building the grain base.

Because there are no related buildings for food bases in the system mall, this food base can only be built by ourselves.

Fortunately, Cai Wenjie doesn't have much else now, but there are many people. There is basically no problem in building food bases. As long as the unemployed people in the Xinguang gathering place are gathered, it is estimated that three food bases can be built in less than a month.


With the help of the People's Center, all the unemployed people in the Xinguang gathering place were mobilized. After a brief explanation of the situation, these people began to sign up enthusiastically. No one wanted to give up this opportunity to earn points.

In this regard, Cai Wenjie did not refuse at all. As long as there was no major physical problem, all would be admitted. In the end, Cai Wenjie directly accepted anyone who dared to sign up.

"Okay, tomorrow morning at 9:30! Everyone gather here. If anyone is late, they will lose this job opportunity. Remember not to be late"

"Don't worry, Chief! I will never be late"

"Me too!"

"Me too"

After disbanding the crowd, Cai Wenjie contacted the three troops closest to the three scheduled food bases, and went to clear the area first, ensuring the safety of each place and waiting for the follow-up people to come.

The 4th, 5th and 6th battalions were the closest to the three places, and the three battalions went to the three designated locations respectively.

Although the autonomous prefecture is now completely under the control of Cai Wenjie, there are still some mutant creatures hidden in the places outside the city. There must be some fish that slipped through the net in these three designated locations, and the task of the 456th battalion is to eliminate these fish that slipped through the net.

When the three battalions arrived at the designated locations, the first thing they did was to build temporary military camps, and then to clean up.

It is called cleaning, but in fact it is patrolling. Because they are all in the plains, patrolling is not that difficult. After all, the soldiers have no shortage of off-road armored vehicles. Even if they encounter a single mutant creature, they can easily kill it. You must know that vehicle-mounted weapons are not vegetarian.

After cleaning up the entire designated location, their task is to wait. The construction workers will arrive tomorrow. What came today are some building materials to prepare for tomorrow's construction work.

At the same time, a simple fence, various defense towers and defense facilities must be built within today, but this is Cai Wenjie's work alone. He will run to three places within a day to install various fences and defense towers to ensure that sufficient defense facilities are built within today.

After almost a day of hard work, the food bases in these three places have begun to take shape, or the basic defense facilities are almost built. High-voltage electric fences, light prism towers, magnetic storm coils, sentry machine guns, flamethrowers, all that should be there are not a few. Now only the food warehouse and dormitory are left to be built.

The next day

A large number of transport planes and various trucks set off from the Xinguang gathering place and began to go to three different places, which were the three food bases that had been planned yesterday.

Along the way, especially those who took the transport planes, looking at the transport planes with sci-fi elements, they couldn't help but look left and right, and some people even touched everywhere as if they were caressing their lovers.

"Sure enough, the country's research and development capabilities are not to be underestimated. Look at the material and the speed. It's simply black technology."

"Who said it wasn't? I think our country's research and development capabilities have surpassed that country on the other side of the ocean."

"Hahaha, now we are probably the only one in the world who can survive on our own. Others either destroy their country or hide underground and don't dare to come out at all."

"That's right. Their officials are not as good as ours. The most important thing is that they don't have people like Chief Cai to protect them. I heard that our autonomous prefecture has been completely cleaned up by Chief Cai. Now the entire autonomous prefecture can be regarded as a safe zone. A few days ago, the group of people in the Civil Affairs Center told me that now in YJ City, you can go there alone to collect as long as you simply register your name. I didn't take it seriously at the time. Now it seems that this should be proof that the autonomous prefecture is safe."

"I've heard about it, and I've been to YJ City once. Although I didn't go alone, I basically understand the current situation in YJ City. More than 95% of YJ City is now in ruins. There are no intact buildings except for a few buildings. Even the preserved buildings are basically in a state of disrepair. Fortunately, the small supermarket in serious ruins made a small profit by using the supplies inside. It's so cool."

People chatted while looking out the window to enjoy the scenery. After all, it's probably not possible to experience the feeling of flying in the future. Unless you join the army and are assigned to the aviation side, there is no hope in this life.

The speed of the transport plane is much faster than that of the ground convoy. All the first batch of people who arrived at the grain base were basically people who took the transport plane.

A few hours later, the ground truck troops also arrived at the destination and joined the first batch of people.

There was no speech, no show, such as Cai Wenjie came to shovel the first soil or something, just a simple explanation of what to build here, and after all the drawings were made public, people were divided into dozens or hundreds of teams, led by experienced old workers, and started working.

Because there were various engineering vehicles, the first work of digging the foundation went very smoothly. The following work was also done in an orderly manner under the leadership of the veteran workers. Although most of them had no experience, fortunately they were all very obedient and there were no troublemakers, so the work went very smoothly.

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