My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 806 Zhang Fuguo

"Don't worry, in addition to ordinary bullets and light weapons, I can also produce various rockets and missiles. As a friendly force, I only charge you for materials, and everything else is free."

"Thank you so much. Don't worry, we won't drag on the battle for too long. Regarding ammunition, I want to buy 50,000 rounds of 8mm rifle bullets and 100,000 rounds of 7mm machine gun bullets. There are grenades..."

"I also need it here..."


While listening to the other party's request to place an order, Cai Wenjie wrote down all the ammunition they needed. After hanging up the communication, Cai Wenjie couldn't help but smile as he looked at the orders filled with several sheets of paper. ♦♦  ♦♦

So far, Cai Wenjie has received orders for 7 million rounds of rifle bullets, 3 million rounds of heavy machine gun bullets, 6,000 grenades, 2,000 disposable rocket launchers and 300 C4 bombs.

Once these ammunition are successfully shipped, Cai Wenjie can earn at least about 10 million points. Of course, this is the converted price.

Cai Wenjie finally understood why there were so many people buying and selling arms. Who could not be tempted by a net profit of 10 million points?

These ten million people would be equivalent to one hundred thousand zombies, and ten thousand mutated zombies.

What is this concept? One hundred thousand ordinary zombies or ten thousand mutated zombies can easily break through a small official gathering place. Even a medium-sized official gathering place will still be breached if something unexpected happens. ׺°”˜`”°º× ׺°”˜`”°º×

Although you can earn points by fighting zombies quickly, you also have to bear a lot of risks, and even if you are not careful, your team may be wiped out.

But earning points by selling arms is different. Although earning points this way will be a little slower, you don't have to risk your life. You only need to control the machine in the factory to create ammunition, which is much safer than killing zombies.

Moreover, now is the end of the world, and there is no possibility that things like ammunition cannot be sold. Unless everyone on the earth is dead, there will still be customers coming to buy arms.

After receiving the order, Cai Wenjie immediately called the quartermaster and asked how much ammunition was stored in the warehouse.

"Report to the chief! We still have 50 million rounds of bullets of various sizes, 10,000 rounds of grenades, and 10,000 rounds of rockets in our warehouse.

There are more than 5,000 grenades and landmines of all kinds, as well as all kinds of missiles..."

Listening to the quartermaster's report, Cai Wenjie nodded with satisfaction. Since the production volume of Xinguang Gathering Area has increased, it can basically produce hundreds of thousands of bullets or thousands of grenades, rockets... every day.

Even if the ammunition consumed every day is very huge, so much ammunition has been saved by relying on this strong productivity. It just so happens that new ammunition is about to be put into storage, and these "old items" that have been produced for several months should also be disposed of.

"Very good, let the military factory continue to maintain this production volume, and then this is our new order. You pull it out from the warehouse according to the quantity of ammunition on the order and package it. After all the ammunition is packaged, notify the airport. , use transport aircraft to transport these ammunition to various friendly forces."

"Yes! Guaranteed to complete the task"

Yes, Cai Wenjie has also contracted the transportation of ammunition. The freight is not expensive. You only need to pay one kilogram of gold for every 100 kilometers. It is a very cost-effective price.

In addition to these regular ammunition transactions, Cai Wenjie also received a special order. The owner of this order was an old chief who had been taking care of him before. Although Cai Wenjie and the old chief are now equals, He still respects the old chief very much.

And this old chief was none other than the old chief Zhang Fuguo who had stayed in YJ City before. Not long after the Xinguang gathering place was established, he led his troops to the border to prevent zombies from other countries from smuggling across the border. to the country, while also preventing domestic zombies from smuggling into other countries.

After about half a year of hard work, Zhang Fuguo and his troops finally gained a firm foothold on the border. However, the consumption of ammunition and weapons was also very high. Although the superiors still provided support to Zhang Fuguo, due to the environment Factors, only large transport aircraft can be used to transport weapons and ammunition.

This has also resulted in Zhang Fuguo's troops being unable to make ends meet. The longer they fight zombies, the greater their ammunition consumption. Just relying on a heavy transport aircraft to transport ammunition is simply not enough.

There was no other way, Zhang Fuguo could only think of other ways to replenish his ammunition reserves.

At the beginning, he also thought about collecting bullet casings and reloading them for repeated use, but unfortunately, such reloaded bullets were simply not as accurate as the original bullets.

It would be okay if they were dealing with a group of living people, but the problem was that the enemies on the opposite side were all zombies who would not die unless they were shot in the head.

A bullet that loses its accuracy cannot kill a zombie even if it hits its heart, so this method was quickly abandoned by Zhang Fuguo.

The second method is very simple, that is to use local materials and go to the local military camp or weapons reserve to take out some ammunition.

However, after the apocalypse, every weapons depot or ammunition depot was immediately taken away by nearby troops or militia groups. It is easier to find an untouched weapons depot or ammunition depot than The odds of winning the lottery are even lower.

After a long search without any receipt, this method was abandoned.

Just when Zhang Fuguo was worried about the ammunition, he suddenly heard the name of Cai Wenjie from his superiors. For a unit like him standing on the front line, it is easy to imagine how difficult it is to get information.

This was the first time that Zhang Fuguo heard from his superiors about the situation of Cai Wenjie and the Xinguang gathering place. Curious, Zhang Fuguo hurriedly asked his superiors about the situation of the Xinguang gathering place and Cai Wenjie.

After that, Zhang Fuguo learned from his superiors that Cai Wenjie led the troops to successfully eliminate all the infected bodies in the entire JL province, and now he has his own military factory, which can continuously produce various weapons and ammunition. He was immediately excited and relieved.

He was excited because he finally found the source of ammunition for his troops, and he was relieved because Cai Wenjie, who first established a small gathering place, turned out to be a person of the same level as himself, and took back the land of the entire JL province. He could be said to have witnessed the emergence of a legend. How could he not be relieved?

Therefore, Zhang Fuguo did not hesitate to contact Cai Wenjie using the exclusive channel used by the four gathering places in YJ City before.

After expressing his satisfaction and blessings, Zhang Fuguo waved his hand and placed a large order, and also placed an order for several hundred howitzers.

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