My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 790 Father and Daughter

"Be careful not to touch the centipede's blood. It's definitely not a good thing because it looks green. Collect it and send it to the research institute for research."


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Just as the soldiers were studying how to bring back the body fragments of the giant centipede, a soldier with keen hearing suddenly heard a certain sound.

He immediately turned around and pointed his gun at a ruin.

"Who is it! Come out!"

The soldier's behavior quickly attracted the attention of other people around him. After hearing what the soldier shouted, they also turned their guns and aimed at the ruins.

"Don't shoot, it's our own people"

A figure stood up from the ruins. No, it should be said that there were two figures, one tall and one short. The tall one blocked the short one behind him, so people thought there was only one person.

"Why does this guy look familiar?"

"I think he looks familiar, too. I feel like I've seen him somewhere before."

Although the soldiers thought the man not far away looked familiar, they didn't think too much about it because they were all alive. They just put down their guns and said to the two men.

"Come here, I'll take you back."

"Really? Great, thank you, thank you."

Soon, the man brought the little one and approached the soldiers quickly, as if something was chasing them.

The faces of the two men were covered with dust and their original appearance could not be seen. Seeing this, a soldier took out his water bottle and handed it to the two men.

"Come on, wipe your face."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, but then again, you two are really amazing. You can live in the same space with the giant centipede in such a place. Don't you feel disgusted?"

Faced with the soldier's question, the two men did not answer immediately, but simply washed their faces with the water bottle in their hands, revealing their "real" appearance.

The tall man, judging from his face, should be around 40 or 50 years old. The other man looked like he was 12 years old. If the doomsday hadn't happened, he would probably still be in elementary school.

"It's okay. We built a safe house here before. As long as we hide in it and don't come out, the centipede can't do anything to us. To be honest, we came out to see what happened today because we heard gunfire. We didn't expect to be exposed so quickly. We are worthy of being regular soldiers."

"Hahaha, uncle, thank you for the compliment."

After laughing, the soldier turned his head and looked at the little girl next to him. Looking at the little girl's childish face, the soldier tried his best to keep a gentle smile and squatted in front of the little girl.

"Little friend, uncle has a piece of chocolate here, for you."

As he said, the soldier took out a whole piece of chocolate from his pocket and handed it to the little girl. Seeing that the little girl didn't reach out to take it, he thought it was because she was shy, so he directly forced the palm-sized chocolate into the little girl's hand.

"Um, kid, thank your uncle quickly"

"...Thank you, uncle"

"You're welcome, kid. When you get to the Xinguang gathering place, there will be more delicious food waiting for you. You are safe."

Maybe it's an illusion. I always feel that the relationship between the father and daughter is a bit stiff, but it seems like a normal relationship between an adolescent daughter and a middle-aged father, so the soldier didn't think much about it. He just comforted the two and returned to his team.

"How is it? Did you find any problems with them?"

"Report to the platoon leader, so far nothing abnormal has been found. The relationship between the two seems a bit unfamiliar, but it is normal for the little girl to have such a personality at this age."

"Really? I see. After taking them back, arrange for them to have a physical examination as soon as possible, and log in their personal information by the way."


After the soldiers packed the giant centipede's body in a special container, they took the giant centipede and the two people they found back to their barracks, and then set out from the barracks to the Xinguang gathering place.

After all, they were frontline troops, and it was impossible for them to return to the Xinguang gathering place because of these things, so the main force could only return to the barracks, and only a small number of people rushed to the Xinguang gathering place with the corpse of the giant centipede and the two survivors.

The soldier who had just tested the two survivors also went to the Xinguang gathering place together.

Along the way, the soldier had been chatting with the two people. He would not deliberately ask specific questions, but talked like a real chat.

From trivial matters to the current international situation, as long as it was a topic that could be talked about, the soldier would try to chat with the two.

For example

Where is your hometown?

What did you do before?

What are the local specialties of your hometown?


Under the deliberate avoidance of the soldier, the two did not think much and answered in a random manner.

During this period, the soldier had physical contact with the two many times. Don't get me wrong, it was mainly because the soldier knew some Chinese medicine techniques of looking, smelling, asking and palpating, and he could also take the pulse with one hand, so he instinctively wanted to check the physical condition of the two.

"I have to say, uncle, you have taken really good care of your body. Although you are not young anymore, your body is still as strong as a young man in his twenties or thirties. Apart from some minor symptoms of sub-health, you have no other problems."

When the soldier said this, he was praising from the bottom of his heart. After all, the man in front of him looked like he was in his forties, if not fifty. At this age, his body was not much different from that of an ordinary young man in his twenties or thirties, which was very surprising.

Relatively speaking, the little girl had some minor problems.

"Don't be picky about food when you eat in the future, little friend. You are a little malnourished now. You have to eat well in the future to become taller and more beautiful, and have a good body, just like your father."

Hearing this, the little girl glanced at the "father" beside her and answered honestly with a word of good.

Two hours later, the group finally arrived at the Xinguang gathering place. Unlike before, there were great changes on this side of the Xinguang gathering place.

The most obvious thing was the entrance and exit of the Xinguang gathering place. Since the expansion of the Xinguang gathering place, the original path was really narrow. It was okay in general, but if there were large vehicles or transport teams that needed to pass through, they had to line up one by one to get in, which was very time-consuming.

Therefore, in order to change this situation, Cai Wenjie expanded this passage more than ten times, and also expanded the gate of the Xinguang gathering place several times.

Now the road leading to the Xinguang gathering place has become a two-way eight-lane road, and at the same time, a one-kilometer-long lane has been paved with fast-setting materials to connect to the outside roadway.

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