My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 811 Brain Eater

"Report to the commander! We are only 50 kilometers away from the destination. Should we start descending?"

"Allowed to descend"


This time, Cai Wenjie dispatched more than half of the aircraft in the Xinguang gathering place, because he knew that Zhang Fuguo's troops were at least the standard of a regiment.

Since there is something that can make a regiment-level unit send distress signals everywhere, it must not be an ordinary cat or dog, so Cai Wenjie dispatched almost half of the aircraft for rescue.

As the altitude of the flight formation slowly dropped, the situation below could almost be seen with the naked eye.

"Let the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft go to explore the way first and see what happened over there"


Soon, the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft above the fleet broke away from the flight formation and flew to Zhang Fuguo's camp at a speed of 980 kilometers per hour for reconnaissance missions.

In about three minutes, the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft arrived above Zhang Fuguo's camp.

The unmanned reconnaissance aircraft that arrived at the destination quickly lowered its flight altitude and flight speed and began to conduct reconnaissance missions over the camp.

The super-high-power camera can clearly capture the situation on the ground and transmit the captured images to the command center in real time.

"This! What on earth happened!"

Cai Wenjie was very surprised when he looked at the images transmitted by the drone, because the camp was now completely in ruins. If it weren't for the scattered guns and corpses, Cai Wenjie couldn't even tell that this was a camp.

An officer next to him looked at the screen, thought for a while, and then spoke.

"It looks like there should have been a big earthquake here. Chief, look here, these cracks are a unique phenomenon that only appears after an earthquake, and there are shapes here and there that only appear after landslides. According to these characteristics, I can conclude that there has been an earthquake of magnitude 7 or below here."

After listening to the officer's words, Cai Wenjie nodded.

Indeed, if it wasn't because of the earthquake that the camp became dilapidated, then it could only be the zombies. If the tragic situation of this camp was really caused by zombies, then how big a mutant would it be to cause such a disaster? It's really terrifying to think about it.

After learning that the dilapidated camp was caused by the earthquake, Cai Wenjie focused his attention on the corpses in the camp.

Among these corpses, in addition to the corpses of zombies and mutant zombies, there are also many corpses of human soldiers.

However, what is strange is that the corpses of these human soldiers have one thing in common, that is, there are holes left behind by some kind of blunt force blows.

And most importantly, there are no brains in these holes, that is, brain tissue such as brain matter, which seems to have been sucked out of these holes by some monsters. It is hollow and very creepy.

Cai Wenjie stared at dozens of corpses in a row and found that this situation accounted for most of them.

"This characteristic of sucking human brain marrow, could it be a brain-eating ghost?"

Cai Wenjie suddenly remembered a mutant zombie he met before his rebirth. This mutant zombie was short, moved quickly, and was good at hiding. The biggest feature was that it liked to catch living people, then knock open the back of the living people's heads and suck brain matter.

Because of these characteristics, this mutant zombie is called a brain-eating ghost, and it is also one of the most feared existences.

The physical fitness of the brain-eating ghost is not very strong. Even the speed-type mutant zombies that are mainly speed-oriented are stronger than the physical fitness of the brain-eating ghost. It can be said that the brain-eating ghost is the most fragile mutant zombie in history.

But at the same time, the brain-eating ghost has a special ability that other mutant zombies do not have, that is, invisibility. Of course, the invisibility mentioned here is actually equivalent to optical camouflage, and can only be used in specific environments.

Although this ability seems useless, the problem is that this specific environment is darkness. As long as there is darkness, it is almost certain that there is a brain-eating ghost hiding there. If you don't want to lose your life, you must always pay attention to the surrounding environment and never be alone in the dark.

How strong is this special ability? It can be said that as long as there is a dark space the size of a shadow, the brain-eating ghost can lurk there, waiting for the arrival of prey motionlessly.

When the prey is not paying attention and leaves its back to the brain-eating ghost, the brain-eating ghost will use its hard fingers to forcefully insert into the back of the living person's head, fiercely open the living person's skull and start to eat happily.

Moreover, the brain-eating ghost sucks the brain very quickly, and can suck all the brain of a person in almost three seconds. As for whether the prey will become a companion in the future, it is not his problem. He is responsible for sucking blood and does not care about other things.

Because of this, brain-eating ghosts often appear near human strongholds or official gathering places, even military camps.

Some human strongholds and official gathering places have even perished because of this.

Originally, Cai Wenjie thought that he would never see this mutant creature again in his life, but he did not expect to find this mutant so quickly.

As for how to deal with this kind of brain-eating ghost, it is actually very simple, that is, carry a certain amount of light spots with you, and then hold a machine gun or a shotgun or other weapons to cover and attack the brain-eating ghost hiding in the dark.

In this way, no matter how powerful the zombie is, it cannot escape the fate of death.

Zhang Fuguo's camp actually suffered from inexperience. They still used the previous method to deal with the mutant zombie, which led to the brain-eating ghost finding an opportunity to lurk in the camp.

Then, when the number of zombies in the camp reached a certain level, they launched a sneak attack on humans.

This is also the main reason why ordinary zombies can break through Zhang Fuguo's camp.

Under the attack from both sides, the soldiers in the camp were in chaos. Some of them took up weapons to make the last resistance, while others ran towards the brain-eating ghost. Even if he had no bullets, he still held the bomb in his hand and prepared to take the brain-eating ghost to hell.

This is also the only way to effectively kill the brain-eating ghost, but the cost of using this method is too high. No one can afford it, and the success rate is also very low. After all, the IQ of the brain-eating ghost is not worse than that of ordinary people.

They understand what fear is, so they almost never use frontal attacks.

Because they cherish their lives, they basically only attack in secret.

Because they don't want to get hurt, they are all masters of forbearance. They will never take action without more than 90% confidence.

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