My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 803 Stalemate

Just when the mutant tiger and the zombie leader were in a stalemate, the battle on the other side also fell into a white-hot stage.

Most of the ordinary zombies, driven by the mutant zombies, were still attacking the checkpoint in front of them.

And the soldiers stationed here were also constantly pouring bullets outward, forming a firepower network to prevent the zombies outside from approaching the checkpoint.

Because there were no mutant zombies to mess with, the battle on the human side was very easy.

As long as the soldiers aimed at the target and pulled the trigger without letting go, they could cause heavy casualties to the zombies outside. At the same time, because they did not need to consider the attacks of mutant zombies, they could use the heavy firepower against mutant zombies on the zombies, further speeding up the progress of eliminating zombies.

Although the soldiers focused on eliminating the zombies in front of them, they could remotely monitor the every move of the mutant tiger and the zombie leader with the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft.

"Good fellow! These two are fighting fiercely. After we kill the zombies in front of us, we will join in the fun."

"Don't talk nonsense! I don't think we can kill the mutant tiger with our equipment alone. The skin of that guy is too thick. I'm afraid our rockets can't penetrate it."

"Just because the rockets can't penetrate it doesn't mean that the armor-piercing shells can't penetrate it. It just so happens that the command equipped us with a 125mm artillery yesterday, which is specially used to deal with those large mutants."

"? Why didn't you tell me about this? Don't you take me seriously?"

"No, no, no, I was busy with other things yesterday and didn't have time to tell you. I was wrong. I will tell you first next time. Don't be angry."


In order not to sleep on the floor at night, he tried his best to apologize. There was no way because they were a couple. He and her had completed their wedding a month ago, and then came here to garrison together on a mission.

As a rare military couple in the entire army, they were lucky to get Cai Wenjie's blessing, and he also allowed them to live together in the barracks.

After all, these two people are clones and officers, so they don't need to live with ordinary soldiers. Cai Wenjie simply let them live together, live together, fight together, and help them achieve their goals.


Soon, under the order of the officers, the soldiers used a forklift to transport a tank turret from the warehouse in the rear. Yes, a tank turret.

There was no tank body, only a turret, and this was actually pulled by Cai Wenjie from a tank abandoned factory found in JL Province.

Although the tank body can no longer be driven, the tank turret and gun barrel can still be used, but they need some maintenance, which is not a big problem.

For Cai Wenjie, who can't produce tanks by himself, these abandoned tanks are simply unexpected gains.

For these abandoned tanks, Cai Wenjie directly ordered everyone to dismantle all the usable ones and take them away, and perhaps they can also use the relatively intact parts to form a new tank.

This is also the main reason why there is a tank turret in this checkpoint. Because no suitable tank was found, only the tank turret was transported. As for the shells, they can be produced by themselves in the Xinguang gathering place, so there is no need to worry about anything.

When the tank turret was transported, the matching shells were also transported. A total of 80 high-explosive shells and armor-piercing shells were transported. This number of shells is enough to kill an alien beast, provided that it can hit the target.

Soon, the tank turret was transported to the front, and then the tank turret was lifted by a crane and pressed on the special chassis that had been prepared long ago.

This special chassis can completely absorb the kinetic energy of the tank turret, and there will be no situation where the position moves after firing a shot.

In this way, a tank turret became a fixed turret similar to a coastal defense gun.

While the mutant tiger and the zombie leader were still fighting fiercely in the distance, the tank gun had already aimed at them.

"Report to the company commander, the turret has been installed, do you want to start the attack?"

"Don't attack them first, wait until they finish fighting and both are injured, then destroy them in one fell swoop!"


The human side chose to watch the battle. They did not intend to take action before the mutant tiger and the zombie leader decided the winner. They would only choose who to attack after the two sides fought to the death.

At this time, the mutant tiger and the leader of the zombie group were also caught in the battle and could not do anything else. Although the mutant zombies on the zombie side could not cause effective damage to the mutant tiger, they could constantly harass the mutant tiger, causing the mutant tiger to be unable to use all its strength to deal with the leader of the zombie group.

The leader of the zombie group, who was at a disadvantage in strength, could fight the mutant tiger to a draw with the cooperation of the mutant zombies, and it was impossible to determine the winner in a short time.



A tiger and a corpse roared at each other again, and then each waved their tiger claws/claws at the other side, trying to kill the other side, but unfortunately the attacks of both sides did not cause effective damage.

However, as time went on, the bodies of the tiger and the corpse showed different degrees of damage.

Although both sides were mutated due to the virus, the mutant tiger is still alive, so the mutant tiger can still feel the pain and the loss of physical strength.

But the leader of the zombie group is different. Although he is also a mutant, he is a mutant from a corpse. As a thing that has died once, he has no concept of pain and physical strength. As long as his bones are not broken, he can keep moving.

In other words, the longer this time is delayed, the more disadvantageous it is for the mutant tiger. If the mutant tiger wants to survive this battle, it must fight quickly. On the contrary, if the leader of the zombie group wants to survive this life-and-death duel, he must delay the time as much as possible until the opponent completely loses physical strength, and then look for an opportunity to kill the mutant tiger.

This simple truth is naturally understood by the mutant tiger and the leader of the zombie group, so the two of them changed their tactics at the same time.

The mutant tiger directly gave up attacking the leader of the zombie group and began to deal with the mutant zombies that had been harassing him around. Although this mutant zombie could not really hurt him, these mutant zombies specifically attacked his weak points. Although it was very perverted, it did make it impossible for the mutant tiger to focus all his attention on the battle.

Since he couldn't decide the winner with the zombie leader, he should first get rid of these jumping mutant zombies to prevent them from harassing him all the time.

The zombie leader also slightly changed his fighting style. He no longer fought the mutant tiger head-on, but mixed with the mutant zombies to harass the mutant tiger together, while secretly observing the mutant tiger's weaknesses and waiting for the right time to launch a sneak attack.

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