My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 67 Small Military Camp

"Song Yi, Zhang Fei, Shunliu, the three of you check if they are still carrying weapons. Deng Jun, you take a squad to search the house for hidden weapons. Officer Hua, you check if the women are carrying weapons. If there are no problems, let them go."



Hua Lan'er also answered confusedly, and then went to search while doubting her life.

Soon the search of several people ended, and no hidden weapons were found. Deng Jun also found no hidden weapons. Cai Wenjie nodded and came to Jin Peng and said.

"I'm sorry, but I have to do this for the safety of my family." Then he turned to Hua Lan'er and said, "Please find another empty house for them to live in. No one other than the villagers is allowed to approach the house near my house." "Also about the station, Deng Jun, you take your brothers to live in the empty house nearby. I will arrange a new station after the meeting in the afternoon." "Yes!" After that, Hua Lan'er took Jin Peng and others to find a new residence, while Deng Jun took his soldiers to live in Jin Peng's house and the empty houses on the left and right. Cai Wenjie took Song Yi and the other two into his house and introduced them to his parents, saying that they were his subordinates. Although Cai's father and mother had many questions, they did not ask them and chose to believe their son. Afterwards, Cai Wenjie told his parents about his experiences yesterday and today. When Cai's father and mother knew that their son had become a company commander, they were overwhelmed with joy. Cai's father decided to have a drink today. Although he usually didn't smoke or drink like Cai Wenjie, he was happy today and simply had a drink to celebrate. When Cai's mother learned that the group of soldiers outside were her son's men, she immediately went to the kitchen to show off her skills and paid for the soldiers' lunch.

Cai Wenjie was a little amused and could only let them be happy. Then he told Song Yi and the others to protect his parents and quietly slipped out.

Then he got in the car and went to the village entrance alone to arrange the gate. After all, the wooden wall was still too weak, so he had to change the gate he had seen before.

After arriving at the gate, Cai Wenjie pushed the wooden wall aside first, then looked at the system store and found the product he had seen last time.

Name: MNL type portable isolation wall dedicated electric door

Introduction: The electric door is specially used for MNL type portable isolation wall. The material used is the same. The wall can also defend against attacks of 100 kilograms or less of high explosives. The gate is an automatic door that stretches to the left and right sides with the middle as the center. The length of the gate can be controlled.

Price: 5000 points per door.

Name: MNL portable isolation wall

Introduction: It is built with special materials, 10 meters high and 2 meters wide. Because it is built with special materials, the wall can defend against attacks of high explosives below 100 kilograms.

Price: 1,000 points per meter.

Because this gate is a product specially used for isolation walls, it cannot be exchanged alone. You can only exchange the wall first and then exchange the gate from the wall.

The width of the entrance to the village is five meters, so Cai Wenjie first exchanged a five-meter isolation wall to block the entrance and exit directly, and then exchanged the electric door, choosing the largest opening to accommodate the free entry and exit of infantry fighting vehicles.

Now as long as we send troops to guard this gate, it will be foolproof.

After all, a ten-meter-high wall is basically safe unless you encounter a large zombie tide, and the width of the top of the wall is two meters, which is enough to deploy heavy weapons to form dense firepower.

"We need to deploy a checkpoint and a small military camp here."

Cai Wenjie had already used 250,000 points to replace the soldiers with new equipment and weapons. This time, he spent another 10,000 points on the gate and walls. He had already used more than half of the points exchanged for a ton of gold.

Cai Wenjie looked at the system mall again. There were indeed a set of checkpoint equipment and a small military camp, which confirmed that the system was a mobile armed department.

Name: Checkpoint

Introduction: A standard checkpoint with a holographic perspective detection system, an identity recognition system, and a small medical station.

Price: 30,000 points

Although it is a bit expensive, these are necessary expenses. Holographic perspective detection is simply a body search, and it is the kind that can see through all secrets. What you carry on your body or what is in your bag can also be clearly checked, and you don’t have to search yourself, which greatly improves efficiency.

Identity recognition is to detect the identity of a person through big data, that is, as long as the identity is registered anywhere, it can accurately find the identity of the person, such as an ID card, a physical examination, or a driver’s license, etc.

Needless to say, the medical station is just an ordinary medical station.

Name: Small military camp

Introduction: A small military camp that can accommodate a company of more than 100 people, with a canteen (special cooking class) and gymnasium and other infrastructure. The main body is a three-story rectangular building. The first floor has a canteen and showers and other infrastructure. The second and third floors each have 15 rooms, 13 of which can accommodate four soldiers, and the remaining rooms are officers' dormitories and toilets.

Price: 100,000 points

"Wow, if this is fully decorated, I have already spent three quarters of my 500,000 points before I can even warm them up. System, you are robbing me"

"The prices in the mall are fair. Small military camps can slightly increase the morale of the army, medium-sized military camps can greatly increase morale, and large military camps can ensure that the morale of the army will never drop."

"But it's more expensive, right!"

"Yes, large military camps can accommodate a number of people at the level of a reinforced regiment, and the price is as high as one million."

"I knew it! Forget it, maybe by then, I won't even look down on one million."

Cai Wenjie said with some self-consolation.

"Okay, these are all necessary expenses. The system is exchanging a checkpoint and a small military camp. The checkpoint is placed ten meters away from the gate, and the military camp is built there."

Cai Wenjie pointed to a desolate flat land with its back against the mountain.

"Received, start projection construction!"

Then the checkpoint and the small military camp first appeared out of thin air with a rough outline, then formed a phantom, and began to appear bit by bit. In less than five minutes, the checkpoint and the military camp each appeared in the designated place.

"System, you can even exchange buildings, why can't you exchange vehicles?"

Cai Wenjie couldn't help but complain to the system. After all, even such a large building can be built in an incredible way, so there is no reason why it can't be exchanged for vehicles.

"The system accidentally lost the qualification to exchange vehicles when it was first loaded. The leader must complete a high-level task to regain the right to use the system vehicles."

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