My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 750 Crawling Mutant

"Don't cry, we have to escape, so that we won't let him down again."

"I'm not crying, platoon leader, I'm just, just..."


Just when Huzi was about to explain something, the platoon leader suddenly shouted to be careful, then reached out and grabbed Huzi's wall and pulled him to the side.

I saw a gecko-like mutant appearing behind everyone, and had already raised its right paw. It seemed that in the next second, it would swing its right paw fiercely to make a sneak attack on everyone's back.

Fortunately, their platoon leader discovered the gecko-like mutant in time, otherwise there would definitely be unnecessary casualties.

Perhaps because of being discovered, this gecko-like mutant did not continue to attack and send people away. It just retracted its claws and then slowly retreated, leaving everyone's sight and hiding.

During this period, although some soldiers wanted to shoot and kill the mutant, the platoon leader, in order to avoid unnecessary complications, forcibly ordered everyone not to fire and let the mutant leave.

After confirming that the gecko had left, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's really weird. Among these things, there are actually monsters that don't attack people."

"Why doesn't it attack people? It just attacked us again and was discovered by us in time, so we chose to leave. If the platoon leader hadn't discovered the monster in time, we might have been sacrificed. Do you understand?"

"That's enough! Now is not the time to quarrel. We must get out of here quickly and run away."


Under the platoon leader's order, everyone tensed up and ran quickly toward the exit.

There were no accidents during the process, and they quickly ran to the entrance and exit of the research institute.

"Everyone, please work harder. We will be safe when we get out. Move faster and run!"

Just when everyone was about to run out of the research institute, a dark shadow appeared in the entrance and exit. The leading platoon leader was the first person to spot the shadow.

"Wait a minute! There is... at the door..."

Before the platoon leader could finish speaking, a long dark red thing wrapped around the platoon leader's neck from behind, and then pulled hard and dragged the platoon leader into the long corridor behind.

The soldiers reacted instantly, picked up the shotguns in their hands and fired rapidly at an open space behind them. The shotguns fired by the soldiers had single warheads and did not have the scattering function like ordinary shotguns. Don't worry about accidentally injuring the platoon leader.

When these single warheads went down, dark red blood suddenly appeared in the darkness of the corridor. A closer look revealed that the one who attacked them was the gecko mutant that the platoon leader had just let go, and the one that had wrapped around the platoon leader's neck was The same thing is the long tongue of the gecko.

The original body of this gecko mutant is a crawler mutant zombie. The crawler mutant zombie originally had a tongue that was five or six meters long. During the mutation, the length of the tongue changed again, reaching an astonishing twelve meters, and the tongue The toughness of ordinary knives cannot cut his tongue, unless you are holding a laser knife or a high-pressure water jet.

The soldiers' marksmanship was very good. They could determine the exact location of the crawling mutant with just one tongue, and accomplished the feat of injuring the crawling mutant.

"Save the platoon leader!"

The soldiers continued to shoot at the crawling mutants while running in the direction of the platoon leader, trying to rescue the tied up platoon leader.

Perhaps because of the pain, the crawling mutant screamed and threw the platoon leader directly towards the soldiers who were approaching quickly.

In order to ensure the safety of the platoon leader, the soldiers had no choice but to give up attacking the mutants and instead opened their arms to catch their own platoon leader. In the end, although they successfully caught the flying platoon leader, they were still lifted by the huge force. Fell to the ground.

"Platoon leader! Are you okay?"

"Speak to the platoon leader! Are you okay! Medic! Let's see how the platoon leader is doing!"

"Quickly put the platoon leader on the ground and let me check the situation."

A medical soldier carrying a medical bag immediately came to the platoon leader and began to check the platoon leader's injuries.

To be honest, the platoon leader's current situation was not optimistic. His neck was so strangled that it turned dark blue, and he could no longer feel his breathing.

"Not good! The platoon leader's trachea has been strangled, and blood has blocked one end of the trachea. Surgery must be performed immediately!"

After carefully examining the platoon leader's neck, the medical soldier came to the conclusion that the trachea had been strangled and filled with blood. In an emergency, he had to find a place to perform an emergency operation to dredge the blood in the trachea, otherwise the platoon leader would be suffocated to death. .

The medical soldier looked around and found that there was a rest room not far away. Although it was not a sterile room, it was better than performing surgery here.

"Quick! Move the platoon leader to the pool table in the lounge! I must perform surgery immediately, otherwise the platoon leader will be dead."

After hearing this, the soldiers immediately followed the medical soldiers' arrangements and carried the platoon leader into the lounge.

"You all get out and don't let anything interrupt my surgery!"

"Okay, I'll leave it to you, platoon leader, and we'll go outside to buy you some time."

Although the platoon leader snatched it back, there were still crawling mutants and alien mutants outside. In order to prevent them from disturbing the platoon leader's operation, they had to be lured away.

At this time, the crawling mutant outside was already seriously injured and limped out of the institute. However, as mentioned earlier, there was an alien mutant standing at the entrance of the institute. This alien mutant broke his right leg when he fell from a height, so he couldn't run at all, and even if he walked, he couldn't walk too fast.

So when the battle happened inside, the alien mutant couldn't even get involved, and could only move slowly into the institute.

But at this time, even though the crawling mutant was beaten and almost died, it ran towards the alien mutant. It looked like it was going to use the alien mutant as a meat shield to resist human shooting.

However, what the crawling mutant didn't know was that the alien mutant was now in need of a prey that could be stuffed into its mouth. Only by obtaining flesh and blood could it recover faster from its injuries.

Just when the crawling mutant was about to cross the alien mutant and find a place to hide, a pair of giant hands suddenly grabbed his arms, like grabbing a child, and then stuffed the crawling mutant's head into his mouth without saying a word.


With a click, the crawling mutant's head was bitten off by the alien mutant, and then swallowed it after biting it several times like eating a crisp bone.

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