My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 787: Swearing-in Ceremony

Without enough time to think about the danger below, Xu Yining jumped directly into the secret door.

Even if there is danger inside the secret door, it cannot be more dangerous than the current situation.

The next second after Xu Yining jumped into the secret door, the giant centipede directly smashed open the floor of the second floor, and its huge body crashed straight into the first floor.

However, before the giant centipede could make its next move, the small building that lost its load-bearing wall began to collapse. In just a few seconds, a two-story building turned into a ruin. This also meant that Xu Yining successfully escaped. The chase of the giant centipede.

The giant centipede, which lost its prey, was unwilling to keep searching on the ruins, but the secret door was buried deep under the ruins, making it impossible for the giant centipede to find it.

On the other side, the moment Xu Yining jumped into the secret door, he knew he could survive, because he discovered that underneath the secret door was actually a small air-raid shelter.

This small air-raid shelter is about ten meters below and covers an area of ​​about 500 square meters. This area is equivalent to the size of a self-operated supermarket.

Not only is there a lot of space here, but there are all kinds of food, canned food, water, etc. If they work together to distribute it, it can last for several years. And the strangest thing is that these supplies do not seem to have been there a long time ago, but... →

Just as Xu Yining was thinking about the problem, a fruit knife suddenly pressed against his back.

A week later, the Xinguang gathering place was very lively

Today is an important day. Almost all official gathering places in JL Province have gathered at the Xinguang gathering place. Even those gathering places that have official ties with the Xinguang gathering place have sent several representatives. congratulate.

As the absolute protagonist today, Cai Wenjie, wearing a formal military uniform and accompanied by fully armed guards, arrived in front of the podium in a mighty manner. The other thirteen official gathering place delegations who had signed a covenant with the Shin Kong Gathering Place , stood in the audience and waited for Cai Wenjie's speech.

Cai Wenjie, who came to the podium, first adjusted his clothes and then saluted the people below with a standard military salute.

The people below also reflexively responded with a military salute.

"Good afternoon, welcome comrades from all delegations to come here to participate in our opening ceremony..."

Although Cai Wenjie shortened the speech of the mobilization meeting as much as possible, it still took more than ten minutes to finish. However, the effect was not bad. Anyway, these people below already believed that this battle would be won, and their morale was high. They could not wait to do it now. Fight to the death with the zombies. ơɱ

After seeing that morale had been mobilized, Cai Wenjie struck while the iron was hot and continued.

"In view of the fact that the scale of zombies is still increasing, our operational goal in the first two months is to dispatch air force or armored vehicles as much as possible to carry out long-range strikes at long distances and eliminate the size of the zombie group as much as possible. Any troops will not be killed unless necessary. You must never engage in close combat with zombies."

In fact, even if Cai Wenjie didn't say this, people in other gathering places would not easily engage in close combat with the zombies. After all, they do not have the exoskeleton armor worn by the regular troops in the Xinguang gathering place. Once they engage in close combat with the zombies, Fighting at a distance without the protection of exoskeleton armor is simply asking for death.

"This operation is our first joint operation. In order to improve the tacit understanding of all the troops as much as possible, we must unite as one. If we can operate jointly, we should not fight alone. If there is a unit that needs support during the battle, we should be around The nearest team must provide unconditional support, even if this team is surrounded by zombies."

As soon as Cai Wenjie said this, the delegations in the audience did not show happy expressions, but asked solemnly.

"I'm sorry, chief. Although I don't want to interrupt your speech, I have a few questions to ask you. I wonder if you can allow me to say a few words?"

Cai Wenjie was not angry. Instead, he nodded and signaled the representative of the delegation to continue speaking.

"Thank you. What I want to ask is nothing else but the topic just now. Regarding the unity and joint operations you just mentioned, I am 100% in favor of it and will definitely implement it resolutely. But the latter one must go no matter what happens. I feel something is wrong with the issue of rescuing trapped troops.”

The representative of this delegation did not refute Cai Wenjie's words immediately. Instead, he first highly praised Cai Wenjie's proposal, and then tactfully expressed doubts or incomprehension about the following questions.

Regarding this kind of question, Cai Wenjie did not hide it and answered the representative's question readily.

"I roughly understand what you want to say. What you want to say is that if this unit is surrounded by corpses and is trapped in place and cannot move, and it has no combat capability, then is it necessary for other units to risk huge risks to rescue it? Is that what you mean by a unit that has lost any combat capability?"

Although it was not his original intention, the representative still nodded and said coldly.

"I think that if a combat-capable troop were to risk rescuing a trapped troop that had lost all its combat power, there would definitely be casualties. Even if the trapped troop was rescued in the end, it would not be of any help to us in the short term. Moreover, the most important thing is that the number of corpses that can trap a troop would be no less than a thousand, or even tens of thousands. In this case, no one can guarantee that the rescue troop will not be harmed at all. If, unfortunately, the rescue troop also suffers casualties during the rescue process, then we will lose two combat-capable teams. Is it worth it? It would be better to..."

Although the representative did not finish his words, everyone present understood what the representative meant.

However, although they understood what the representative wanted to express, understanding the meaning did not mean that they agreed with the representative's point of view.

"Shut up! Is there any need to discuss this? Comrades in danger must be rescued! No matter what the cost, we just want to have a clear conscience! Only in this way can we live up to the uniforms we wear"

"That's right! The biggest difference between us and foreign armies is that we have a firm belief. Defending our country is not just a slogan. If we can't even do the most basic thing of not abandoning or giving up, how can we defend our country, take back our territory, and let the people live a good life?"


Most of the people in the audience supported Cai Wenjie's point of view, and as for that representative, he was despised and denounced by everyone.

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