My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 765 Mural

But soon, Cai Wenjie felt disappointed because he saw a "person" accidentally cut off his own head, revealing the dense centipedes inside.

All the "people" here are controlled by centipedes, and there is no so-called supernatural power at all.

Now that he knew the truth, Cai Wenjie no longer spent any more energy on this place, and just said lightly

"Burn this place clean later and don't let any centipedes escape."


After giving the instructions, Cai Wenjie turned to look at the reconnaissance drone on the other road.

This reconnaissance drone also found something when it was seventy or eighty meters deep, but unlike the place full of coffins just now, there were no coffins here, only gold and silver jewelry, lots and lots of gold and silver jewelry.

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In addition to gold and silver jewelry, there are also various bronze wares.

The most important thing is that these things are arranged very neatly, more like an ancient treasure house than funerary objects.

In addition to these things, the reconnaissance drone discovered another space further back, and this space is extraordinary. Although there are no various gold and silver jewelry here, there are a large number of murals. Although the entire space does not exceed two One hundred square meters, but it displays important information from ancient times.

To be honest, if they hadn't clearly realized that they were in a tomb, they might have thought that they had traveled back in time to ancient times.

The largest and most eye-catching mural in the two hundred square meters of space is a stone mural in the middle that is more than ten meters long and three meters high.

This stone slab is painted with various paints to depict an ancient battlefield scene. The most surprising thing is that it records a scene of a general wearing a golden armor, fighting bravely against the enemy. Especially in The far right side of the mural depicts the general's appearance in detail, which can still be clearly seen after countless years.

However, when Cai Wenjie carefully observed the portrait of this ancient general, he was stunned. Not only Cai Wenjie, but also the soldiers around him were shocked and speechless by the content on the mural.

Because the face of the general on the mural is exactly the same as Cai Wenjie. If we have to find a difference, the only difference is that the hair style and clothes of the general in the mural and Cai Wenjie are different. Apart from these two points, there is no difference at all. What a difference.

Cai Wenjie looked at the mural, and for some reason suddenly remembered the golden battle armor and the matching long sword and spear that he got when he was at the border. Isn't this a coincidence? The general on the mural looked exactly like Cai Wenjie. There is also a golden armor as well as a long sword and a lance.

At the same time, the two of them look so similar. It would be a joke to say that these things have nothing to do with him.

After confirming that there was no danger in this place, Cai Wenjie led his security company and began to walk towards the mural room.

When Cai Wenjie stood in front of the mural in person, the shock became more intense. Looking at himself on the mural, Cai Wenjie subconsciously took out the golden battle armor, long sword and spear he had harvested before from his system space, and then Put it on.

When Cai Wenjie finished wearing this set of golden armor, paired it with a long sword, and picked up a spear, the soldiers around him were stunned, because at this time, Cai Wenjie had merged with the ancient generals on the mural. Looking at Cai Wenjie, he seemed to It was as if the ancient generals on the murals had come back to life, which was shocking.

At this time, Cai Wenjie felt very strange. His thoughts gradually sank, and all his attention was focused on the mural. The battle scenes in the mural kept evolving in Cai Wenjie's mind. Gradually, Cai Wenjie felt that the mural was moving. The enemies inside began to materialize, walked out of the mural, and stood firmly in front of Cai Wenjie.

Looking at the strong man wearing leather armor and a beard on the opposite side, Cai Wenjie's body instinctively threw out his spear and stabbed the strong man who did not look like a Central Plains person.

The strong man seemed to want to block Cai Wenjie's attack, so he picked up the scimitar and held it across his chest. However, Cai Wenjie thrust out the spear too fast and too hard. Although he successfully blocked the scimitar in front of the spear, It was of no use. The huge force contained in the spear directly broke the scimitar into two pieces.

But the spear that broke the scimitar still maintained great power, piercing straight into the heart of the strong man, and even passed directly through the body, stabbing the strong man to the core.

Under the incredulous gaze of the strong man, Cai Wenjie coldly pulled out his spear and kicked the strong man away.

After finishing this strong man, several more strong men came out of the mural. They were more prairie-like in dress than the first strong man. It seemed that these people were probably the main enemies in the ancient Central Plains, the prairie Xiongnu forces. .

After Cai Wenjie finished killing an enemy, a set of marksmanship and swordsmanship appeared in his mind. Although the marksmanship and swordsmanship in it were very exquisite, Cai Wenjie felt that they were extremely familiar. He subconsciously followed the marksmanship in his mind and fought. All the Huns were killed in the blink of an eye.

However, every time Cai Wenjie eliminates the enemies, new enemies will appear again in the mural, and each time the new enemies appear, they are more powerful and their number doubles than the last time.

However, no matter how many and how strong the enemies on the opposite side were, they posed no threat to Cai Wenjie. Often, before a new enemy came out of the mural and stood firm, Cai Wenjie's spear would be extended out to pierce the enemy's body, and then retracted and stabbed again.

As more and more people were killed, Cai Wenjie had mastered the gun skills in his mind, and even understood more than half of the sword skills that he had not used.

At the same time, as the gun skills and sword skills improved linearly, the number of enemies that could come out of the mural became smaller, until there were no enemies left, and Cai Wenjie's consciousness returned to reality.

"Chief! What's wrong with you, Chief! Come back!"

"Go and call the medical soldiers!"

"Support! We need support!"

When Cai Wenjie was appreciating the gun skills in the mural, Cai Wenjie in reality closed his eyes tightly, stood motionless in front of the mural in silence, and no matter how the soldiers around him shouted, they could not wake Cai Wenjie up.

The soldiers thought the leader was possessed by evil spirits and almost smashed the entire mural. If Cai Wenjie hadn't woken up early, the murals here would definitely have become ruins.

"Okay, shut up, I'm not dead yet"

"Great! The leader is awake!"

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