My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 815 Mist (Beginning)

After Cai Wenjie, Zhang Fuguo and others had a delicious green food in this official gathering place full of green atmosphere, they went their separate ways.

Zhang Fuguo settled in this place with his backbones, while Cai Wenjie began to return to the Xinguang gathering place with his troops.

On the way back, the flight formation passed a mountain full of smoke. It was broad daylight, but the mountain was covered by a huge fog. From the sky, only the vaguely exposed mountain tops could be seen, and the mountain body was not visible at all.

Although Cai Wenjie was a little curious about this, that was all. He simply attributed this phenomenon to the natural phenomenon of nature.

But when the flight formation passed this mountain, the fog that originally covered only most of the mountain body spread to thousands of meters in an instant. Before the various aircraft in the flight formation could react, they were completely covered by the suddenly spreading fog.

This abnormal phenomenon made everyone nervous, even Cai Wenjie.

"What's going on?"

Looking at the flight formation suddenly surrounded by thick fog, Cai Wenjie subconsciously expressed his doubts.

But unfortunately, no one on the scene could answer this question for him.

The transport plane that Cai Wenjie was riding was located in the center of the formation, and it happened to be in the center of the thick fog.

"Report to the chief! The satellite link failed! We lost the original scheduled position"

In the originally quiet cockpit, the pilot responsible for monitoring the satellite map immediately discovered that the satellite connected to all the aircraft in the entire flight formation had lost contact, as if the signal was suddenly blocked by something.

"Can you detect the traces of other friendly forces?"

"Report to the chief, all units of our flight formation are in the surrounding area and have not lost the signal"

"That's good, notify all units, don't panic and don't leave your position without authorization, continue to move according to the set route, although I don't know what the smoke screen is, but I must be prepared for prevention"


The pilot who received Cai Wenjie's order immediately began to contact other units through the onboard communication equipment.

"All units, please keep your original position, do not move or change positions without authorization, and be ready to fight at any time"


Although it is now gray and no objects can be seen, the fleet can still determine the position of friendly forces around it with the help of infrared detectors, so as to avoid any unexpected air crash.

Fortunately, the entire fleet is composed of clone troops. As long as Cai Wenjie is not in any danger, they will not panic. →

However, at the same time, all the clone soldiers in the Xinguang gathering place and stationed in other places felt something was wrong at the same time. The mysterious relationship between them and Cai Wenjie was suddenly interrupted.

This made all the clone soldiers feel unprecedented panic and panic. Many clone officers immediately used their own means to contact the headquarters of the Xinguang gathering place to inquire about the situation of their leader Cai Wenjie.

And the reply they received made them even more restless.

"What did you say! The chief is missing! Are you kidding me?"

The clone officers who asked the headquarters all replied that the transport plane that Cai Wenjie was on had lost contact a few minutes ago. No matter how they searched, they could not find the signal of the transport plane that Cai Wenjie was on, even if they used military satellites.

Now, the clone officers were completely angry. They yelled at the people in the headquarters and issued death threats. If they could not find the trace of Chief Cai Wenjie, they would rush back to deal with them as quickly as possible.

"I tell you, you must find a way to find the chief no matter what! Otherwise, I will go back and kill you myself!"

Cai Wenjie's troops are almost all composed of clone soldiers. Whether it is a general infantry unit or an armored unit, they are all in charge of clone soldiers. Even the newly recruited recruits, their instructor team are all clones. It can be said that Cai Wenjie's entire army is made up of clones.

So, once these troops return to the Xinguang gathering place, a province that was taken with great effort before will probably be occupied by a large number of infected bodies again.

The staff of the headquarters who are now acting as punching bags are actually all clones. They are more anxious than anyone else. Not to mention the threats from the officers just now, they are also unstable internally.

In addition to dealing with those officers, they are also constantly urging the personnel responsible for satellite reconnaissance to find the leader's trace as soon as possible.

"I found the place where the signal disappeared! Our flight formation disappeared when passing through this mountain range!"

"What did you say? Send the coordinates quickly and let the nearest troops check it out! No! It's too slow! Immediately dispatch emergency troops to use the remaining transport planes and helicopters to rush to this place as soon as possible!"


Soon, all the transport planes on standby at the Xinguang gathering place began to take off immediately after receiving the emergency troops. A large number of transport planes relied on the coordinates sent by the headquarters and flew quickly towards the destination.

On the other side, the thick fog that enveloped all the flight formations dissipated by itself after a few minutes, and all the aircraft in Cai Wenjie's flight formation also disappeared.

This is also the main reason why the headquarters of the Xinguang gathering place could not find the fleet signal.


Unable to see, the entire fleet continued to fly for fifteen minutes according to the originally set route.

After more than half an hour of long flight, the thick fog near the fleet began to become thinner and thinner, and the vision began to return to normal little by little.

When the entire flight formation really recovered its vision, Cai Wenjie immediately found something wrong.

Because Cai Wenjie found that even after rushing out of the thick fog, his system satellite was still in a black screen state, and he could not contact the satellite in the earth's orbit at all.

"Chief! Look at this!"

The co-pilot of the transport plane seemed to have seen something very surprising, and said to Cai Wenjie in a panic.

After hearing what the co-pilot said, Cai Wenjie rushed to the cockpit and looked at the ground along the co-pilot's finger.

In the original return route, the transport plane should have been just above the city after flying for half an hour. Even if there was an error, it should have been able to see a large field.

But the picture Cai Wenjie saw now was completely different. He saw...

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