My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 73 Pre-war preparations

Although still a little confused, Shunliu loudly agreed to Cai Wenjie's order after hearing it. Read М

Shunliu led everyone to get sniper rifles and bullets, and then went out to find a place to train. When Deng Jun wanted to leave, Cai Wenjie stopped him.

Taiwan Novel Network →𝖙𝖜𝖐𝖆𝖓.𝖈𝖔𝖒

"Wait a minute, I have something else to tell you. At night, you personally lead Team A to rescue the hostages, but there is one thing I want you to pay attention to. I suspect there is a traitor among the hostages, otherwise the people of Wumi Village would not know the whereabouts of the food convoy, let alone prepare in advance."

After hearing Cai Wenjie's analysis, Deng Jun suddenly realized that what he said was right. If someone hadn't reported it in advance, how could it be robbed?

"The company commander wants me to find the traitor among the hostages? But if there really is a traitor, wouldn't he have exposed himself? After all, if he just intercepted the food, the traitor's mission would have been completed."

"Indeed, if the traitor really only wanted to intercept the food, he should have exposed himself, but what if the traitor's purpose is not just food?"

"Does that mean the traitor has other more important purposes?"

Deng Jun answered in surprise, and Cai Wenjie nodded

"Yes, I suspect this is just a trick of the traitor. Although I don't know what his purpose is, I think it is definitely not a good thing. So after you complete the mission and the food convoy is transported back to the stadium gathering place, gather all the hostages together and interrogate them one by one, and make sure to find the traitor or spy."

Cai Wenjie is afraid that this thing is not a traitor but a spy, especially a spy sent by another country. God knows how big and powerful the forces behind this will be. If a powerful foreign force targets him and sends troops to assassinate him or his family, it will be troublesome.

After all, with his current strength, he can't prevent assassinations from others.

"Tsk! Still too weak"

Hearing Cai Wenjie's whisper, Deng Jun's head was filled with black lines. A man with more than a platoon of soldiers under his command actually said that he was weak, and this platoon was the kind that was fully armed and well-equipped, and there was no lack of heavy firepower, infantry fighting vehicles, rocket launchers, anti-materials, everything.

Of course, Deng Jun just complained in his heart, and his face remained serious.

"I guarantee to complete the mission. Please rest assured that I will definitely find the traitor or spy and hand it over to the company commander for processing"

"Well! Go down and have a good rest!"


After Deng Jun answered loudly, he left the armory to rest.

Cai Wenjie first left bullets and grenades in the arsenal, which were all exchanged by Cai Wenjie in the system store. He exchanged 50,000 bullets of various calibers and 1,000 grenades. They were 82-2 grenades currently in service in the Z country army. The damage radius was greater than 6m. The fragmentation bushing of the projectile body was injection-molded with 1,600 steel balls and plastic. The diameter of each steel ball was about 0mm. A layer of plastic was wrapped outside the fragmentation bushing as the shell of the grenade.

It directly filled up half of the arsenal. Cai Wenjie was satisfied and left the arsenal, then left the barracks and returned home.

Cai Wenjie, who had just entered the house and wanted to continue sleeping, saw a person standing upright in the yard of his home waiting for him to come back. It was Duan Long, who was just appointed as the quartermaster yesterday.

Seeing Cai Wenjie coming back, Duan Long saluted first, and then spoke.

"Report to the chief, we are running low on reserve supplies. Food is fine, but cooking oil, salt, and other seasonings, as well as medicines, bandages, and other medical supplies are in short supply."

"Is that so? Okay, I get it. I will organize people to search for supplies and medical supplies in the near future. If there is anything missing, please make a table and send it to me."


"Anything else?"


"Then go ahead. I'm going to rest."

Duan Long saluted again and left.

Cai Wenjie then entered the house and shouted

"I'm back"

After confirming that his parents were there, he returned to his room. Because he couldn't sleep, he first checked his phone for a while. Although it was a disaster period, the army saved power plants, reservoirs, communication towers and other equipment at the first time, so so far, there has been no water, electricity or Internet outages.

You can still play with your phone happily, watch some B stations, or other entertainment videos, but basically, the content of the videos is related to the gathering place.

Some people uploaded the rescue situation of the gathering place, some uploaded how to fight zombies and how to avoid zombies, and some uploaded the world city that has become a zombie world. Everyone uploaded their experiences and missing person notices online.

Cai Wenjie casually looked at the videos uploaded by others, and suddenly found that someone uploaded a video of CD City in SC Province. A wave of zombies appeared and was attacking the newly built city wall. The fire on the city wall was not on fire, but the fire from the muzzle when the bullet was fired.

Because it was at night, the gunfire was particularly bright. There were densely packed soldiers standing on the city wall, less than half a meter apart, and heavy machine guns or flamethrowers were arranged every few meters, and artillery was firing in the back.

The sound of artillery and gunfire in the video was connected, resounding through the sky. The person who was filming obviously said something, but it was directly covered by the sound of artillery or gunfire, and nothing could be heard.

If you can't see it in the video, go to the comment area. There are tens of thousands of comments in the comment area, saying all kinds of things. Cai Wenjie read them one by one and finally found what the person in the video said.

"From noon on the first day to now, not only have the zombies not been killed, but the situation has even intensified. The soldiers on the city wall have been replaced one after another. Now there are rumors that the army's bullets are almost used up, and they will abandon this place directly. I haven't slept for two days because of the sound of artillery fire. I can't hold on any longer. I'm so sleepy."

There are many replies under this comment that day

"This is too miserable. Although there was a little noise on my side on the first day, there was no gunfire afterwards"

"It's the same here"

"Why are you so You are so selfish, you just can't sleep. The soldiers fighting on the city wall must not sleep either, and they are still fighting! What qualifications do you have to complain? "

"Don't say it, he also didn't sleep for too long, so he posted a video to complain. I'll find a way for you, you also go to the city wall and jump down, believe me, you will be able to fall asleep in a short while"

"Fuck, the above is really cruel!"

"Not only can you sleep, you can also sleepwalk"


There are all kinds of things, some sympathetic, some opposed, but more are teasing.

Cai Wenjie continued to browse for a while, then left a sentence "Come on" in the comment area and closed his eyes and fell asleep

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