My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 737 Overlord

Speaking of which, Cai Wenjie should also think about how to respond to the first question, which is the regulations on the legal carrying of weapons. Google search reading

Although it is mentioned above that it is legal to own firearms, there are certain restrictions, such as the fact that firearms and ammunition cannot be carried in official gathering places, and must be handed in until leaving the official gathering place.

In simple terms, it is okay to take them in the wild, but you cannot take weapons in a crowded gathering place. Violators will be shot in serious cases, or arrested and imprisoned for a few days.

Detailed regulations can be formulated by the person in charge of each gathering place.

For this matter, Cai Wenjie feels that there is no big harm. As long as they don't shoot and kill people in their own Xinguang gathering place, it's up to them.

In addition, a large number of obsolete weapons in the warehouse have also found their place. Of course, these weapons are not distributed for free. They need to be exchanged with points, and each weapon and ammunition has a specific number. If someone dares to make trouble, then they can be arrested according to the number of the holder of the weapon and ammunition.

However, to be honest, the entire autonomous prefecture has been cleaned up by Cai Wenjie's troops. There are almost no zombies and mutants in this area, and basically no guns are used. If there is really a gun shot, it is probably a fight between people.

As for whether distributing guns to ordinary people will cause chaos in the autonomous prefecture, there is no need to worry, because Cai Wenjie's current armed forces have undergone a qualitative change, and it is far from being shaken by obsolete rifles and pistols. →

Imagine, can a hundred bandits with only AKs beat a tank? The answer is obvious, no! So Cai Wenjie didn't need to worry.

Just as Cai Wenjie was thinking about how to price the weapons, there was a roar outside, and at the same time a communicator knocked on the door of the office.

"Report! A Y-20G transport aircraft is applying to land at our airport."

"What? Y-20G? I remember this is an enhanced version of the Y-20. How did it appear here? Forget it, the application is approved, and the airport runway is ready."


The Y-20G is an enhanced version of the Y-20 heavy military transport aircraft. While increasing the load capacity, it has been replaced with the latest domestically produced engine, which greatly reduces the requirements for the runway of the Y-20G. Even the small runway here at Cai Wenjie's place is enough for the Y-20G heavy military transport aircraft to take off and land. It is simply black technology.

Ten minutes later, Cai Wenjie brought his guard company to the airport. In the middle of the airport, a Y-20G heavy military transport aircraft that had just landed was parked.

The ground aircrew team had gone to meet them. The rear door of the transport aircraft slowly opened, and an officer with two bars and two stars on his shoulders walked out of the cabin with several people. It seemed that he should be a lieutenant colonel.

Although he didn't know who was on the other side, Cai Wenjie still took the initiative to greet him.

"Hello, Lieutenant Colonel, I am Cai Wenjie, the person in charge of the Xinguang gathering place."

Cai Wenjie stretched out his right hand, and the lieutenant colonel on the opposite side saw Cai Wenjie's shoulder straps clearly, but did not shake Cai Wenjie's right hand, but saluted Cai Wenjie with a standard military strength.

"Hello, Colonel Cai Wenjie! I am the director of the logistics department of the XX Corps of the Central Theater. The purpose of my coming here this time is to ask you to help me with something."

Facing this lieutenant colonel who made a request right away, Cai Wenjie did not feel that he was looking down on himself. On the contrary, he felt that this was a real soldier who would speak up when there was something to say and would never delay.

"Give me a reason to help you"

"This is the order I applied to the central government, please take a look"

Cai Wenjie took the order from the so-called director of the logistics department and began to read it carefully.

After confirming that the order was fine, Cai Wenjie looked up at the director of the logistics department in front of him again, and then thought for a while.

Perhaps he felt that his attitude was a bit stiff, so the director of the logistics department spoke again.

"In addition to the order, I also applied to the central government for three latest combat mechas and supporting weapons. If you are interested, you can try to operate the mecha yourself. The name of the mecha is Overlord."

At this time, the three mechas inside the transport plane were also unloaded. Unlike the previous Tianbing Tianjiang mecha, this Overlord mecha is more like a movable battle fortress.

The Overlord mecha is still a humanoid mecha. The slightly bloated fuselage is equipped with a lot of weapon systems. The head of the mecha is equipped with laser rays, which can shoot down drones or helicopters.

On the shoulders are two 9*9 81-mounted rocket launchers, which can launch 162 rockets.

A 125mm smoothbore cannon is installed on the left arm, which can kill a mutant zombie with one shot.

A 7mm Gatling heavy machine gun and a flamethrower are installed on the right arm, which are specially used to deal with large numbers of zombies.

There is a reactor in the chest which is the core energy source of the entire mecha, responsible for the power system of the entire mecha. Once it encounters an enemy that it cannot defeat and cannot escape, it can choose to self-destruct. The power of the self-destruction is comparable to a small-yield nuclear bomb.

And there is a rocket launcher on the back, which can fly a certain distance in a short time, or be used to escape from an encirclement.

Finally, it's the legs. Unlike other mechas, this mecha has three ways of moving. The first and second are ordinary walking and flying. The third is a track mode similar to a tank, which is designed for long-distance movement. Of course, the size of the track can completely crush those blind zombies who dare to block the mecha's forward route.

Three Overlord combat mechas like this mobile fortress have been transported to the Xinguang gathering place at once. The lieutenant colonel is really thoughtful.

"... It's really good. Okay, tell me, what do I need to cooperate with you?"

After thinking for a while, Cai Wenjie decisively agreed to his request.

"Great, actually we found an energy source that is very helpful to us in the country across the Yalu River. According to observations by military satellites, it should be a meteorite that fell half a month ago. I hope you can help me transport it here."

"You mean the meteorite? In the country next door? Are you sure? This is a serious crime that violates the border."

"Please rest assured, we have already informed the leader of the other side. As long as we don't attack his army, we can do whatever we want."

"Really? That's good. OK, I promise you this, but I need a map of the other side and special equipment for collecting energy sources."

"Of course, I also brought a storage box for storing meteorites here, which is specially designed to isolate energy leakage."

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