My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 808 Code 113495

Just when Cai Wenjie was about to lead people to the border to rescue people, another rescue team set off faster than them. After all, they also received a distress signal and couldn't just ignore it.

The area where this team was located was less than 30 kilometers away from Zhang Fuguo's base, and it didn't even take half an hour to reach the 30-kilometer road.

The situation was urgent, and the rescue team took less than ten minutes to reach the area where Zhang Fuguo's troops were located. They found Zhang Fuguo and others who were fighting a large number of zombies from a distance.

However, when they saw the dense zombies and mutant zombies in the camp, they did not go up to rescue people immediately.

In this situation, if they rushed forward to rescue people, they would probably not save people but put themselves in danger.

"There are too many zombies. We must lead some of them away before we can rescue people."

"I agree."

"In that case, let me attract the zombies. I have the best driving skills here and am the most suitable candidate."

"Okay, I'll leave it to you. Everyone get out of the car!"


Soon, the other soldiers in the car opened the door and left, leaving only the driver who volunteered to drive.

After seeing everyone get out of the car, the driver immediately drove the vehicle to the outskirts of the camp, and then began to honk the horn frantically until the zombies in the camp heard the horn and stopped.

"Hey! A bunch of idiots! Come chase me!"

The driver leaned out of the car window and verbally mocked the zombies in the camp.

After mocking, the driver immediately drove away from the camp, and the zombies in the camp, after hearing and seeing the armored vehicle and the driver in the armored vehicle, immediately chased the armored vehicle.

There were quite a few zombies chasing after them. After all, there were not many living people in the entire camp. They would naturally chase after living people when they saw them. They did not do anything else but to bite off a piece of flesh and blood to satisfy their bloodthirsty desire.

Soon, most of the zombies in the camp chased the armored vehicles and left the camp. Taking advantage of this time, other armored vehicles waiting on the side immediately rushed into the camp and began to rescue the remaining survivors and Zhang Fuguo and his party trapped on top of the sentry tower.

Of course, there were still some zombies in the camp who did not run out. After seeing several armored vehicles rushing in, these zombies who did not have time to run out immediately surrounded them and prepared to drag the people in the armored vehicles out and eat them.

Unfortunately, the rescue team was not a chicken to be slaughtered at will. Since it was a rescue team, its armed forces would not be less.

The heavy machine gun on the top of the armored vehicle automatically adjusted its position, aimed the muzzle at the zombies that surrounded it, and then opened fire without hesitation.

With a 7mm caliber heavy machine gun, it was more than enough to deal with these zombies. These zombies didn't even touch the armored vehicles, and were beaten into a pool of minced meat by the bullets of the heavy machine guns.

Several armored vehicles were arranged in a V-shape, and the bullets of the heavy machine guns formed a dense firepower network, successfully clearing out the surrounding zombies, leaving only piles of minced meat on the scene.

"Comrade over there! Come here! We are here to save you"

After the zombies were cleared, the rescue team began to gather the surviving soldiers here.

There was not much time left for them. After hearing the gunshots of the heavy machine guns, the zombies that were led out would definitely turn back. At that time, it would be impossible to break out of the zombie group with only the heavy machine guns on the armored vehicles.

So they had to rescue all the surviving soldiers in the camp before the zombie group came back, especially Chief Zhang Fuguo, who had to be rescued safely.

Most of the rescue team members stayed in the camp to continue looking for the trapped soldiers, while a small number of elite personnel quickly ran towards the watchtower or sentry tower where Zhang Fuguo was.

Their mission was to safely rescue Zhang Fuguo and other officers trapped above, but this was not a simple task.

Because there were at least hundreds of zombies surrounding the watchtower, and several claw zombies were desperately climbing up.

"Quick! Shoot down those claw zombies! Don't let those monsters hurt Chief Zhang!"


Several elite soldiers immediately raised their rifles and fired a series of shots at the claw zombies who were desperately climbing up.

Although rifle bullets have limited damage to mutant zombies and are likely to be avoided, the claw zombies are now in a climbing state and have no way to avoid bullets, so the rifle bullets fired by these elite soldiers easily hit the target.

Some of the claw zombies were pierced through the arms and thighs by bullets, and some were hit in the vitals and died on the spot.

Anyway, all these claw zombies fell from the watchtower.

Zhang Fuguo, who was on top of the watchtower, was holding an iron pipe that he had taken down from somewhere, ready to hit the claw zombies that were trying to climb up with a home run, but after seeing the claw zombies below fall, he subconsciously looked towards where the bullets had just flown.

"The target fell! They're coming towards us!"

"Come on! Everyone, load up with grenades! Blow them up for me"


Since switching to the 191, they have more and more tactical equipment to choose from. This time, they installed a grenade launcher on the front half of the 191, which can launch 30-40 mm grenades. This time they want to use It's this under-mounted grenade launcher.

"Tong! Tong!..."

As grenades fell one after another among the zombies, they quickly knocked the nearby zombies off their feet. Although the power of the grenades was not as powerful as rockets, it was just right to deal with the zombies gathered in the watchtower. It can kill zombies within a certain range without causing any damage to the main body of the watchtower.

Under the saturation explosion of several rounds of grenades, the zombies around the watchtower were quickly blown away, leaving no one alive. Even the clawed zombies could not escape the end of death.

After dealing with the surrounding zombies, the elite soldiers of these rescue teams immediately shouted to Zhang Fuguo on the watchtower.

"Chief Zhang! We are the rescue team of Unit 113495. We are here to rescue you. Come down quickly."

Hearing this, Zhang Fuguo not only did not feel happy, but said it in a very serious tone.

"Come up quickly! There are new infected bodies careful!"

Before Zhang Fugu finished speaking, he immediately shouted to be careful.

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